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  1. Dipsiel

    Member Spotlight #1: Ask Shademp anything

    So, I have only one question... WHO'S THE MAN? You are, that's who! But to stay within the boundaries, here's a real one: What's the best game you've ever played? I know it's a really hard question to answer, that it is an absurd concept to ask for "the best game" rather than your *favourite*...
  2. Dipsiel

    Shademp's Amateurish Creativity Blog

    No no, don't put words in my mouth! What I said was that the program is designed with traditional style painting in mind, and thus there was not that much call for a square shaped brush in the standard brush setup. I also said that I personally don't ever use square brushes for my drawings...
  3. Dipsiel

    Shademp's Amateurish Creativity Blog

    Shadempus XVI the Articurious Articuno. Always happy to see you try your hands at the visual crafts, and always happy to help! You may find it good practice to just look at a random object in your home and try to replicate it in a very low res pixellated form. It makes you more aware of the...
  4. Dipsiel

    Shademp's Amateurish Creativity Blog

    Thanks for scanning and posting our hideously amazing creation! It's even more silly than I remembered.
  5. Dipsiel

    How should the Limit Break system be updated?

    This is an important point. Limit Breaks are one of the main "Hell yes!" points for a big part of the playerbase, and as such they should feel truly rewarding to execute. Impressive visuals and sounds are important, as are the huge impacts they should have in the fights. Whether it would be a...
  6. Dipsiel

    What makes your day

    Feed meeeee :wacky: While it was a joke when I said it to Shademp on MSN, it can end up becoming a neverending trollfest if taken seriously on the forums. Maybe I should have forbidden him from making that quote after all :lol:
  7. Dipsiel

    What makes your day

    When Shademp said he'd quote me on what I said, he offered to leave my name out. I said I didn't mind either way. So yeah, I'm fully aware :D I really have nothing against you folks though, abyssal netherspawns or not! I'm Shademp's crazy fledgling assistant, and in no way better myself :salute:
  8. Dipsiel

    What makes your day

    Why thank you :awesome: It shouldn't be taken too seriously, though I'm fully prepared to take any hate thrown at me ^^. If you were to record all my text conversations for just one day and treat it all as serious business, I think the entire world would have a grudge against me :huh:
  9. Dipsiel

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    I was truly pleasantly surprised! When my shoddy python script exploded on me I thought I had just derped up the file list somehow, but it actually turned out to be something of use! So many things to discover! oO
  10. Dipsiel

    Dirge - "balestoro"?

    Ah =) I have never played the game, I just googled it and found the message in a guide. It would seem the track ends there, as it doesn't seem to relate to anything in the real world. Oh btw, that message above was my first post on these forums. Herrow to you all ^_^
  11. Dipsiel

    Dirge - "balestoro"?

    In Front Mission 2, you can find this message in the 'OTHERS' directory of the DNC News: "June 22, 2102: - Institutional advertising: To access Barestoro forum, put address 'BALESTORO' and password 'BAFFLE'." This just got more interesting.
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