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  1. vitalstar

    Case of Denzel

    i like the beginning of this ova- how it gives you a different perspective on the stuff happening in FFVII - you never really got the idea of the effect Meteor had on the people of Midgar in the game, and in Advent Children they had built Edge, so you never really saw the decimated city...
  2. vitalstar

    Case of Denzel

    me too- could someone please pm me? thanks so much!:D
  3. vitalstar

    ACC Pics

    yeah he's obsessed with that wolf
  4. vitalstar

    ACC Pics

    hey this persons added some more pics to those originally on their blog... [URL=""]
  5. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    i thought it was the scene with aerith in the credits at the end where he's riding around on fenrir to "Calling", and since that song has changed in favor of "Safe and Sound", then the scene has changed too?
  6. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    he looks like he's getting his ass kicked more than in the original AC- so maybe he might be too beat up? then again, he'll have to get the last word somehow I suppose...
  7. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    trying to find some- but no luck so far... anyone dug up any clips yet?:huh:
  8. vitalstar

    Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

    sorry to interrupt you guys, but if anyone want's to see some new pics of the movie, i've posted a link on the SCENE CHANGES *SPOILERS* thread people who don't want spoilers- look away!^_^
  9. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    yup He's getting his ass handed to him for a while there...
  10. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    wow even more! prepare yourselves for spoilers! enjoy
  11. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    hey if you don't want to see any spoiler pictures- look away now!
  12. vitalstar

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Just found this on someone's blog- just a couple of pictures I haven't come across before it's not much but it's a start does anyone read Japanese?
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