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  1. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    ... You have a gift, my friend. Start one on Reno's hair, see where that goes.
  2. bittersweetsymphony

    What are you listening to?

    Kryptonite- 3 Doors Down.
  3. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    Ack! No! I know no one's running me off the site... I just kind of leave because I usually feel stupid because I can't explain what I mean to people. *Rolls eyes* Eh, whatever. Talk about it to your heart's content. I've TRIED to make my point and failed. I was feeling a brief moment of...
  4. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    >.< Alright, this is getting bad. *Put's face in hands* I didn't mean to come off as a... bitch. And I'm really sorry if I sounded like one. >.> Geh, why do I even open my mouth anymore? All the comes out is things that get me run off of websites... and out of rooms.
  5. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    A statement I also agree with. Tifa breaks off from the normal female warrior character. She actually has figure but she doesn't just sit around doing nothing.
  6. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    I'm not complaining... it just gets annoying after a while. Believe me, I'm not trying to be annoying (though I usually am), it just get's on my nerves after a while. Like I said, I don't mean to sound P.O., it's just frustrating after a while. And... if you want to get all deep about it...
  7. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    *Rolls eyes again* I bet the people at Japanese Square Enix read all the stupid comments that people have put up on the internet about Tifa's chest and decided to tone them down a little so you were watching HER for the whole movie instead of her chest. Ya, I know, everyone's first reaction...
  8. bittersweetsymphony

    Can someone answer a couple quick questions for me?

    *Reads from from the bottom of page 1 to the end of page 2* -.- I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for Tifa... We all remember something about a character from a game. For Cloud, it was the sword and the hair. For Sephiroth, ditto. For Barret, the feet...
  9. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    *Laughs* It is way too smooth and perfect. >.> Ew, pretty boy of villians.
  10. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    *Laughs* Exactly. Sephiorth wouldn't look as cool if he had unsightly blemishes.
  11. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    *Coughs* I must admit when I first saw Advent Children (it was my first encounture with Final Fantasy) the thing that drew me in was the animation. Then I got so curious about everything that was going on (because I didn't get ANY of it) that I HAD to look it up... one thing lead to another and...
  12. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    I concede, I know so little of CGI... to the internet! And as for "And I doubt people are that vain. Most of them. I hope.", you'd been suprised.
  13. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    ... *Blinks* What?
  14. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    *Nods to this person's superior knowledge of... whatever they do in ACC (GCI?)* Even if it is harder, no one wants to watch a hero run around saving the world with skin discoloration. I suppose that was my point.
  15. bittersweetsymphony

    ACC Pics

    *Laughs at "DUDE, my pores are in a movie!"* They should be proud! *On a more serious...ish note* Eh, they make the skin look perfect because it's easier to animate when the characters don't have a bunch of birthmarks (minus Tseng's, and you can't really forget where his is). Not to mention...
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