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  1. T

    Hi there!

    I'm The Runaway Cabbage, not just Username you meanie. I'm running away from this forum now! Goodbye! *rolls away downhill to never be seen again*
  2. T

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    I think it's terrible what's been happening to the FF franchise with all these convoluted direct sequels. Lightning's character has done a 180 and now she's even more of an embarrassment to her FFXIII-self... It's really sad. I miss the good old days when Square would release three major FF...
  3. T


    I can't wait for the HD collection! I'm so psyched! FFX is one of the greatest stories every told with some of the most memorable characters. I really wish they had released a Braska, Jecht, Auron game though...
  4. T

    Your favourite dressphere

    Honestly, I like the mascots. Nothing beats Yuna in a Moogle costume!
  5. T

    Doctor Who!!~

    Honestly, Doctor Who used to be really good, but it's not anymore. Bring back Tom Baker!
  6. T

    Hi there!

    I'm The Runaway Cabbage! I got this name from my friend Moon Moon who went to the market one day (which is on a hill) and watched as the wind knocked a cabbage right off the stand and sent it tumbling downhill. He told me this story right before I signed up so I thought: what the heck? It's good...
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