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  1. G

    Barret is not &#^$ing racist

    That definitely works.
  2. G

    Barret is not &#^$ing racist

    Admittedly, I never thought Rude as Latino, but African American going off first impressions. He reminded me of a bouncer in a suit. I understood Rude being designed to look South American as his inspiration being from the southern part of America so I never made the connection that he is/could...
  3. G

    Barret is not &#^$ing racist

    LicoriceAllsorts Agreement! You summed up Barret's leadership with much better words than I could put together. I never realized he was a leader in Corel, but that's cool. It makes a lot more about him make sense to me in regard to his hometown. Absolutely on the parenting bit, no getting around...
  4. G

    Clean it up

    Lex No, the OP itself was not about race. That is certain. As The Twilight Mexican said in the post below it's the generic fantasy tropes that I was talking about, the etymology of the words themselves, and their historical relationship. I understand that you find my reaction confusing. I also...
  5. G

    Happy Birthday, Sir Tres

    Happy B-day, enjoy it to the fullest!
  6. G

    How Insane Do You Think Lucrecia Was?

    My head canon is that Lucrecia wasn't insane at all. She was an ambitious scientist who I would assume to have been on the same level as Hojo, working alongside him in the Jenova Project. Given Vincent's statement after he was rejected and saw her with Hojo I simply assumed that she was happy...
  7. G

    Sector 7: The President's Motives

    You know, you're right. I can find sources that talk about innocents being killed, but it's never specified if they were civilians or if they were Shinra workers.
  8. G

    Clean it up

    Stupid submit button. Shademp My apologies, I didn't mean to cause a scene. It wasn't my intent.
  9. G

    Clean it up

    Woah. I don't know how this jumped to what it is now. Octo I understand your point and I agree with it to an extent, but on the subject as a whole I'm going to have to agree to disagree. c; I'm not saying that your points have absolutely no merit, because they certainly do, I'm just saying I...
  10. G

    On Barret

    I also bear a grudge against SE for that reason, Octo. Seriously. I don't even care if it was a 2D game for the Gamboy console. I'd play it. And if someday, someone in the fandom wants to create a Barret game I need to know because I want to help out with the artwork and graphics part of it...
  11. G

    Barret is not &#^$ing racist

    There's no way that I can't post something here. lol I hope I can make a lot of sense of the racist dilemma in FFVII. I'm mixed and was raised in African American culture so that really helps when looking at the issue. I'm just going to address various points from this thread in no particular...
  12. G

    On Barret

    I love all of you guys. Seriously, Barret fans unite! This. So much. Honestly, I really hate AC/C for that reason. AC/C was created to sell, not do justice to FFVII, so naturally Square failed. Barret deserved as much time, spotlight, thought, and depth as Tifa and Cloud. The other thing that...
  13. G

    Clean it up

    Uhm... I'm not exactly sure of what you're talking about, but given the defining of words I'd just like to point out something to you. All fantasy is saturated with Aryanism, the belief that white/light is positive, good, harmless, enlightened, desirable and that black/dark is negative, bad...
  14. G

    Sector 7: The President's Motives

    Oops. Totally missed that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! So then it does stand that AVALANCHE was willing to go so far for "the greater good". And Barret's words in Cosmo Canyon would also affirm this point. ffffff Square puns. lol But I completely agree with you Octo and Clement.
  15. G

    Sector 7: The President's Motives

    Sorry for the blinding blue text. That wasn't intentional. orz
  16. G

    Sector 7: The President's Motives

    I hope it's okay for me to post here after this discussion has long ended... This. So much. It's the FFVII Compilation not "ditch the OG or pick and choose what you like". I disagree with this perception. I'm not saying that this interpretation is impossible, but narrowing the Turk's and...
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