Name change drama


I agree, but only a few of us actually do this. Perhaps we should make posting in the staff forums a requirement of being a staff member.

I have distinct recollections of drama over ACF staffers who never posted in the staff section.

Anyway, tl:dr mostly, but this thread just strikes me as an overreaction.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Seriously, why make this all a big deal of aka fields? can't we liek have a freedom of just name changes? nothing's gone wrong or no one's gone to madness at all. Why compromise it so?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
We've already explained why several times. I don't care to repeat myself.


1. We've had stupid drama about the stupid AKA field and the stupid name changes at least twice before. First it was people bawwing about not recognising people after a name change; hence the aka field and the requirement to fill it in (I believe this is at the very top of the name change request thread). Second it was people bawwing about a staff member going ahead and editing the field himself when the member didn't.

The fuck you guys want, seriously, :monster:.

I also don't get what the big deal is. Aaron just makes an announcement about a punitive action he's taken (and I don't particularly care if he's allowed to or not or whatever his position may or may not be; he's got the access, so do whatever the fuck you think is right). Then someone goes 'FINE BE LIKE THAT I'M LEAVING BAWWW'.

I mean, really? I thought you people had thick skin or something like that.

Anyways, /care. Fill in the damn aka field or don't; complaints about not being recognizable will be forwarded to you by whoever receives them.

Also, fuck that required to post in the staff section business - I've always stuck with the position that policy-related things should always be discussed in public, and secrecy of any sort is only required in 0.1% of cases, i.e. when it concerns specific members and/or n00dz.

Yes, it's late, no I haven't read all of it, and I've only got half an idea of what this is about. It's a trivial matter, in any case, get over yourselves.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I also don't get what the big deal is. Aaron just makes an announcement about a punitive action he's taken (and I don't particularly care if he's allowed to or not or whatever his position may or may not be; he's got the access, so do whatever the fuck you think is right).
I feel like clarifying that the issue had been up for discussion in the staff forum for almost two weeks and several people posted about it (more than I said in my previous posts, actually, although two of them didn't give any opinions about what should be done; additionally, one person I said had posted in dissent actually didn't post at all). The punitive actions taken weren't even my idea; I just happened to be the one to enact them and post about them.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Also can we please have the people who changed their AKA fields over this drama, change them back to their relevant names please?

If we're gonna discuss this respectfully and come to a resolution, doing things like that isn't going to help matters at all.


Pro Adventurer
I like how half the people complaining about the aka Field needing to be filled in now are the same ones who complained about not know who people were the first time around.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, fuck that required to post in the staff section business - I've always stuck with the position that policy-related things should always be discussed in public, and secrecy of any sort is only required in 0.1% of cases, i.e. when it concerns specific members and/or n00dz

I agree wholeheartedly and I've been wanting to do it this way, but everyone wants everything to stay in staff it seems.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, fuck that required to post in the staff section business - I've always stuck with the position that policy-related things should always be discussed in public, and secrecy of any sort is only required in 0.1% of cases, i.e. when it concerns specific members and/or n00dz

I agree wholeheartedly and I've been wanting to do it this way, but everyone wants everything to stay in staff it seems.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over a new name would be a tantamount to servitude and prostitution in this here forums. Can't change it. : [


Harbinger O Great Justice
I know I'm late showing up and all, and I don't want to exacerbate anything like I accidentally do when making a delayed post, but I just wanted to get one comment in one the issue in its entirety.

I happen to be one of those people who doesn't ever remember who the hell people are, or keep careful track of things, and I do rely on the AKA fields moreso than the usernames for people who change their names/avatars frequently.

Overall, if we're being kind enough to go through the process of modifying your username for us, please return the gesture by updating your AKA field appropriately. You've openly expressed that you don't want staff modifying them with the old name when we perform the change, so this is the option we've got left, aside from keeping your AKA field populated with your most common Usernames that stays static. If everyone does this, there shouldn't ever be an issue.

Now I think we should really focus on what the HELL is up with the Server.

X :neo:


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Just to give a voice here..

Agreeing with X, I also rely on AKA fields a lot too, trying to figure out who some people are (tho I've actually completely lost track of some because of many name-changes).

Also, I agree with X, it's just filling out the AKA field. I don't see how this whole thing is such a big huge deal :/. Aaron was just making an announcement about Scott not listening to repeated reminders of the AKA field and trying to enforce said reminder being, through direct evidence found by Mako, had been stated and repeated before. So, what's all the big fuss about?

~ Raz


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Now I think we should really focus on what the HELL is up with the Server.

Word bro. This shit is outrageous.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Guys, remember when I told Username some time back that everyone needs a friend who will tell them when they're being a dick? Just in case they didn't realize somehow? No? Well, I am prepared to be that friend. Quite a few of you are being dicks for no honestly good reason by throwing a huge fit about something that is, quite frankly, not all that damn important.

Now, don't think I am getting all high and mighty here. Aaron's initial post made me rather unhappy when I first read it as well and I could have been stuck being a dick too, had I not had the benefit of seeing six pages of other people overreacting like hell.

Some folks put in reasoned arguments and asked honest questions to figure this out and make their suggestions. People like Tifabelle, whom I agree with fully in that the aka field is not that big a deal, is not a horrible Nazi-esque requirement on us all. I agree with all those who have pointed out that this needs to be in the rules with a clearly defined process for taking action when the rule is broken, but I sympathize with staff as I've been in their shoes in the past regarding getting people to sit down and figure these things out. As for those who bawwed about "Who does it hurt?" and the like, seriously rules have to be enforced. Even if they didn't have reasons for it, which were spelled out multiple times, until the rule changes it must be enforced or the mods look lazy and weak. More people will push the boundaries of more rules. Its human fucking nature. Again, it does need to be in the actual forum rules, but the principle is the same.

I wanna make sure I have one thing clear, the aka field requirements can be mildly different for those who change their names more or less frequently right? Like, folk like myself who only change names after months or years of use can just keep one or two names they've used for long periods correct? Whilst those who change their names within days or weeks every time need a somewhat longer list to help everyone keep up?

Anyway, that's my thoughts on the matter. I've thanked posts on both sides where good points were made (and some that just made me laugh) so don't think I am attacking anyone. I don't mean to insult anyone at all here. Just saying, calm down a bit. Aka fields are not a big enough torture to be a dick about, total or otherwise. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I wanna make sure I have one thing clear, the aka field requirements can be mildly different for those who change their names more or less frequently right? Like, folk like myself who only change names after months or years of use can just keep one or two names they've used for long periods correct? Whilst those who change their names within days or weeks every time need a somewhat longer list to help everyone keep up?
Yep. People who have changed their names frequently will probably have more exacting requirements than people who have only had a few names throughout their entire history on the forum. Though it seems like a lot of staff members don't even support requiring more than enough of the most frequently used user names that a user won't be mistaken for anyone else (so, for example, the name "Gabriel" wouldn't be acceptable as the sole contents of the aka field, since at least three people have used it). I personally think the most frequently used user names (how many depends on a user's history) and the user names from the last two to three months should be in everyone's aka field, but I seem to be significantly outnumbered on this, so it'll probably just be the bare minimum of the most frequently used user names that need to be listed.

Cookie Monster

Lol, I totally saw this shitstorm coming.

Most common usernames should be in the aka field. It's just a common courtesy for other members. And, going apeshit about that rule is pretty childish. You guys need to get over yourselves when it comes to trivial matters like this. However, creating new rules and restrictions over the goddamn aka field is fucking retarded. I have not, nor will I support any new rules that made over this. I'm just sticking to what I've said in the past. If you want to change your username, you put your most common name/username in the aka field. It could be L, Scott, Brooke, Alex or Ashes, I don't give a damn. You don't have to create a goddamn list. It's that fucking simple.


Because Scott evidently cannot comply with our very simple aka field requirements even after being directly instructed to do so through multiple channels, his name has been changed back to his most frequently known name. Staff will furthermore refuse further name change requests from him for the next month. I regret that it has had to come down to this, but requirements are requirements and he has deliberately flouted them.

Aaron, you don't have to go about announcing shit like this in public. The matter was being addressed privately. It makes you look like a hardass and it makes the entire issue look more serious and problematic than it is or needs to be. I was the one PMing Scott about it, and you know what his PM'd response was after you changed it?

L said:

In other words, he didn't really give a damn. :monster: It's Scott, ffs. And, that could have been the end of it.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Aaron, you don't have to go about announcing shit like this in public. The matter was being addressed privately. It makes you look like a hardass and it makes the entire issue look more serious and problematic than it is or needs to be.

Way to be late to the party dude. We already went over this, I agreed the way it came off looked bad, it's resolved.

I was the one PMing Scott about it, and you know what his PM'd response was after you changed it?

In other words, he didn't really give a damn. :monster: It's Scott, ffs. And, that could have been the end of it.
fair enough :monster:

If you want to change your username, you put your most common name/username in the aka field. It could be L, Scott, Brooke, Alex or Ashes, I don't give a damn. You don't have to create a goddamn list. It's that fucking simple.
Again, no one's asking for a goddamn list. Well, some people would like lists, but all we're requiring is clear and unambiguous identification. The only people who need to list more than their most frequently used username are people whose most frequently used usernames have been used by other users here.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
This isn't a matter of "running a tight ship;" it's a matter of enforcing rules that have been deliberately flouted. Even certain staff members don't know who everyone is right now. That's unacceptable.

Says more about the staff members than it does anything else.

Besides been away for the last 3 weeks without internet so very sorry that my moving house didn't coincide with your oh so important timeframe there aaron.
In the future I will be sure to change my real life events to coincide with your bitch fits about name changes :monster:

Also Road, <3 you hunny.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
L if you don't want to do it that's fine. Just don't expect your name changed. :monster:

And speaking of real life and events, you're not the only one who has them. Staff here have their own lives and sorry, we can't memorize every single person's name change that happens weekly and thus the AKA field is necessary. That's just natural.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
All this drama is now small time


lookit me am angry ;/
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
And speaking of real life and events, you're not the only one who has them. Staff here have their own lives and sorry, we can't memorize every single person's name change that happens weekly and thus the AKA field is necessary. That's just natural.

And quite clearly your incapable of clicking on the name and looking at the person's profile if you REALLY need to know who they are?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
We already discussed this. For seven long pages (plus a great deal more in other threads to boot). I know you weren't here at the time Scott, but they've had to repeat "We shouldn't HAVE to" many times already. I advise letting it go. Now, gonna go mind my own business.

On a related note, I wish we hung out more so I felt comfortable adding "Yeah right, you're Scottish." after advising letting it go :monster:
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