Name change drama


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
This is the best comparison EVER made on the subject. I can't stop laughing at the visual image it creates in my mind of a TLS halloween party based on usernames, and some of them constantly changing. :lol:

X :neo:

:awesome: Do I win a prize or wot?

Given the nature my real life job and the fact that I don't talk to a lot of you (what are you guys afraid of me or what. Kudos to Gabe/Dacon who actually reached out to ask me my gamertag, I'll catch up with you guys soon, I promise), makes it hard for me to keep up when I log on after about a week or so and EVERYONE has new usernames. It's rough, man.

I'm afraid of a few people on here. Especially Dacon! :lol: Plus I generally just assume people think I'm a douche so I try not to be presumptuous in flinging friend requests left right and centre. I don't have a gamertag but I promise to reach out to you more in future, man.

I think 'it's not hard to remember people' is a poor defense because it excludes the people who DO have a hard time, or, since they're just trying the community out and have no real obligation to it, just don't see the point in trying to remember a whole bunch of names.

Agreed, its easy for people who are already intergrated to say that, but they're forgetting what its like to be new.

See this is what I meant; it's a classic example of what we're good at, excluding people outside our little group. We're doing the 'Well, those OTHER PEOPLE should try harder to conform to us so we can do what we want'.

I'm glad you've said that, because that is a 'vibe' I get on here. Not that people haven't welcomed me or anything, but its clear that a few people here go waaaay back and have contact outside TLS. It can be a little hard to get yourself established when theres a pre-existing group of close friends.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I was actually thinking this, but I'm not sure how to distribute credit, or what systems/hacks are available for this. Aaron might be able to find out if we just want to make a system that's self regulating, and take our hands out of the mix entirely.

Earn credits for posting in the FF and game sections?
Can I get a rules verification? Because what I've been reading from these threads on the matter has me a little confused.

When I change my name next, am I allowed to keep my aka as simply Brooke, since that's my constant and what everyone refers to me as? Or do I have to put Brooke and Deadpool since I've had this name for more than a week?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Earn credits for posting in the FF and game sections?

That is a perfect idea. This IS a Final Fantasy site! The fandom is still very, very active. Tons of new gamers and old are playing the games every day. The reason why it seems we haven't attracted those droves of people is because we don't present that kind of community to the outside.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, it strikes me that there is a discrepancy between the fact we have so many talented people bringing news and translations and doing projects working here (they know who they are!) and the activity (or lack thereof) in the FF and gaming sections.

TLS should be much more active than it is.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
You know I kinda liked the idea of building up credits to buy name changes.

Similar to the ACF gil system? Y'know, where enough posts would allow you to accumulate gil that you could invest in name changes and other goodies?

And where different sections of the board merited you different quantities of the stuff?

I never had a problem with that system, to be honest and it makes sense to implement here.

doing projects working here (they know who they are!)

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Similar to the ACF gil system? Y'know, where enough posts would allow you to accumulate gil that you could invest in name changes and other goodies?

And where different sections of the board merited you different quantities of the stuff?

I never had a problem with that system, to be honest and it makes sense to implement here.

It also encourages activity, especially in FF related forums where points would be highest, and it propagates the fair idea that goodies should be 'earned' for being a valuable and active member.

If the general consensus on that idea is good, why not look into starting that ASAP!


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

-20 cool points for not noticing the staggering amount of work done in the rp section :C

It also encourages activity, especially in FF related forums where points would be highest, and it propagates the fair idea that goodies should be 'earned' for being a valuable and active member.

If the general consensus on that idea is good, why not look into starting that ASAP!

Absolutely no arguments from me!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
-20 cool points for not noticing the staggering amount of work done in the rp section :C

Aw, I'm sorry! I know the RP section is very active. I was just thinking from the point of view of a FF fan, what would be bringing them to the site in the first place. The RP stuff doesn't get referenced on the frontpage after all.

Forgiveness please!?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
+5 cool points.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The RP section should earn gil too, I forgot about it sorry :P

They put a lot of work into that stuff, so it's only fair.

Cookie Monster

I always thought the gil system was one of the greatest features on ACF. It basically made you earn everything.

Posts in all the sections should receive a certain amount of gil. There's credible discussion going on all over the forum. I don't think we should neglect any of it. However, posts in the FF section should receive more gil than posts in other sections.


Mr. Thou
Well I have grown fond of my free name changes, but I wouldn't mind a reward system. Just a couple of thoughts:

  • Though the main issue with activity is that the Compilation is at an indefinite standstill, it would be nice if this system does increase productivity. I suggest extra points/gil for frontpage articles, if not an outright name change pass. Same for monetary donations to the site.
  • I'm sure we won't have this problem with this group of mods, but still, it needs to be said: if we implement this system, please don't hand out free name changes for friends, ass kissers, blow jobs, crack, etc.
  • Also, please give everyone a chance for one last name change before the new system starts.
  • IIRC, the e-shop at ACF went defunct toward the end, and we couldn't buy things like name changes. I can't remember if this was a difficult technical problem or if no one could be bothered to fix it. (In fact all I really remember about ACF is going thousands of pages off topic in the LTD and Faith, and the forum randomly shutting down, so bear with me.)

Also, while we're on the subject of RP: seeing as it's such a busy and productive section, is there any way to get RP some more exposure on the front page? Or would they prefer to stay out of the spotlight?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I suggest extra points/gil for frontpage articles

Somebody hand this man a cigar. This is a great idea and really helps produce more content for the site itself.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I didn't even know that there was an RP section.

/runs away


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I haven't really had time to read most of this thread (I've been sleeping or spending time with my family nearly all day) but I'll look into the installation of a currency system for name changes this weekend.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yes. Between this and the new posted set of name change rules (gotta keep that AKA filled in), is everyone cool with how things are so far?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
gil system

Sorry I have to go wash out my eye before I get a nostalgia infection and can't see anything without tearing up

Personally, I'd say to scale the system appropriately, rather than exclude certain areas from earning gil completely. Or better yet, base gil allocation on word count.

Well, someone's going to end up abusing it either way but that doesn't mean most of us aren't going to use the system honestly :monster:

OT: My opinion on the infinite name changes is that we should have had some clear-cut rules from the beginning. The way I approach it personally, though, is that I ask for a name change. I get a name change. That's a courtesy done for me already. If a mod insists on something reasonable such as updating my AKA field, I'll put my old one in. And I'm certainly not going to be a passive-aggressive prick about it.

While I'm still talking hypotheticals, I guess I'd give my AKA names two categories:

My original sign-up name/real name - that'd probably stay on a permanent basis at the forefront
All other usernames I may have used in the past - if the list gets too long, strike off the oldest ones until you have enough space to add your latest one. Simple!

Note I'm being a huge hypocrite about this seeing as I've had a few (not a lot, but a few) changes and only 2 AKAs. Time to set an example :monster:
(And by the way, if there is a standardised system to the AKA field I would have absolutely no problems having a mod update the fields for me. If it's set in stone then I can't have a beef with it, can I?)

OP: I agree with both sides on the purpose of the thread. I thought it was silly to announce it as if the UN was announcing a public execution on all international television channels :awesome: But I also see the reason for making a point. Someone had to draw the line somewhere with an example. Better now than later when a whole bunch of people are going batshit chameleon with their identity and confusing the newbies a mile a minute.

Also I fucking lol'd at the kneejerk reactions at people vowing to leave the forums. You guys crack me up in the wierdest ways sometimes, I swear.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
base gil allocation on word count.

(totally didn't write about 10'000 words in the RP section last week)
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