Pro Adventurer
- dief
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough: I don't think young kids would give a shit about whether or not Cloud was responsible for Tifa's accident. The most that would happen is, IMO, "Hey, son, don't talk to Cloud. He was responsible for Tifa's accident." And the kids would shun him, but Cloud was shunning them already, so it wouldn't even matter. Kids don't really care about that stuff, because they generally lack empathy before a certain age ...?Not really, as far as Tifa's friends go, Cloud had absolutely nothing to do with it, they were the only ones tagging along and they decided to leave her to her fate. Obviously they let Tifa's dad keep on believing it was Cloud's fault, which is probably the main reason Tifa recalls Cloud picking fights.
Cloud may not have actually had that troubled a youth, it may very well have been primarily Tifa's dad and Tifa's friends that had a big problem with him rather then the entire village, thus skewing Tifa's perception of things and later on influencing Jenova!Cloud's personality, who derived it's memories from Tifa.
The ones who would actually care about whether or not Cloud was responsible for Tifa's accident are also the ones who actually know that Cloud wasn't responsible for it, since they followed Tifa up the path and knew that Tifa was the one who wanted to go in the first place. Obviously they did not tell Tifa's dad that Cloud wasn't to blame (and note, neither did Tifa).
In any case, you just have two groups of kids, one group that probably doesn't care, and another group that knows it's not Cloud's fault.
I don't think Tifa's friends had issues with Cloud, personally. It's not like they were like, "Cloud's comin'! Let's lock him out/lose him!" They let him tag along. They let him come in, even when Tifa was distraught. If anything, Cloud was the one who had problems with Tifa's friends, thinking that they were stupid. I can't help but think that Cloud wasn't so much ostracized as ... he ostracized himself.
Whether or not Cloud actually got memories from Tifa or just constructed an elaborate fantasy from his own experiences and Zack's stories is still up for debate, I think.
@ Clement: I like to think they were slightly toned down versions of what happened between Squall and Seifer at Garden. Obviously not enough to seriously harm each other, but enough that people would remember them for it.
(The Squall and Seifer relationship is another relationship that is totally misinterpreted by fans. I think people tend to assume that Seifer bullied Squall, but you don't really get much indication of that in the game. Maybe it started off that way, but it's certainly not what you see during or immediately prior to the game.)
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