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Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm hoping that (despite awkwardly keeping his name), Thor will be a really good change to the character like Miles was for Spider-man. Also, I decided to dig into Ms. Marvel & Captain Marvel to see what they're all about (and also 'cause Captain Marvel crossed into the Guardians a little bit ago), which I'll probably start tonight after All-New Ultimates. Aaaand the Rocket Raccoon comic was exceptionally enjoyable. Can't think of anything else I got into/downloaded recently.

I'm quite intrigued by Axis, despite not knowing anything about it. Red Skull/Onslaught looks pretty intimidating. Also, seeing Cyclops with his powers potentially fixed in that cover, bending his beam around a hummingbird was badass, along with him & Havoc actually being side-by-side in the other cover.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Captain Marvel (i.e. Carol Danvers) is quite awesome and has one of my favorite personal journeys of growth. She's come a long way.


Higher Further Faster
All of the yes. I love Carol. She is my spirit animal. Her current costume is also awesome and makes me think of a badass Rainbow Brite character. :monster:

And a female Thor doesn't bother me. It does appear to be more like the switch from Peter to Miles where it's not the original Thor, but someone else who is taking up his mantel. There's also going to be a new Captain America because Steve lost his powers. Maybe Peter will also lose his powers and we'll get a 616 Miles taking over? [/cracktheory]


Harbinger O Great Justice
What happened with Captain America? (I don't really follow any Avengers-related titled, aside from loosely keeping up on Hulk). It would be nice to have a new-feeling Marvel-verse, and let the MCU stand more on its own. Interestingly I think that Marvel CAN do more with the comics, because the film versions of their characters are as strong as they are.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I have no idea what happened to him, but apparently he is an old man now or something.

Or maybe it hasn't happened yet?

I just read about it on a blog. :monster:

EDIT: Here you go
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
From what I understand, Jason Aaron's "Thor: God of Thunder" has been fantastic, and this whole thing with the female Thor grew organically out of a long-built plot to Thor no longer being deemed worthy by Mjolnir. Aaron just decided it would be a good time to try something different with alternate Mjölnir wielders.

There's been Thor Odinson, Beta Ray Bill (male alien) and Eric Masterson (male Earthling), but beyond a few panels in a single issue here and there (Storm for one moment; Wonder Woman for an even shorter moment during that shitty non-canon "DC Versus Marvel Comics" crossover in the mid-90s; Rogue in that one "What if?" issue from 20 years ago), there hasn't been a female wielder. Certainly not a legitimate female Thor. Has as much potential as anything else as long as it's better than the shit "Original Sin" event Aaron is writing at the moment.

As for Falcon becoming the new Cap, I think we all saw that coming. He'll be great.

Wonder what's up with this new Superior Iron Man, though. Will it still be Tony in the suit?


Harbinger O Great Justice

So... Medusa, Scarlet Witch, Ironman, Dr. Strange, Ant-man
Bucky / Winter Soldier, Angela, Thor, Captain America, Inferno, & Deathlock.

Note that the Avengers has NO ONE from the X-Men (Wanda is a Mutant, but doesn't count as a representation of the X-Men).

It feels more and more like the X-Men are very much being separate from everything else.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've read that they won't actually be a team, but that each will be getting their own book (or something like that). There's conflicting assumptions going on right now.

At any rate, yes, the X-Men are being marginalized further and further. This all seems to suggest that the rumors are true about there being No More Mutants after the (still a rumor itself) reboot, with all former Mutants being classified as Inhumans.

Basically, Marvel may be preparing to wave a giant middle finger at Fox.

At any rate, it could help Marvel in the long run. At this point, there's no mystery to life on Earth in the Marvel Universe. We know the Celestials began it, we know Apocalypse was their agent on Earth, and --though Apocalypse ended up doing his own thing with it -- we know the purpose of the experiment was producing life forms like Franklin Richards (i.e. Omega-level Mutants).

A reboot without Celestials and their baggage could help immensely in adding fresh mystery to the world.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The issue that I have with that is largely around the storyline surrounding AvX and the other events are very much about saving the Mutants from the edge of being extinct seems like it'll hit hard against what's been built up in the storylines recently. I think that most of the events have made it feel like the Mutants feel separate from the main population of humanity again despite of and due to everything that's happened. Hell, even Dazzler's done with SHIELD now.

As for the potential of a reboot (which I know nothing about), I think that Mutants continually representing a disadvantaged and untrusted minority group that "could be anyone" is a pretty core part of their whole story, in addition to the fact that as Homo superior, they'll eventually replace "normal" humans entirely. I see that as being pretty fundamentally different from the Inhumans' role and if that rebranding is just to escape Fox it'd be a shit move, imo.

It makes me a little happy that they kind of keep to themselves, because I read most all of the X-Men-related titles -- with the exception of Amazing which I just didn't really get into (with the whole saving Nightcrawler from Heaven arc) -- and this means that I don't see too much bleeding across into other stories aside from the big crossover events like AvX & Axis. :awesomonster:

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You aren't aware of the recent "Inhumanity" storyline then, I guess? Terrigen Mists were released causing many ordinary humans ("could be anyone") to become Inhumans around the world. That flamey guy, Inferno (real name: Dante =P), there with Doc Strange and the others is one of them

Many a reviewer asked "How is this any different from what's been going on with the X-Men for 50 years?" Then this rumor leaked, supposedly from someone in Marvel. Also, over in adjectiveless "Avengers," Cap has been hopping around the future. There's been mention of Inhumans. Mention of SHIELD. Mention of the Avengers. Not diddly dick about Mutants, though.

Whether it's happening for sure, I don't know, but the groundwork has certainly been laid.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
You aren't aware of the recent "Inhumanity" storyline then, I guess? Terrigen Mists were released causing many ordinary humans ("could be anyone") to become Inhumans around the world. That flamey guy, Inferno (real name: Dante =P), there with Doc Strange and the others is one of them

I read like the first... 1-2 issues of "Inhumanity" but it didn't keep my interest.

Many a reviewer asked "How is this any different from what's been going on with the X-Men for 50 years?" Then this rumor leaked, supposedly from someone in Marvel. Also, over in adjectiveless "Avengers," Cap has been hopping around the future. There's been mention of Inhumans. Mention of SHIELD. Mention of the Avengers. Not diddly dick about Mutants, though.

This bit I wasn't aware of though. That being said, there've been a shitton of X-Men coming in from the future (mostly due to the machinations of Raze & Xavier) in the X-Men storylines, so again the Mutants' events still seem to be contained to things that they deal with, and don't seem to cross into the other titles.

Whether it's happening for sure, I don't know, but the groundwork has certainly been laid.

True. I'd prefer if it ended up with Mutants still being around, but going back to being more outcast without as solid team representation in groups like Avengers, SHIELD, etc. with the Inhumans taking that place.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ugh, no more "Mutants as outcasts" business. I really want some genuine developments and not just a return to 1963.

Progress has been made and that's fucking terrific.


Female Thor is a bit silly since Thor is not a title - it's his name. It's literally what his mommy named him. :P

It feels like identity theft. :wacky:

"I'm gonna take over your job now."
"I'm also gonna take your name."
"-I TRUST YOU W-, wait, hold on, what?"
"And your friends."
"Now just wait a sec-"
"And your credit card and PSN account."
"I don't even- whuh...?"

Of course I realize why they did it. Brand recognition, impact and such.
A female God of Thunder though - eh, why not? :awesomonster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
In fairness, Eric Masterson (later known as "Thunderstrike") was Thor for two years in the early 90s. This isn't the first time they've given his name to another character.


Higher Further Faster
1.) I have never understood the mutant outcast logic in the Marvel Universe simply because it seems like heroes that got powers through outside means are usually not subjected to the same prejudice. I don't understand how there is a difference.

2.) I feel you on Thor's name. It's one thing for Miles to be Spider-Man and Sam to be Captain America, because those are titles. Even if a dude had the name back in the 80's it's still weird.

3.) I want Superior Iron Man to be Doc Ock in Tony's body. It might be kind of lame but it could also be quite lulzy to see him jump around to different heroes. :awesomonster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
1) A lot of people have thought so over the years. That's another problematic element a reboot/Mutants->Inhumans could fix.

2) Eh, it's just not a big deal to me. But I read Eric Masterson's stint as Thor, so maybe that has something to do with it

3) So, you want a new Shadow King? =P


In fairness, Eric Masterson (later known as "Thunderstrike") was Thor for two years in the early 90s. This isn't the first time they've given his name to another character.

In all fairness, the real Thor wasn't standing in the room at the time (so to speak). Also he was a giant blonde dude with the hammer and such. He could get away with fooling the villains pretending he was Thor.

Calling this new person THE Thor is silly. Which is why people have a problem with it. It's not what Marvel is doing so much as the idiotic way they are doing it.

Also no one is buying these changes are going to last more than a year.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Eh, I don't see the difference. If someone has a problem with Marvel christening and marketing a different character as "Thor," and having that character star in the book entitled "Thor," then they should have a problem with Eric Masterson too.

Bringing up plot details to argue one's okay and the other isn't when we don't even have the plot details in the new instance yet rings false.

Tenny said:
Oh, but Doc Ock could do it with sass.

Octo King? =O
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