What Comics Are You Reading?


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I hear good things about Saga. I've read the first issue but need to obtain the rest.

I also hear good things about the new Ms. Marvel but haven't gotten to that yet really either. *Waits for Marvel Unlimited to drop something for me*

As for New X-Men, I guess the thing that I find weird is that they're trying to replace the dead Jean Grey with the Past Jean Grey, but eventually Past Jean Grey will have to go back to the past, which would leave them without a Jean Grey again, unless the Past Jean Grey stays forever, but wouldn't that mean Present Jean Grey never died, because the Past Jean Grey never died--



Harbinger O Great Justice
As someone who's a time travel junkie, All-New X-Men (and the Evil Future Brotherhood) is just something that I endlessly enjoy. The fact that they do a lot of interplay with Uncanny also makes me really happy (even if I have NO fucking clue what's happening when between those two series right now).

Also, Saga is hella good.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Marvel has gone bananas with time and interdimensional travel lately, so I'm glad that it's all building up to a "You guys use the Dragonballs too much"-style consequence.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Marvel has gone bananas with time and interdimensional travel lately, so I'm glad that it's all building up to a "You guys use the Dragonballs too much"-style consequence.

Some of that started to fall into place in Uncanny X-Men this week, and I'm very, VERY pleased with where it's going.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, I went to the HeroesCon in Charlotte today. Guess who met Jim Starlin, chatted with him a bit and got him to sign "A Death in the Family," "Death of the New Gods," "The Thanos Quest," "The Infinity Gauntlet," "The Infinity Abyss," "Thanos: Redemption," "Thanos Annual" and a convention program. :monster:

It was a huge honor to meet him, and he was a chill guy happy to talk to the fans and sign whatever.

The dude in front of me the first time I went through the line (I went through three times =P) had about 20 single issues, and Jim signed every one of them. The guy also had a picture he'd taken of Jim when he met him at a convention in the late 80s. Jim looked at the picture and said, "No, that's not me. That guy has hair." Just extremely personable.

When I told him that Thanos is my favorite character, he said, "I'm sorry I didn't give you a better role model" -- then added, "But he's my role model too." Kind of figured that Thanos's constant introspection is an outlet for Jim himself in a lot of ways.

Apparently "Death of the New Gods" is both his most and least favorite of his own writings. I didn't want to hold up the line too long for a detailed explanation (the intro he wrote for the trade explains it a bit), but I got the impression it was because he didn't like the idea of slaughtering Kirby's creations to set up an editorially mandated story, but it had been offered to him and was going to happen no matter who wrote it, so he tried to make the best outcome of it that he could and do proper honor to Kirby. Which is still pretty boss.

Oh, and apparently we're both from Detroit. Well, I was born there anyway. :monster:

I also met Mark Waid and got him to sign "Kingdom Come." Just a really humble guy who was actually blushing over all the compliments peoole were giving him for that story in particular, which he doesn't think is even one of his best. He was proud to hear how it had espoused interest in DC comics for some people who otherwise had no interest, though.

Tim Sale was also there. Really cool dude too. He snuck away and signed a buddy's copy of "The Long Halloween" even though he wasn't supposed to be signing for another three hours. He did it because Jimmy was telling him how Sale is his favorite artist and "The Long Halloween" is the first comic he ever read and how he was going to have to leave the convention early because his wife had mistakenly left her keys with him.

So, yeah, Tim Sale is a boss too.

In other news, I got the coolest salt and pepper shaker set ever:


And a truly motivational poster:


Also, there was a Super Petting Zoo:


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Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm just going to flat out tell you X-fans that you need to be reading X-Force, because today's issue (#6), man... Not to mention that it is SO far departed from everything else in the X-Verse right now with all the time travel stuff.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, I started reading the new Silver Surfer series by Dan Slott by buying the first three issues today. Always loved his She-Hulk stuff.

The new Surfer series is great so far. It's whimsical in a way that Surfer stories most definitely usually aren't, and the whole thing has a very "Doctor Who"-esque vibe.


Higher Further Faster
So, I started reading the new Silver Surfer series by Dan Slott by buying the first three issues today. Always loved his She-Hulk stuff.

The new Surfer series is great so far. It's whimsical in a way that Surfer stories most definitely usually aren't, and the whole thing has a very "Doctor Who"-esque vibe.

So, who else is reading it? =P Do it, dammit.

I'm not particularly well-versed on anything Silver-Surfer (other than he works for Galactus? Does he?). Would I even know what's going on?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
He was Galactus's herald in the past, yes. Everything you need to know is referenced organically enough, so you won't be lost -- just enjoy the Who-ness.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, I've officially started a pull-list at my local(est) comic store. So far, just "Silver Surfer" and "New Avengers" are on it, but both are a very good starting point for one.

I've already gone over why the Surfer's comic is great. NA, meanwhile, has its heroes about to cross a moral event horizon that practically demands a reboot for Marvel next year. It's some highly engaging stuff.

Also, the "New Avengers Annual" that just came out may be the definitive Doctor Strange story.


Higher Further Faster
I've got a pull list at a local shop myself. I added the new Doctor Who comics to my list. They haven't been released yet but I think they should be soon. :)

I've also started reading the new Ms. Marvel with Kamala Kahn. She's super adorable. Everyone should go read it. <3

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anybody reading Magneto's ongoing solo series? It's been like if the sub-plot with Erik from "X-Men: First Class" where he goes around killing people who he thinks deserves it were made into a comic (he's even dealing with nerfed powers). Only it's people who have wronged mutantkind he's going after -- including mutants who have wronged mutantkind, which means
he keeps murdering the Marauders over and over for their carrying out the Mutant Massacre of the Morlocks.

Apparently, he's killed all but their last remaining clones, and these he has taken control of with the intention of using them as disposable footsoldiers.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yup. Been following Magneto since it started. The plot crosses back through events from UXM a lot. Really been enjoying the series, especially the latest twist.

Speaking of UXM, I'm wondering how much longer Magneto will have to be dealing with broken powers, since now we understand what the issue is and where it came from.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's doing a 6 issue run with everyone currently involved apparently. Barring Marvel's Infinity Comics, it's my favourite comic to read panel-by-panel with ComiXology, because it flows so smoothly it almost feels like a motion comic.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, since the creative team is about to change, I figured there was little point in buying the singles now to support the title. Might as well wait for the trade at this point.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Somehow I knew you'd be linking to "Uncanny Avengers." :monster:

Remender is doing a hell of a job over there. I'm actually quite excited about AXIS.

The female Thor thing is both cool and yet another sign of a reboot coming.
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