Final Fantasy VII Community Playthrough


Hey guys, can someone please post here or message me to let me know what's happening later and if we're definitely doing it tonight or not? I'm going out tomorrow night but I've also been invited out tonight for end of exam shenanigans (I have one in an hour, I'm in the uni now hyperventilating).

I would much rather stay in and have a drink and just chill out today/tonight and do the playthrough with you guys, but if it's not going ahead I don't want to sit in the house doing nothing lol.

I will be drinking, just to warn you all. I plan to get smashed and forget everything I've learned.


Pro Adventurer
I have to warn you that I can't stay up too late. I have work tomorrow at ten AM. I'll be able to play for a good couple of hours though, and I'm not expecting the chapters to take that long :) I'll be posting 12 in a little while - I'm just on my way home now.


Great Old One
I have to warn you that I can't stay up too late. I have work tomorrow at ten AM.
I see your ten and I will raise you with eight.

Which in reality only means I have work 1 hour earlier than you. But still. :P

19 UTC again?


Pro Adventurer
I see your ten and I will raise you with eight.

Which in reality only means I have work 1 hour earlier than you. But still. :P

19 UTC again?
Yep :)

We should also take into account how long it takes us to travel to work, but mine's not particularly long at half an hour, so I can't raise you with that!


Great Old One
We should also take into account how long it takes us to travel to work, but mine's not particularly long at half an hour, so I can't raise you with that!
To continue this discussion, I can add that I usually pick up my college, so I usually leave from home 35 minutes before work.

Did the IRC thingy work out for you yet?


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 12: Ultimate destructive magic
11th - 14th May 2012
Skype and stream: ????

After the keystone is found, and then lost, it's off to the Temple of the Ancients, the latest place where Sephiroth is rumoured to be. Shinra are also on his tail, while Aeris wants to learn more about the Cetra, her ancestors (and not, as Barret suggests, "some kind of disease"). A wounded Turk makes it clear upon arrival that Sephiroth is indeed inside. The temple presents many challenges, the first of which is a seemingly daunting maze. Sephiroth eventually shows himself and reveals his big plan. Cait Sith helps the party to come up with a plan of their own, but it falls through as Cloud loses control.

Our target is outside Bone Village, after visiting the Temple of the Ancients and Gongaga. Picture below.



  • Can you get through the maze by memory, or do you find it a difficult place to navigate? Did you get all the items there?
  • How did you get on in the other rooms, like the rolling rocks, the clock, and chasing the Ancient? In the clock room did you go straight to door VI or scout the others first? Could you be bothered to let the second hand of the clock knock you down to get the Nail Bat, or did you not know about such a possibility?
  • This chapter contains a difficult boss and a very difficult boss, though of course, there are strategies to make them easier. What were your set-ups and plans for Red Dragon and Demon's Gate, and how did your battles against them play out?
  • What did you make of everything that happens, story-wise, in this chapter? Specifically, the scenes from the Mural Room until Cloud wakes up in Gongaga.
  • When you leave Gongaga, you have the original line-up of Cloud, Barret and Tifa back in your party. Do you have a trio of characters you prefer to use over the others, and if so, why?
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Great Old One
Good! I have my vodka ready. May take a nap pre-playthrough.
Hey Lex, that was a long nap :desu:

I had to stop now because I have to get to bed. I'll see if I can do Wutai + Temple of the Ancients + Monday until Monday, but this weekend is going to be super busy. I did get Great Gospel (picking up the Mithril was pain) for Aerith and I also got the 2 Enemy Skills at/near the Wutai beach. I'll do the proper summaries for 11 and 12 later.


Pro Adventurer
Meanwhile, I visited Wutai and finished everything there, including the Pagoda quest. I won't go into more detail now; I'm saving it for the write-up so it can all be in one place :)

I'll try to do the rest of chapter 11 and all of chapter 12 on Sunday, sometime between 19:00 and 22:00 (my time). If any of you can join me, great, but it seems like it's been impossible for us to find any mutually acceptable times this week, so I'm not expecting anything.
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Oops. I'm so sorry guys, looks like I was completely wiped yesterday - and here was me trying to get drunk and stuff. I had a litre of vodka and didn't even open it! 2 beers and I was out... for 12 hours!

On the bright side, I should be back to normal now after all that exam madness. I'll be trying to complete the latest chapter ASAP. Free time woohoo!


Pro Adventurer
  • How many of the above things did you do?
  • What did you make of Wutai - the town itself, and everything that happens there? There's a fairly well-known theory that Wutai and Shinra mirror Japan and the USA from the real world. How accurate would you say that is?
  • How did you fare against Rapps, and what did you do to win the battle?
  • How many of the rounds did you survive in the compulsory Battle Square fight? It doesn't matter if you die there, so you might as try to go as far as possible. After that, who did you date, and how did it all go?
  • Cait Sith is my least favourite character of the main FFVII cast. What do you think of him, and who is your worst character and why?

I got Magic Hammer and Death Force. Magic Hammer is one of my favourite Enemy Skills, and I've already used it many times :) I did everything in Wutai, including the Pagoda. I usually leave it until all four Enemy Skill materias are in my possession, but as I'll only ever be needing one in this challenge, I got it out of the way now. It was pretty straightforward. Godo cures himself as a counter if you attack him when his HP is below 40%, so at that point I just let poison do the work as I defended and healed. While Yuffie was fighting those battles, Tifa, who was dead but out of the party and therefore liable for 1/3 of the EXP, went from level 9 to level 16! I didn't have a use for Kjata or the Mop, so I didn't visit the northern continent just yet. Nor did I level up on the southern continent, because Cloud is already at a healthy enough level (37 at the end of chapter 12). I got Great Gospel even though I was never going to use it, because I had Mythril and didn't want or need another Gold Armlet. I fought another Fort Condor battle as well.

I think I would have to visit Japan before deciding how similar it is to Wutai. I can definitely see the USA-Shinra similarities though. Both have access to far too much money and power than they know how to use responsibly :P

Rapps took me two attempts, because I wasn't quite on full HP when I went into the fight the first time and the boss opened with Aero3. I then went back and beat him with a T/S Bomb and a few normal attacks.

At the Gold Saucer, I went straight for the compulsory battle at the Battle Square, where I beat all eight rounds to get the bonus items. The last enemy was a Dragon, which I already knew how to deal with from Mt. Nibel. In this case I didn't have access to my magic materia, so I had to use a couple of X-potions in between attacking, and eventually finishing him (or her) off with a Meteorain. I couldn't be bothered to do anything in any of the other squares. In a perfect game I would have got the Umbrella from the Speed Square, but I don't have a use for it in this challenge, so there's no point. My date was with Tifa, and because I've messed around in the date many times before, I decided to play it straight this time and gave her the kiss. On the hand. How boring.

I already said I don't like Cait Sith :monster: I've never really understood how he manages to force himself into the party. Cloud and the others could have stopped him, using force if necessary. Five/six humans against one stuffed cat - I know who my money would be on. Anyway, he turns out to be a spy, to nobody's real surprise. Then he reveals that "he" has taken Marlene hostage, which is just low. And he has the gall to suggest that everyone just carries on as if nothing happened. Okay, he comes in handy in chapter 12, but I think it would have been better if another Cait Sith hadn't turned up. Then it would have felt like he had made up for his spying and dirty tricks, becoming something of a tragic hero. Instead, it is completely insignificant (especially considering what happens to the Black Materia straight afterwards), and as a result, I have never felt even a modicum of compassion or interest towards him. His limit breaks aren't great either. Both Dice and Slots have the potential to be excellent, but they're too unreliable.

  • Can you get through the maze by memory, or do you find it a difficult place to navigate? Did you get all the items there?
  • How did you get on in the other rooms, like the rolling rocks, the clock, and chasing the Ancient? In the clock room did you go straight to door VI or scout the others first? Could you be bothered to let the second hand of the clock knock you down to get the Nail Bat, or did you not know about such a possibility?
  • This chapter contains a difficult boss and a very difficult boss, though of course, there are strategies to make them easier. What were your set-ups and plans for Red Dragon and Demon's Gate, and how did your battles against them play out?
  • What did you make of everything that happens, story-wise, in this chapter? Specifically, the scenes from the Mural Room until Cloud wakes up in Gongaga.
  • When you leave Gongaga, you have the original line-up of Cloud, Barret and Tifa back in your party. Do you have a trio of characters you prefer to use over the others, and if so, why?

I know the quickest way through the maze, but this time I went down every path to get all the items.

I don't think I've been hit by one of the rolling rocks since my very first playthrough. They're not nearly as difficult as they look. I got only the items from the clock room as some of the battles can be quite tricky, even with three characters, and I only had one. I did get a Nail Bat from the room below the clock, which wasn't difficult at all as Ark Dragons go down with a single casting of Laser. The Yoshiyuki is still much more powerful than the Nail Bat as long as the other two characters in the party are dead, but the Nail Bat will be better in the Battle Square, which I'm considering visiting again at the beginning of chapter 13.

Red Dragon was incredibly easy with the Fire Ring equipped. I used Big Guard at the start, mainly for haste, but it also meant that his physical attacks were no threat either. I just attacked a lot. Demon's Gate took longer because I was using Deathblow, and it hit only one time out of five before I gave up and started using physical attacks. I had the Jem Ring equipped to prevent Petrify/Slow-Numb, so the only dangerous thing the boss could do was attack twice in one turn, which he did a couple of times. Otherwise it was straightforward. I didn't even use any Right Arms because my normal attacks did more damage. I wish it had been as easy in the race!

It feels difficult to comment too much on the story in the Temple of the Ancients as it's meant to be revelatory for the characters and the player, but I've seen it so many times that I've become quite blasé about it. This time I wasn't even reading the text as I just skipped through it. I do like the brief scenes in Gongaga though. It feels nice that Barret and Tifa are there watching over Cloud while he's passed out. Tifa shows her concern for him while Barret delivers some of his most famous lines: "you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on" and "I'll go upside your spikey white head and bring you back to normal". One of the things I like about Barret, in fact, is that he is able to deliver biting lines like that, but in a way that lets you know he is doing it for good reasons. I also enjoy seeing him learning about life and the world throughout the game. He'd probably be the first to admit he's quite a simple person, which makes it feel special when he has a realisation, like a child at school. In Gongaga, in between those two lines I quoted, he says "How many people in this world do ya think really understand themselves? People get depressed in life because they don't know what's up. But, they go on living. They don't run away". Those aren't the words of a great philosopher, but who else in the game says anything that thoughtful?

That brings me on to the last question, too. I like having the Gongaga three of Cloud, Tifa and Barret in my party. They are the first three characters you get to use in the game, and they fight together, which makes me think of them as having a bond that, to name a random example, Cloud, Yuffie and Red XIII just simply never get. I suppose I feel like they have more reason to be fighting than the others, as well. As for their battle prowess, I tend not to use a lot of magic except for healing, so Barret is good to have around in that regard. Tifa is a bit weak until she gets her hands on (or in) certain weapons, like the Powersoul or the Godhand, at which point she can be absolutely formidable. Cloud is forced to be in the party for most of the game, but he is a great all-round character with some of the best limit breaks in the game as well, so it's no biggie. I have never felt a strong desire to remove him from the party like I did with Zidane in IX, for example (not because I dislike Zidane, but because I would rather have a party of Steiner-Freya-Quina-Eiko). On Skype this evening we briefly discussed which characters we put in our parties for certain parts of the game, so I suppose I could mention those too. I usually take Barret and Vincent with me for the return to Midgar; Barret because he has to be there to get his ultimate weapon and because it feels right for him to be there on the return to the city where the game started, and Vincent so he can have a showdown with Hojo. Vincent is good for Wutai as well, I think. His limit breaks last for the whole battle, and for that reason they can be very useful when magic is unavailable, while the other characters' limits are just one-shot deals, after which they have to go back to regular attacks. I usually put Cid in my party when fighting Ultima Weapon, because lots of the fighting takes place on the airship - his airship, really. Yuffie and Barret are always in my party against Bottomswell because of their long-range weapons. I can't think of any more examples right now but I'll edit this post if I remember some :)


Pro Adventurer
How's it going, everyone? Where are those reports? :)

Chapter 13: Beacause you are a puppet
14th - 18th May 2012
Skype and stream: ????

While Cloud was passed out, he learnt that Aeris was heading to the City of the Ancients. He also got an ominous message from Sephiroth: "We must stop that girl soon." After being convinced that he should go after the pair of them despite his fears about losing it again, the party head off to the northern continent. First they must pass through the Sleeping Forest, which requires them to dig up a particular item from Bone Village. After spending a night in the Forgotten Capital, Cloud senses the presence of Aeris, but also Sephiroth. He and his party had better hurry to find them.

Our target is at the end of disc one. There's a picture below, but you are unlikely to see the exact same one. Just save between discs.



  • Did you only bother searching for the Lunar Harp in Bone Village, or did you get any other items? If so, what where they, and how long did it take you?
  • Did you have any trouble with Jenova LIFE? It's impossible to lose if you have the Water Ring equipped, but of course, you might not know that if it's your first playthrough...
  • What did you make of the events of this chapter? It contains one of the most famous and memorable moments in the whole game, and probably the whole Final Fantasy series. Share your thoughts on it in as much detail as you like. I'm only asking three questions for this chapter rather than the usual five because this one demands a little more detail.
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Waiting for something
Sorry Flint, I'm incredibly busy at the moment and barely finding any time to play any of the chapters. I'm not giving up on this but I can't guarantee that I'll have anything up until probably the end of the week, sorry :(


Pro Adventurer
You don't have to apologise to me :) There's no hurry, anyway. I was just wondering where the reports have got to, because I know some people have been playing.


Great Old One
Yeah yeah been busy etc X)

How many of the above things did you do?
- I learned Magic Hammer and Death Force
- I did the wutai sidequest, but not the Pagoda
- Did not pick up Kjata
- Did not go to Bone Village
- Did not level fighting Head Hunters
- Did visit the blacksmith, and figured I hadn't picked up the Mythril. Had to take the buggy all the way back to the eastern continent to get it. Had to fight like 15 battles until he gave it to me. Took forever. But I then had Great Gospel, whcih I figured I couldn't equip because I'd been using Aerith on her level 2 limit break.
- Haven't fought a single Fort Condor battle yet
- Did get Matra Magic for my second Enemy Skill materia
- Didn't do anything besides the compulsory stuff at Gold Saucer

What did you make of Wutai - the town itself, and everything that happens there? There's a fairly well-known theory that Wutai and Shinra mirror Japan and the USA from the real world. How accurate would you say that is?
The enemies of Wutai looks Chinese, and more things in Wutai reminds me of China. I think it's sort of the 'Eastern City' of VII, style-wise I mean.

How did you fare against Rapps, and what did you do to win the battle?
I died. And then I died some more. I think it took me three tries in total. Finally managed to take him down using limit breaks and T/S bombs. Such a pain.

How many of the rounds did you survive in the compulsory Battle Square fight? It doesn't matter if you die there, so you might as try to go as far as possible. After that, who did you date, and how did it all go?
4 or 5? Which had given me 3 times 1/2 HP and I had to give up.

Cait Sith is my least favourite character of the main FFVII cast. What do you think of him, and who is your worst character and why?
He's the Setzer of VII and I don't like gamble characters.

I'll see if I can do 12 tonight, but I just loathe Temple of the Ancients, so I'm not looking forward to it X(
Regarding Skype, I can do Thursday, and then nothing until Saturday.


Pro Adventurer
I could do Thursday if we start a little earlier than usual; I'll be staying with my grandmother and she usually goes to bed at around ten PM. I'll also have to try explaining what I'm doing to her x)


Waiting for something
You know what I could probably do Thursday too we'll have to see how my schedule is but it might be ok :D


Pro Adventurer
How's it going, everyone? Where are those reports? :)

I'm so much behind, I know. And I will be even more, because I just realised that I have two entrance exams next week, and I really have to start practising and revising again. And on top of that I have work and also my violin exam coming up. So that doesn't leave much time for playing I'm afraid.

So my next report might contain 5 chapters or something. x)


Great Old One

Can you get through the maze by memory, or do you find it a difficult place to navigate? Did you get all the items there?
They say a picture is 1000 words. So...


How did you get on in the other rooms, like the rolling rocks, the clock, and chasing the Ancient? In the clock room did you go straight to door VI or scout the others first? Could you be bothered to let the second hand of the clock knock you down to get the Nail Bat, or did you not know about such a possibility?
I was knocked down, but by accident, so I got the Nail Bat, though I don't really need it. I did pick up the Megalixir.

This chapter contains a difficult boss and a very difficult boss, though of course, there are strategies to make them easier. What were your set-ups and plans for Red Dragon and Demon's Gate, and how did your battles against them play out?
I'm lazy. I just use Big Guard and wait for their Limit Breaks to kick in :lol: Well I do use Deathblow and some random magics and Trine on Red Dragon... but in the end it's about enduring and just keep hitting them.

What did you make of everything that happens, story-wise, in this chapter? Specifically, the scenes from the Mural Room until Cloud wakes up in Gongaga.
I still find them very artsy and a little confusing. But I like that.


When you leave Gongaga, you have the original line-up of Cloud, Barret and Tifa back in your party. Do you have a trio of characters you prefer to use over the others, and if so, why?
Well that trio is actually my "keep going back to" trio. Right now I'm using Aerith and Yuffie instead, and I enjoy Yuffie. I think I'll be using Cid more on Disc 2. Right now I'm feeding Cloud all my Mind Sources because I'm gonna use Yuffie as my hard hitter. Plus I like his "using magic" cutscenes in battles. Heh. :P

And Tseng.


Great Old One
Reading your summary Serah Farron made me realize I forgot to pick up the ribbon - nnooo!

Also, I caught up for chapter 13, so Thursday Skype session is excellent by me :monster: I might get invited to some family stuff but I'm gonna say no. I'm doing the social thing for the first half of the day (Constitution day, big day off), the second is MINE ALL MINE
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