Vote on Our Next Community Playthrough (Get in here EVERYONE!)

Which game should be our next community playthrough?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


As discussed in the staff meeting, we're doing more of ALL THE THINGS but one of those things is an all new community playthrough.

When we did the community playthrough of FFVII, it was a lot of fun to play through the game with other people, make a post about your progress on a chapter and chat about plot points/ funny things/ strategies for sections.

So I think it's about time we started another, and got as many people as possible involved. First, we need to decide what game to play. At the end of the last playthrough we floated the idea of doing VI or VIII since we'd just done VII, but nothing was decided on.

This is basically the vote/discussion thread. When the game has been decided, I'll create an "official" thread for it. So far I'm thinking we start some time at the end of this month, and follow a chapter or two per week (chapters will be decided when the game has been chosen :desu:).

In the staff thread we decided that it was best to choose a game from any era up until the end of the PS era, because they're easily accessible to anyone with a PC/PS3. If enough people want to play a PS2 game and vote for it under "other" then that'll be considered too since FFX for example is easily emulated on my 6 year old laptop (and most people probably still have a PS2).

I can provide detailed instructions on emulators/the best emulators to use and how to set them up when we decide on a game.

So please, everyone, get in here, vote for the game you want to play and post your reasoning also. And make suggestions please!

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'm for something easy to get (without paying if possible), so i'm for I-IV (i already have them :awesome:),X (what i'm actually playing, even if really slowly) or tactics (what i'm actually playing when i don't want to spend too much time on games).
i'm ok with XII too, since i'm going to play it after i finish X.
Chrono Trigger would be nice because it's a short game in comparison to FFIX and it would require less "work" to follow in a community playthrough. But I voted for both because, well, they are both quite epic and fun.

Edit: I will not be participating in this community event though.
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I haven't voted as I wouldn't be playing, but Chrono Trigger would be awesome. <3


Waiting for something
I voted for IX, I'm going to hopefully have some more free time now, so yesh if we play, playing my favourite will be an enjoyable thing :)


Pro Adventurer
I: I've never played it before. It doesn't look like it would be much fun, but it's the first game in the series, and I would like to try it sometime.

II: Better than I, right?

III: Not particularly interested. It might also be slightly more difficult to organise, as the original version was never released in English, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to emulate the remake.

IV: Great game, and I'd be happy to play either the original or remake. I have got quite far on a playthrough on the DS recently, but I wouldn't be averse to starting again.

V: I've got a soft spot for this game, which I know not everyone likes. The job system is probably the standout feature, but I also like the colourful presentation and the music - the battle music in particular is so much nicer than that of VI, for example - which makes it easy and enjoyable to play. I have just (today) started a new game, but I'm so near the beginning that I would have no problems starting again. Having said that, if it seems like V has no chance of winning - it's currently on zero votes and already four behind IX - I'll just carry on with my own game.

VI: Kuroto, Monterosa and I have just reached the World of Ruin in our own playthrough, and although I enjoy the game, I also find it quite tiring, so I wouldn't want to start again any time soon.

VII: Why isn't it in the... wait, never mind ;)

VIII: I recently did a damn-near-100% completion of this game, which has some pretty tedious elements to it, and I'm not sure I would be bothered to do them again, so I hope it doesn't win!

IX: I did a 100% (minus Excalibur II) playthrough in 2011, and I got to disc three on an Excalibur II game the year before that, but I love IX so much that I would never be against playing it again :) I might try a new challenge this time around, like I did with VII last time.

Chrono Trigger: I started this on the DS recently, but the beginning of the game seemed quite boring and not very well explained. I guess that was common for SNES games, but Square Enix could have improved it for the remake, and I was a bit surprised that they didn't. I could give it another shot if we played together.

X: The best battle system in the entire series, bar none, means that I'm always happy to play it, despite the few irritating elements of the game.

XII: I enjoyed the game more than a lot of other people, but just like with VIII, I did almost everything there is to do in the game (up to a point - I've been meaning to continue) quite recently and I'm not sure I'd have the stomach for doing it again just yet. Then again, the plot is quite confusing, so maybe some people would benefit from playing it as a group :)

Kingdom Hearts: I've never got very far in the game, but Kuroto bought me a copy in 2011, and I've been meaning to play it again ever since. It's another game that starts quite poorly, I think, but playing it together would help me through that.

SaGa Frontier: It's a shame that our playthrough of the game fizzled so quickly. I found it very confusing, never really knowing what to do or why to do it, and I eventually gave up when I noticed that nobody else was playing. I'd be willing to try it again.

Tactics: I'd like to play the original, because I really like Advance and A2. I'm not sure it would be such a good game for playing together, though.

I won't vote just yet, because I'd still like to think about it for a while, but if I had to vote now I'd probably go for V, Kingdom Hearts, IX, Tactics, X and IV - in that order, if it were possible to rank them.

Edit: I'm about 99% certain I'll take part :)
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I'm leaning towards X, IX and V at the moment. I'm kind of hoping I-IV don't win, because I've recently played them all and I'm not a huge fan of I, II, or III. I'd still play through them though :mon:

And I don't mind the rest.

Could people suggesting games also state whether you're going to definitely actively participate or not? That's something we need to take into account when the decision is made.


If we play IX or Tactics, I will definitely participate. I've very recently played V-VII, I don't have II, III, VIII, or Chrono Trigger (is it bad that I'm not even entirely sure what that is?), and I don't really know how interested I am in actually playing through I, as I only have it on my iPhone. Although I'd have access to VIII and maybe some of the other games starting in late January, so I suppose it depends on when we'd start the community playthrough.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I'd vote on either Trigger or Tactics solely on the grounds that those are the only two I will be capable of playing for the forseeable future. I suppose I could manage VIII as well, but meh. Graphical glitches.


Waiting for something
I'll do anything bar "other" games and Chrono Trigger. I've never been a Chrono fan, I've played it before and quit after a while playing it.


Bear in mind people, if you have access to a PC or laptop made after 2006 you can definitely play any of the games that have been mentioned/suggested. Like I said I can provide detailed emulation instructions and if needed, links to games that shall not be mentioned as of yet (there are sites that provide the ISO's of VII, VIII and IX, for example).

If you feel like not slightly skirting the law, you can buy them on PSN.

What I'm trying to hammer home is: not having the games isn't an excuse :monster:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Its not about not having the game, its about not having the console or the money to get one:monster:

Could do emulators I suppose. In which case I'd throw in a vote for IX
The reason I'm not voting in the poll is because I can't participate. If anyone is interested in knowing what I'd like to read about others playing, my favourites are IX, V, and XII, and Chrono Trigger. I love XII, and it would be interesting to see what others have to say about it.

But I'll follow anything you guys decide to play.


AI Researcher
i picked (and because of reasons):

ii: i bought the ios versions of i and ii when they were on sale, but have yet to make a proper start on ii so it'd be a nice excuse.

iv: i have the ds version but got stuck on one part and put it down. then i had my ds broken so i can't continue with it. if i had a chance to play one of the easier versions i might have another go (ios one with difficulty settings or the psp one with the after years)

v: i haven't played more than a couple of hours of this one years ago

vi: i played as far as the other playthrough went

viii: i was doing another playthrough of this because i never finished it before, but stopped

tactics: i have the psp edition, but reached a point at the start of the final chapter where i could not win any battles because the character/monster levels were too unbalanced

edit; since my 'other' vote can apply to more:

xii: i don't know if i'd want to play the original or the zodiac job system one again


It'd be nice this time if even people who aren't playing could join in with the discussion and such in the dedicated thread. For example, I'll be streaming every chapter and the videos save automatically to my Twitch channel, so even if people who haven't played the game before want to take a look at it and make comments that would be fantastic.

This playthrough is for everyone on the board, so don't be shy people. Seriously, get a word in about what you'd like to do/ see and don't feel like you won't be heard. I think some people felt a bit alienated from the VII playthrough last time because it ended up being a group of people who were doing it every week, but everyone is welcome and it'll be a lot of fun.

Also, IMPORTANT: You don't have to join in with the skype/chat/playthrough. Feel free to play through the game at your own pace/ get to it when you can then join in on the discussion when you can.

I'm thinking starting it middle - the end of this month is a good idea. So I'll give everyone until at least this coming Friday to vote (I forgot to put a closing date on it, d'oh).


Pro Adventurer
I voted for VIII and other. VIII because I haven't played it before, and other because I really really really would like to have a playthrough of X someday.

I would honestly be happy to play almost any of the games, except for VI. Like Flint said we have been playing it and are about half way through, and already I'm lacking the motivation to continue. If I could I'd give the game minus votes. :closedmonster:


VI is a game that does seem like a lot to chew through while you're playing it. I'm with Flint and Kuroto, especially since I've recently played it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I voted for VIII. I've been looking for an excuse to get it on the PlayStation Network and play through it again; this could be it.

Everything else, I'm unlikely to participate with. Except for maybe X. Never get tired of playing through that one, and with its fun battle system and very player-friendly approach, anyone could join and not have a hard time.

Tactics is kind of a bad choice for this sort of thing, I think. It's a difficult game to those unfamiliar, while veterans know the tricks to demolish it. It also plays much differently than the main series titles.

Chrono Trigger is always fun, but I doubt I'll play through it again anytime soon. I've played it a ton of times and kind of feel like I'm "done" with it in terms of trying everything.

IX or IV, there's not a chance in hell I'm playing again. IX because of its sluggish battles and tedious leveling; IV because I only own difficult versions of it, and -- as with IX -- while I enjoy the characters, story and world, I do not enjoy the gameplay.

V and VI feel like more of a time commitment than I'm willing to make. I remember sinking a lot of hours in those, and those Anthology version load times didn't help. I might be a little on the fence about VI, though. I always enjoyed its gameplay (much more than IV's), and it has a great cast and plot.

I-III, I'm just not interested enough. I had a ROM of the NES version of III (this is the only way I've ever played it), but that was years ago on another computer. I would have to re-download it, and I must confess that I don't particularly enjoy playing FF games on computers to begin with.

Summary: I will definitely participate with VIII or X, and maybe VI.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Voted for VI, IX, and Chrono Trigger. Now that I think about it I should have voted for V as well because I would definitely play through that again, and I would probably participate in a VIII playthrough as well because I've never played much of it.

Mage's suggestion of Suikoden, however, is possibly the best one made in this thread.
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