Vote on Our Next Community Playthrough (Get in here EVERYONE!)

Which game should be our next community playthrough?

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AI Researcher
i wanted to replay ix, having only played it once before, but i wanted to play the japanese version to see what it is like and how it's different. but that is one i don't own yet, and might be more difficult to emulate. (there is the psn version, but that is still fairly expensive for a ps1 game and i have just missed the sale on ff games by now.)


~The Other Side of Fear~
I probably won't play any of the games mentioned here if only because none of them are really jumping out at me right now. That said, I'd consider watching the streaming or just general commenting since I did play most of those.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'd like play IX (since it should be good), but i've a quite bad relationship with emulators. but if somebody can send me all the links for the download (and if i don't make mistakes) i'd really like to join and play IX.
however, I have to says that I'm not sure I'll partecipate because of the school. (that's why i'll prefere something like X and tatics, since i'm already playing them)


If I'm 100% honest, the game I really want to play is X but I'm worried about getting a full playthrough in and then not wanting to play the re-release, when it comes out.

Still on the fence about what to choose. Keep voting people!


Pro Adventurer
If I'm 100% honest, the game I really want to play is X but I'm worried about getting a full playthrough in and then not wanting to play the re-release, when it comes out.
Remind me, when was that again?

Personally, I think we should wait for Versus XIII to come out and then play that :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
IV or CT.

No disrespect to the other titles, but I know quick and approachable games. Those are two such games.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Perhaps this isn't the place for it, but can someone explain to me what Chrono Trigger is?

Its an SNES jrpg with a focus on time travel using various gates connected to different time periods. It is an extremely good game, arguably the best game on SNES in my opinion.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I will definitely join in on a VIII play-through, I really liked that one (Triple Triad!), the ISOs are still on my comupter. IX I might do as well, but I didn't like it as much as VIII, it was a lot more tedious. FF I-IX, and anyother game that works on the PS I can do too (know where to get the ISOs). I started IV, but didn't finish it. Anything after PS, I haven't experimented with emulating, so I probably won't do those.

I have completed the orriginal Suikoden, and while I do like that game, I want SE battle mechanics.


Double Growth
VIII less tedious than IX? That's a new one.

I might be persuaded to participate in an FF8 playthrough, mind you, just wow.


Great Old One
Its an SNES jrpg with a focus on time travel using various gates connected to different time periods. It is an extremely good game, arguably the best game on SNES in my opinion.
This. It's the first JRPG I ever played, and it gave me chills. I played VI straight after, and although VI also has its moments, but for me it doesn't reach the heights of CT. I knew no spoilers at all about the game, and it had me go WAAH! several times. The music is fantastic, the way they pushed the 2D SNES to look like 3D at times is simply brilliant, and there are some truly epic battles. It's a challenging game too. It has time travel so the storyline is quite complex, but I didn't find it too confusing. It's the kind of travel game that makes sense, in a way.

I've actually just started replaying it, but I'll gladly replay it in a LP. (Though I would prefer playing a game I haven't played before. But, that is up to the poll.)
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As someone who loves both VIII and IX, surprisingly I agree with Tres.

The thing is, IX's battles just take too long. I mean even if you use flee on every one you have to wait a long time for the battle to even start/load up before you can choose an action. And some of the small animations are really lengthy.

And don't get me started on the ridiculous trance system. 9 times out of 10 I triggered trance at the end of the battle but I was still waiting for the other 3 characters to use a command I had issued a period of two minutes ago that almost always killed the enemy I was fighting anyway. It might fit with the story/canon information given about "trance" but it's quite possibly the worst "limit break" system in any FF.

Other titles in the series just don't have any of those problems. In VII and VIII you can pretty much expect a command to issue an attack moments later. It sometimes gets so bad in IX that I forget which command I've actually issued. The other problem is that the encounter rate seems to increase from one PS title to another (I played all 3 one after the other this summer and streamed it, so check out my Twitch page if you want to see video evidence).

Here's a random YouTube video showing a battle. This is probably the average battle loading time, but sometimes the game decides to blackscreen on you for an extra 5 seconds:

Having said that, the mechanics/ ability system/ character specific skills related to battles are some of the best in the entire series, the story is amazing and the game is incredibly well paced.

It's well worth playing if you haven't before, even if it looks like you won't fancy it. It really is one of the better ones. Bear that in mind while voting. I should really be trying to "sell" IX to everyone since that's the one I probably want to play (that or X, having just done an VIII playthrough) but in the community spirit I'll play whatever wins in the polls!

EDIT: I should add, one of the really nice things about IX is the controls/exploration. It feels like they really nailed movement/talking/exploration with the controller. VII was incredibly clunky (there were no Analogue controllers for the PS when it was released), and while VIII used analogue controls it was really awkward at times. In IX it just feels really refined. It's something you have to experience to know what I mean, it's just all really smooth.


Pro Adventurer
And don't get me started on the ridiculous trance system. 9 times out of 10 I triggered trance at the end of the battle but I was still waiting for the other 3 characters to use a command I had issued a period of two minutes ago that almost always killed the enemy I was fighting anyway. It might fit with the story/canon information given about "trance" but it's quite possibly the worst "limit break" system in any FF.
I want to debate this, but I think it deserves its own thread. I'll see if there is one already, and if not, make it :)


Pro Adventurer
New member here, but lurked forever, read all the articles ect.
I'm currently on my up-teenth playthrough of ffviii so I voted for that IX and Chrono Trigger- which I've never played.
I will have to emu Chrono though, since it isn't available on my PSN. I would possibly be up for playing FFX especially since it's the international version with the dark aeons and all the extra stuff to do.


AI Researcher
i don't really want chrono trigger to be picked for the selfish reason that i'd like to play the ds version but don't have a working ds or a 3ds (also i don't want to emulate that if i could avoid it). there is a psn version on the japanese store, but it's 1,200 yen which is twice as much as most games and considering it's a single disk port of a snes game that is some classic square enix bare-faced pricing cheekiness

i might be more willing to get ffix (1,500) or the ffiv complete collection (2,100) but i will wait to see what the votes go for


I finally voted. I've gone for V, IX and X. Just a reminder to everyone - I ideally want to close this poll on Friday so get your votes in while you can!


AI Researcher
go ffix

so i can play it on my vita and screencap my way through the game

someone rig the votes, i really want this all of a sudden
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