Final Fantasy: All The Bravest


More details will apparently be revealed on Thursday. Sprites on the left are the behemoths from FFVI, sprites on the right are FFV characters.


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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I think its hopefully, the completion of Versus XIII. Please let it be? :' (


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It won't be. Versus is a figment of Nomura's imagination.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
^Wouldn't that technically be true to some extent even if they finished and released it though? :reapermon:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Nah, "figment" entails a lack of physical substance. What you're thinking of, my good man, is a filament.

Suffice it to say that Versus is but a pipe dream. The pipe being a crack pipe. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Must Square Enix do this every time? I'm tired of teaser sites and leaks. I can understand doing that for really big, widely anticipated titles, but it feels like they're doing it for every port, remake, rerelease, spin-off, mobile game, browser game, you name it. I mean, in this case, what's the point in making a teaser for some news which will come out tomorrow? And have they fired their graphic designer or something? That image is awful.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
They try to hype everything and end up making us take nothing seriously. We don't know whether "Tune in for a BIG announcement" means "Here's a new mobile game the interns slapped together," "Major upcoming console release" or "We're going to have something to announce later at an, as yet, undetermined date."


I'm pretty meh about all these iOS games tbh. Theatrhythm is about as far as I want to go with it (since the base game is free and comes with a few songs) but I'm not a fan of mobile gaming. They should try doing some stuff for Vita but I can understand why they keep going for the mobile market.

I'm genuinely curious now about why Square Enix are so tight lipped about their projects and development etc. Obviously this has been the case for a long time, but they're now notorious everywhere for it. Why?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's because they started believing their own hype.

Though, like Force said, this one doesn't look bad. But:
Kotaku said:
No word on North American pricing, nor Android availability.

This is why I never have a reason to get excited for iOS crap.



Why hello there Cloud. I just screenshotted this from the trailer.

This might be worth a full article?

EDIT: He's also the only character I can see that gets a mention in the trailer, but there will undoubtedly be more.
EDIT2: Renamed thread title to Final Fantasy: All The Bravest.
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but I can understand why they keep going for the mobile market.

The same reason why others go for that; low investment, high returns. The best example for a low-cost, high-grossing mobile video game is Infinity Blade, which took a team of twelve people five months to create. By the end of 2011, it had grossed $23 million in revenue; when balancing manpower with revenue, it was the highest-grossing Epic game evar. But then, they did get a lot of free advertising from Apple itself, promoting it in the app store.

Er, where was I going again? Oh right. Mobile games are relatively cheap and low-risk to produce, yet have the potential to be good sources of revenue. Given Square's few giant financial failures - TSW and FFXIV, to name a few - which were all titles that took many years and many hundreds of millions to produce, I'm not surprised with how much they're trying to bank on ports and mobile games.

Edit: Also, the game itself - judging purely by what was posted there on Kotaku description-wise - looks completely uninteresting gameplay-wise. An on-rails, combat-only game where the only actual gameplay is tapping characters when their bar fills up?


Yeah, I probably should too, :monster:. Well I did (help, there was also this other dude) build this and that, so I guess I have a solid basis, :monster:.

Now all I need is inspiration and arsedness. I haven't had either in forever, :monster:


AI Researcher
tls mobile game project so we can all be rich

lots of money on the internets

get us some of that internet money


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Also, the game itself - judging purely by what was posted there on Kotaku description-wise - looks completely uninteresting gameplay-wise. An on-rails, combat-only game where the only actual gameplay is tapping characters when their bar fills up?
Yeah the least they could have done is also included magic at the bare minimum.

As an Android owner myself, I'm pretty indifferent to this unless they port it. For $4 or some similar price I might give it a try.


That looks straight ridiculous, and entertaining for maybe all of 2 minutes, to be honest. Once you see that many people doing all that shit once....wouldn't that be enough?

Alex Strife

TLS Dissidia game. You know you want it and you know it makes so much damn sense.

EDIT: Just watched the trailer. At some point I see 40 characters in your party. That is just... *faints*.

Ghost X

I think the concept of the game could possibly be good, if it is anything like the flash games you see online, where you can level up skills, and make things more difficult to get more experience to level up more in order to fight more difficult enemies/levels.


Double Growth
Yeah it looks to me like ti could be amusing. It also makes me laugh because that's what the team in every FF SHOULD be doing instead of hanging out in tiny groups :monster:
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