Final Fantasy: All The Bravest


Or perhaps they have... I wonder what would make them more money - charging outrageous prices and depending on the stupid populace who will actually pay for it, or charging a reasonable price for a mobile game so that more people would actually buy it? I NEED THE STATISTICS


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The thing is, though, if they had actually bothered making a good game but still charged everything they're charging, they'd be getting a lot more money out of this. It's not just that they put in tons of stupid charges, it's also that there's no depth to the game.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Right. If they weren't charging ridiculous amounts to unlock all the game's features, or the game had depth, it would be defensible. As it is, the only good thing to come out of it seems to be those flavour texts you posted.


I've been trying to hold back on the whole "bash SE" trend recently but those prices are just flat out ridiculous. I could almost forgive the iOS Theatrhythm port if it didn't take an age to load and lag so that you miss the input on a regular basis.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I've been trying to hold back on the whole "bash SE" trend recently but those prices are just flat out ridiculous.

It's not really bashing if they genuinely are being greedy fucktards who didn't put in any real effort though.


Pro Adventurer
This may be late but here are the sprites in one big image:



So I guess those sprites of post-Nintendo FF characters made a few months ago were for this game?

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Random pieces of info -

Aerith's special ability "Healing Wind" revives party members and ironically if the enemy isn't targetting/attacking you and you don't confirm attacks for your current alive team members, the enemies won't confirm any attacks either and it's possible to do a sort of "infinite revive loop" with Aerith to revive any/all your fallen members without having to buy/download revive stuffs each time or wait for time to pass before a team member revives - takes three minutes per downed ally or pay monies for a Phoenix Down or w/e to revive each one instantly but Aerith can revive lots of people at once/instantly or something! :pinkmonster:


Tifa's special ability is a combination of punches and kicks, Beatrush and Somersault followed by a crescent moon kick.

Also this is apparently Tifa's character description/profile -

This Avalanche heroine really wishes people would stop getting into her drawers.
***end spoiler***

Cloud's special ability is Meteorain, which is a multi targetting ass kicking attack of raining meteors down upon the field to obliterate foes! :monster: -

Don't have/haven't found a pic of Tifa's profile page yet but you can see her in the Cloud battle sceens too :)

Other random stuffs -

Thanks/credits to the nice random people at the GameFAQs board for this game! :monster:

Metal Heart

quiet like a fight
This may be late but here are the sprites in one big image:


Oh my God! This game to me is so cute, but too bad I don't own Apple products to play it for myself.
Thanks for all this information! I know this game seems kind of lame, but to me it would have did better if it were on like DS, Vita, or something.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Oh Jim Sterling :desu:

Final Fantasy All the Bravest (iOS)
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Released: January 17, 2013
MSRP: $3.99, $3.99, $3.99, $3.99, $1.99, $2.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99, $0.99

Full review here

Kermitu Kleric Katie

This may be late but here are the sprites in one big image:

Why are Terra's pixelated breasts bigger than Tifa's? That just ain't right.
Random pieces of info -

This Avalanche heroine really wishes people would stop getting into her drawers.
***end spoiler***
So I take it Cloud isn't the only person whose stolen Tifa's underwear before, then? Makes you wonder who else has done it.


Sephiroth and Zack obviously. Cloud is all about sharing, they're not Phoenix downs or anything.
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