Final Fantasy: All The Bravest


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Well apparently it's controversial already, making people pay real dollars for healing items. Which leads to awesome jokes like this:



I knew they were going to do something stupid like in-game purchases instead of just building a fun single-payment game, :wacky:. Not doing that kthx, I'm not stupid.

Ghost X

Unless its a Pay-to-Play thing, and does offer those options free too but at a less regular interval, it might be forgiveable, but otherwise...



AI Researcher
i have seem the price and the fact you have to buy premium characters and have lost my interest again, someone just cap all the funny text and i will be content


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
The game randomly assigns you a "premium character" so if you want to have your favorite, you have to keep forking over a dollar until they magically appear...


AI Researcher
It's like they were walking past one of those toy capsule machines and thought "I want to do but as an app!"


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Review from
Here's a video explaining the game. The whole game. You swipe. That's it. Oh, and if you lose your party, you can pay (real money) to revive them. There's a gil counter but it doesn't seem to do anything. You randomly find equipment after battles but it just marginally increases a few classes' attack power. There's no element of choice, there's very little element of strategy (if an attack hits the entire front row, try to only have one person in the front row.) It's just a thrown-together attempt to beat some cash out of a ten-year-old dead horse.

Oh, and did I mention that there's in-app purchases? Aside from paying money for continues in battle, there's $35 worth of Classic Characters gated behind $1 purchases, but you don't get to pick who you get - you just pay the dollar and pray. And there are three maps locked away at $4 apiece. If you wanted to unlock everything, it would cost you $51. Not counting revives. For a game where you just mindlessly swipe at the screen.

Yeah. Stay away.
Yeah. This sounds stupid. It's a shame, because if they had put even a slight amount of effort into this, and hadn't done everything they possibly can to wring as much cash out of the poor saps who get suckered into this as they can, it might have been half-decent. But nope, sounds pretty damn stupid.


Oh gosh, it just keeps getting worse. Although perhaps the worst part about the whole thing is that there are probably people who will pay for everything. Morons.
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