Does the use of Materia *actually* drain the Planet's spirit energy?

Be prepared for walls of text.

Few quotes by the minds behind FFVII have caused me so much uneasiness as that from page 86 of the Reunion Files, where Nomura seems to say that the use of Materia drains the Planet's life force, just as the extraction and use of mako energy does. <--read complete post for additional relevant quotes about this issue
It was used as an explanation as to why Cloud and company are not using Materia in Advent Children. The trouble arises in that seemingly no other official media of the FFVII mythos refers to Materia as a spirit-energy-depleter in the same fashion as Mako Reactors are. Then again I still need to replay Crisis Core and there are many guide book sections which are yet to be translated, so the answer could lie within any of these sources.

Did Nomura invent the notion that Materia drains the Planet's life force? Or is the quote being misread somehow? Many have gone with the seemingly natural interpretation of the quote. Ye olde Ultimania Omega translations document on GameFAQs comments Nomura's quote as follows:
-According to Nomura, the use of materia drains the planet's life energy, this
being why the good guys don't use it anymore. There's not an explanation for
why its use drains the planet's energy, but based on Sephiroth's explanation
from the original game that materia links someone to the planet and allows
them to use its powers, its most likely that the materia allows someone to tap
into the Lifestream's energy and manifest it as a spell based on the specs of
the materia they're using. This would, of course, drain the planet's energy,
the same as turning it into electricity would.
(The GameFAQs document claims the quote to be on page 87, but I maintain that it is on page 86)

In response to the TLS post linked earlier, Obsidian Fire posited that Nomura's claim was merely an "excuse" and that the notion of Materia as consumers of spirit energy does not hold water in the original game's mechanics.

Further researching the matter, both in general and as a response to Obsidian Fire's post, I refer to how the Black Materia functions.
Temple of Ancients said:
Got Key Item "Black Materia!"

“As long as we have this,
Sephiroth won't be able to use Meteor.”

“Nope, we can't use it right now.
You need great spiritual power to use it.”

“You mean lots of spiritual energy?”

“That's right.”
“One person's power alone won't do it.”
“Somewhere special.
Where there's plenty of the Planet's energy…”

So we have confirmation that at least the most powerful Materia on the Planet requires spiritual energy, outside that of the main user, in order for its spell to be used. We find no 100% clear commentary on how "normal" Materia works though.

The meaning of "one person's power alone won't do it" can be interpreted in numerous ways. It still does not tell us whether this "power alone" is the use of the Planet's spirit energy, the wielder's spirit energy, both or neither.

We might also examine a quote from Bugenhagen. Many will have played through the game multiple times without ever seeing it. Talk to him at any point when Cid is the leader or when Cloud has returned but before completing the Underwater Reactor mission.
“You are using Shinra Materia,
as a weapon?”
“Materia is highly dense spiritual energy.
A shred of the Planet's life.
It should not be used as a weapon.”
“We must stop using it…
or the Planet will be weakened.”




Script rip is from PC version, snapshots are from PSX, hence the differences in capitalization.

I see three possible interpretations as to the cause of why the Planet would be weakened.
1) The use of Materia depletes spirit energy and thusly harms the Planet.
2) It is wrong to use Materia that was manufactured in Shinra's mako reactors because a dependancy on these weapons makes people rely on mako technology.
3) The use of powerful magical spells hurt the Planet itself, just like Meteor would have created a giant wound, and so purely by being destructive will Materia be an ill.

All these three could be simultaneously true.

If anybody could take a look at the Japanese line and see if the intended meaning is more obvious, here it is.

If we are to accept the default interpretation of Nomura's claim in the Reunion Files, then that means Cosmo Canyon, the human settlement which prides itself on being at most peace with the Planet, is guilty of hurting the Planet by selling Materia. Because, like I mentioned in the linked-to post, Cosmo Canyon has its own Materia shop.

Script rips from the shop area:
“I'm sorry!
We hardly ever get any customers.
Oh, but I DO have confidence in our Materia!”

“Oh man…
Everything will be over,
once Meteor hits…”
“I've been selling Materia for 10 years now,
ever since I was 16. Geez, what
have I been doing with my life?”

“Oh man!
This place looks like a real drag.
And their Materia sucks, too.”

There are ways that Cosmo Canyon's ways of handling Materia could be justified even in the paradigm where Materia is "bad". Their Materia would focus on "life giving" properties, rather than anything destructive like a Fire or Destruct Materia.

The shop's Materia lineup is this: MP Plus, HP Plus, Mystify and Transform. Notice that no Materia is a direct "attack" Materia, but rather the indirect kind that either boost stats or cause a status effect. Fittingly, one shop also stashes a Full Cure that can be acquired later on in the game.

Yet I can't help but feel that this require needlessly many assumptions on our part in order to make sense of Cosmo Canyon's stance on Materia. There is too much that is left unsaid in the official material. What are the taboos, do's and don'ts when it comes to Materia, especially in a place like Cosmo Canyon? I honestly can't make heads or tails of this. We can at least in the "On the Way to a Smile" series see that when Yuffie uses restorative Materia in Wutai, Nanaki has no qualms about it. He also does not mind going on a Materia hunt (for a Materia that might cure Geostigma) with her. But because this is a hunt for restorative Materia, it is left unsaid if Nanaki is against the hunt and use of destructive Materia.

All in all, I am utterly confused. "Page 86 of the Reunion Files" has become like an evil chant to me, because the idea that Materia is bad for the Planet posits so many problems for (and questions about) the stories of FFVII. Should Nomura's quote be taken at face value? Should it be reinterpreted or should we consider it simply a mistaken claim? How can we argue canonicity at all if we are to pick and choose which developer statements to believe?

If you've read up to this point, I thank you. I appreciate any help on ridding my confusion and settling once and for all whether Materia drains the Planet's spirit energy or not.


Save your valediction (she/her)
This is brilliant and I'm as confused as anyone. I think we should take into account MP use, the user is also using their own life source to create the spell.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Y'know, this makes me wonder, is it possible to beat the game without using materia? Someone should try a no materia run. Obviously, stuff like Emerald and Ruby weapon would probably be impossible, and characters who are best as mage, such as Aerith, Cait Sith, and Vincent, would end up pretty much useless while characters with good physical strength such as Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Cid would be the best options since you'd only be using physical attacks, limit breaks, and items to win battles. I honestly thin it might be possible, but would require plenty of grinding. Someone should try it.


It's entirely possible to do everything in the game without using materia. It's actually not even that difficult, when you think about the items.


Double Growth
Yes there are no materia runs. It's just a lot of grinding.

Shademp, I apologize if I missed it as I'm looking at this on my phone, but did you have the quote from Cloud in Intermediate's Hall in Junon when he explains why your Materia inventory is limited? I always took that as a pretty good sign Nomura didn't make it up.

Also, why else would the team be so against Shinra's Huge Materia plan?

@Ite - it could be that MP isn't representative of your own spirit energy, but rather of the mental strain required to pull spirit energy out of the Planet.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
This won't be a surprise to Shademp, as he and I have discussed this before, but I personally take Nomura's statement at face value. Likewise with Bugenhagen's statements that "materia should not be used as a weapon" and that doing so will weaken the planet.

I don't really feel that there's a hypocrisy at work with the people of Cosmo Canyon, as Bugenhagen's issue with the materia seemed more to do with using it as a weapon (he specified this usage twice in that exchange with Cloud).

Restorative materia is probably fine in their eyes, in part because it serves a need -- and, in the long run, will only add to the Planet's life, as the lifeform who benefits from restorative materia will live longer, experience more, create more memories, and, thus, give more memories back to the Planet. It might use a little bit of the Planet's energy in the short term, but it provides greater benefits for everyone in the long term.

Destructive materia is simply, well, destructive. :monster:

By the way, the Japanese text just says exactly what it says in English. There's no nuance lost in the translation. I still feel that the emphasis in the wording of both languages is on the "as a weapon" clause, though.
I think we should take into account MP use, the user is also using their own life source to create the spell.

This is, fortunately, easy enough to do. Case of Yuffie confirms the finite amount of "Magic Points" as an in-universe thing and not just a game mechanic.
Case of Yuffie said:
Some of the people possessed wounds that even the materia Yuffie had couldn&#8217;t heal but, she was sure they would heal gradually if cared for well. The problem was Yuffie herself didn&#8217;t have the mental power. Materia was the crystallization of the Lifestream. To withdraw the power from the stabilized crystal, some form of shock is required and this is triggered by the mind waves of the user. As a result of that, the materia user&#8217;s mind is significantly weakened.

The exhaustion was difficult to bear and assaulted by drowsiness, Yuffie stored away her &#8220;Dr. Yuffie&#8221; sign by evening, immediately curling up in her futon and was going to sleep.

There are no moral qualms to be derived if a person only uses their own spiritual/mental energy to achieve something. After all, Limit Breaks are a surge of spirit energy, as confirmed in the Crisis Core Complete Guide Keyword section.
Keyword Collection said:
Limit Breaks

When your spirit energy rises to its ultimate limit, for a short while it aligns with and emits from your body.

If any and every emission and consumption of spirit energy was considered "wrong", then every living thing on the Planet would be guilty of this crime. No character can logically be accused of hurting the Planet by using limit breaks, going out jogging or whatever. Spirit energy is something that can grow, which fits in nicely with Obsidian Fire's idea that a Materia user eventually puts so much energy into the magical orb that it is able to give birth to a new orb of crystallized spirit energy.

The only way to reconcile then with the Reunion Files quote is to interpret it differently. Let's take another look at it.
Reunion Files Page 86 said:
What do they use for fuel in this time period?

"Cloud and the gang certainly aren't using mako anymore, because it drains the life of the planet. That means they don't use Materia, either. Yuffie collects them, but that's just because she lives to collect things (laughs). I guess the airship must be running on some mysterious ancient power source." (Nomura)

To use mako is to reap the benefits from mako reactors. Materia, although sometimes naturally formed, are abundant in the FFVII world because of mako reactors.

Game Script said:
(Inside Aerith's church)

&#8220;Say, do you have any Materia?&#8221;

&#8220;Yes, some.&#8221;

&#8220;Nowadays you can find Materia anywhere.&#8221;

(From the unused material)
By the way, Sephiroth,
how is Materia made?

&#8230;It&#8217;s made by the planet.
It takes a very long time.

However&#8230; it seems that recently Materia made by Shinra
has been appearing on the market.

Could it be that Nomura meant to say that the party doesn't use Materia that was manufactured by Shinra? In other words, that Cloud & gang avoid Materia that was made in mako reactors?

It would make sense, but there is no denying that I am putting my own words into Nomura's claim. I am morphing the quote more to what I want it to be, rather than it seems to say at face value.

Shademp, I apologize if I missed it as I'm looking at this on my phone, but did you have the quote from Cloud in Intermediate's Hall in Junon when he explains why your Materia inventory is limited? I always took that as a pretty good sign Nomura didn't make it up.

Also, why else would the team be so against Shinra's Huge Materia plan?
Yes, I do have that quote and I often think about it. But here, too, I see the interpretation that AVALANCHE might feel icky about using Materia that was, likely, manufactured by the Shinra company in the very mako reactors that they want destroyed.

Both this interpretation, and the one that Materia is bad for the Planet, appear viable to me.

As for the Huge Materia plan, Cloud says this to Cid in the rocket ship:
&#8220;Hey, Cid!
What're you doing!?&#8221;

&#8220;There are generations of knowledge
and wisdom inside the Materia.&#8221;
&#8220;We're gonna borrow their powers and
save the Planet from Sephiroth.&#8221;
&#8220;There's no way that
we can lose the Huge Materia.
You understand that, right?&#8221;

The emphasis on the Huge Materia as a means to defeat Sephiroth makes it so that the mission to stop the Huge Materia plan was not to preserve spirit energy "for the sake of it", but rather to use it as a weapon in a different way than Shinra intended to.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

Interesting. So is it possible to beat Ruby or Emerald without materia? I've heard of some trick involving Cait Sith's lucky sevens, but I don't remember the details.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
There are no moral qualms to be derived if a person only uses their own spiritual/mental energy to achieve something.

What it seems to be saying there is that a person uses some of their own spirit energy to trigger a greater effect using the Planet's spirit energy.

To withdraw the power from the stabilized crystal ...

That says to me that the power still comes from the Planet. The user just gives it a "jolt," like a bowcaster pulling a string to fire an arrow farther than they could ever hurl a spear unaided.


Double Growth
Interesting. So is it possible to beat Ruby or Emerald without materia? I've heard of some trick involving Cait Sith's lucky sevens, but I don't remember the details.

Well getting a Cait Sith face will win you any battle. :monster:
Also having 2 materia equipped with maxed out health and getting hit with Aire Tam Storm will put you into All Lucky Sevens state, though that will depend on whether your challenge allows you to have inconsequential materia equipped even if you'll not use it. (also it's not easy to max your health without materia. It might not be possible, I don't know)

I really like Tres' thought process that restorative materia is okay because it's a net gain to the Planet's spirit energy over the long term.


Am I the only one that thinks this discussion is suitable for a front page post? It'd make a really interesting read. Unless you're already planning to include it in something, Shademp?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I posted this before so I'll quote it again (slightly edited).

The argument against the use of Materia is kinda dumb. Any drain on the planet (probably minimal) is more than traded off for the exponential increase in abilities needed to defeat Sephiroth and fight Shinra on their journey. That, and it surely was just a reasoning used for them not using spells in AC(C). Any hypothetical game set after that time period (or hell, Dirge) will have the protagonists using Materia.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
More walls of text!
Temple of Ancients said:
Got Key Item "Black Materia!"

“As long as we have this,
Sephiroth won't be able to use Meteor.”

“Nope, we can't use it right now.
You need great spiritual power to use it.”

“You mean lots of spiritual energy?”

“That's right.”
“One person's power alone won't do it.”
“Somewhere special.
Where there's plenty of the Planet's energy…”
So we have confirmation that at least the most powerful Materia on the Planet requires spiritual energy, outside that of the main user, in order for its spell to be used. We find no 100% clear commentary on how "normal" Materia works though.

The meaning of "one person's power alone won't do it" can be interpreted in numerous ways. It still does not tell us whether this "power alone" is the use of the Planet's spirit energy, the wielder's spirit energy, both or neither.
I've always taken this part to mean that in order to cast Meteor, the user needs more the 9999 MP in order to do it, and that there's really only one place where you could get more then that. You wouldn't be human by the end of it, but for Sephrioth, that doesn't really apply anyway...
2) It is wrong to use Materia that was manufactured in Shinra's mako reactors because a dependancy on these weapons makes people rely on mako technology.
Only, all the really powerful materia can't be bought. They're all found around dungeons and in other weird, out the way locations. This includes all the summon materia, the four most powerful magic materia, all the support materia, some of the more unique independant materia and about half the command materia. So the odds of mako technology being used to make them is pretty slim.
There are ways that Cosmo Canyon's ways of handling Materia could be justified even in the paradigm where Materia is "bad". Their Materia would focus on "life giving" properties, rather than anything destructive like a Fire or Destruct Materia.

The shop's Materia lineup is this: MP Plus, HP Plus, Mystify and Transform. Notice that no Materia is a direct "attack" Materia, but rather the indirect kind that either boost stats or cause a status effect. Fittingly, one shop also stashes a Full Cure that can be acquired later on in the game.
Now, this is where using materia gets tricky, Mystify and Transform directly need the caster's MP to work as does any destructive materia. But what about independant materia like MP Plus and HP Plus? The caster doesn't use any MP to use them. They just stick them in a slot and they work. Going by Bugenhagen's claims that “We must stop using it… or the Planet will be weakened.”, this means that independent materia are a constant drian on the Lifestream, as they are constantly working.
Restorative materia is probably fine in their eyes, in part because it serves a need -- and, in the long run, will only add to the Planet's life, as the lifeform who benefits from restorative materia will live longer, experience more, create more memories, and, thus, give more memories back to the Planet. It might use a little bit of the Planet's energy in the short term, but it provides greater benefits for everyone in the long term.
I fell like you could use the same argument with destructive materia, as long as whatever you were using the destructive materia on died in the end, as the Lifestream would end up with a net gain, vs. a net loss. Meteor is the exception as that would destroy the entire Planet.
There are no moral qualms to be derived if a person only uses their own spiritual/mental energy to achieve something. After all, Limit Breaks are a surge of spirit energy, as confirmed in the Crisis Core Complete Guide Keyword section.

If any and every emission and consumption of spirit energy was considered "wrong", then every living thing on the Planet would be guilty of this crime. No character can logically be accused of hurting the Planet by using limit breaks, going out jogging or whatever. Spirit energy is something that can grow, which fits in nicely with Obsidian Fire's idea that a Materia user eventually puts so much energy into the magical orb that it is able to give birth to a new orb of crystallized spirit energy.
Part of what gets to me about the idea that using materia is like using a mako reactor is that the Lifestream switches forms between itself and other living beings, and in doing this, somehow makes more of itself. From the sound of it, the Lifestream doesn't really care how this happens as long as at some point, it goes back to being part of the Lifestream proper. What's so bad about the mako reactors is that they permenently remove Lifestream from itself and don't replace it. If useing materia, magic or otherwise means transfering some Lifestream from the Lifestream proper to themselves, then I don't think it's really that big of a deal as when they die, all their spirit energy returns to the Lifestream. If they actually destroy that energy though, then it isn't just Cloud and Co. that have been destorying the Lifestream, but anyone who uses materia has. This becomes probamatic as materia has always been aound long enough for the Cetra to have been messing with it.

Side Tangent: How is it that monsters can use magic attacks that are in materia? And is it okay for them to do magic attacks as opposed to Cloud and Co. doing magic attacks. IE: What's the difference between a Dark Dragon casting Ultima vs. Cloud casting Ultima via materia? Because you'd think that monsters use magic attacks more then people do...and they've probably been around before Jenova showed up.
Could it be that Nomura meant to say that the party doesn't use Materia that was manufactured by Shinra? In other words, that Cloud & gang avoid Materia that was made in mako reactors?
The interesting thing here is that the materia used in CC is very different then the materia used in the OG. Of course, this could just be a game mechanic; Zack is only alowed to carry six materia max, while Cloud and Co. can carry sixteen materia max. Or it could be that SOLDIER uses different materia that's made by Shin-Ra. The one thing that makes me think that this is a mechanic instead of differing types of materia is the avalibility of materia in the OG. If the materia Cloud and Co. use in the OG is "natural materia", then it's really common. Common enough that people can make a living selling it for at least a decade. Either that or Shin-Ra decided it had to come up with another way of doing things... and we all know how that usually ends up.

A lot of this discussion is based on how the Lifestream "works" and what we acually know about it. There's a big difference between trasfering Lifestream from the Lifestream proper to other living beings and outright destroying it. The former is done anytime something is born, the latter is never supposed to happen. What's also key is that the Lifestream somehow grows between the birth and death of a lifeform. As long as there is some growth, the Lifestream is growing and won't "die". What this really boils down to then, is whether using materia destroys Lifestream or whether it transfers or doesn't bother with the Lifestream at all. If using materia destroys the Lifestream, the FFVII world has been destorying itself ever since peopel started using materia. If it just transfers Lifestream, then it's fine; the Lifestream will still join up with itself eventually.

If you've gotten this far, contrats! And if any of you guys who know more about retcon find any, tell me. I'm assuming we're going by the OG, but with SE, you never know.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
One would assume that using something like Bolt converts the Planet's energy into a form that won't be absorbed back into the Planet, the same as mako reactors convert spirit energy into other forms that go on to take still other forms (e.g. electricity to light or heat) and never make its way back to the Lifestream as spirit energy.

I don't think it's assuming too much that any action involving materia uses up spirit energy, as the "fuel" for the powers bestowed by materia must come from somewhere. And it obviously isn't coming from the caster when they are performing feats with materia that exceed their own ability -- e.g. someone calls out a summon that can wreck buildings, decimate towns, etc.

The caster didn't have that much power in their body. They aren't constantly channeling that power to the summon while it flies around blowing shit up and using up more and more energy. That's the Planet's energy.

For another example, Sephiroth is very familiar with channeling his own spirit energy. He has that much mastery over it. However, he didn't have enough power within his own body to kill the planet without using the Black Materia. If he had, he would have done it. Energy projection wasn't really a problem for him.

Likewise, the power for Holy didn't come from Aerith. She simply cast it. She didn't have enough power residing in her body to stop Meteor.

Certainly the MP of the caster is relevant in all these situations, but that seems to have more to do with the strength of the spell (someone with too little MP couldn't draw out the power of a materia that demanded a higher MP cost) and/or how many times they can use it without needing to rest. The user only sacrifices a little bit of energy to get the Planet to do something bigger, like the flame that ignites a stick of dynamite.

Mog said:
The argument against the use of Materia is kinda dumb. Any drain on the planet (probably minimal) is more than traded off for the exponential increase in abilities needed to defeat Sephiroth and fight Shinra on their journey. That, and it surely was just a reasoning used for them not using spells in AC(C). Any hypothetical game set after that time period (or hell, Dirge) will have the protagonists using Materia.

I don't think anyone would disagree that using up a little of the Planet's energy to stop Sephiroth and Shin-Ra was a "necessary evil," so to speak. Bugenhagen didn't even seem to imply that.

But if people decided to do all their cooking with Fire materia and just sat around zapping flies with Bolt all the time just because they could, that would be wasteful.

Obsidian said:
I fell like you could use the same argument with destructive materia, as long as whatever you were using the destructive materia on died in the end, as the Lifestream would end up with a net gain, vs. a net loss. Meteor is the exception as that would destroy the entire Planet.

I think the question is more whether it's okay to use the destructive materia efficiently and only when needed/in extraordinary situations. Obviously, that's got to be fine.

But what if you're using it to hunt? For a police force? In construction work? How much energy is lost versus gained? There has to be a point at which diminishing returns take over.

Obsidian said:
Side Tangent: How is it that monsters can use magic attacks that are in materia? And is it okay for them to do magic attacks as opposed to Cloud and Co. doing magic attacks. IE: What's the difference between a Dark Dragon casting Ultima vs. Cloud casting Ultima via materia? Because you'd think that monsters use magic attacks more then people do...and they've probably been around before Jenova showed up.

My guess is that the difference between a monster using Ultima and Cloud using it is that he uses the Planet's energy directly, while the monster uses the spirit energy within their body, the same as Cloud and co. do when performing Limit Breaks.

Obviously, this energy all technically belongs to the Planet in the end, but the Planet hasn't lost anything if Cloud uses his own energy, then goes on to replenish it.


Double Growth
Hawkeye said:
I don't think anyone would disagree that using up a little of the Planet's energy to stop Sephiroth and Shin-Ra was a "necessary evil," so to speak. Bugenhagen didn't even seem to imply that.

But if people decided to do all their cooking with Fire materia and just sat around zapping flies with Bolt all the time just because they could, that would be wasteful.

Agreed. As for them not having it in AC, it wasn't just an excuse, it's the reason they aren't carrying magic on them. No one chastises Yuffie for bringing materia to the final fight, so they all agree with this reasoning as well. But they're not carrying offensive spells with them. Whether that's prudent or not is another issue I guess.
I don't have any theories to add, only some questions.

1. How does ether fit into all of this?

2. What is MP exactly and how does it relate to the ability of iiving things to increase the total amount of Lifestream? Because what I'm reading from the comments is that when people die, they return a lot more spirit energy to the Planet than they received when they were born. So somehow, living things are capable of generating spirit energy as well as using it.

MP (magic power or mental power? not sure which is right) grows as the individual gains in life experiences and successfully overcomes challenging situations. Does this MP represent the growth in the individual's spirit energy? MP can be depleted with use, but a good night's sleep - or a dose of ether - can restore it.

Tres wrote:
My guess is that the difference between a monster using Ultima and Cloud using it is that he uses the Planet's energy directly, while the monster uses the spirit energy within their body, the same as Cloud and co. do when performing Limit Breaks.

If MP doesn't represent the total reservoir of expendable spirit energy in the body, then it must represent the body's ability to channel the energy straight from the Lifestream. But in that case, why does Cloud's MP deplete when he uses materia?


Average Jiro
Someone tweet SE and ask for a response on the matter. I've heard that SE is pretty forthcoming in answering questions. It would be a really interesting point if Nomura turns out to be right, but I wish it would have been better highlighted within the game so it wasn't simply a matter of "use all the materia!"

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If MP doesn't represent the total reservoir of expendable spirit energy in the body, then it must represent the body's ability to channel the energy straight from the Lifestream. But in that case, why does Cloud's MP deplete when he uses materia?

It may well be both those things -- the amount of a person's own energy they can reasonably expend at a given time in the channeling of the Planet's energy. As to why it would deplete with use, I don't know. The explanation from Case of Yuffie doesn't really go into the why of it so much; it is quite clearly talking about MP, though.
I have more to say, but work calls and the week is now getting stressful so we'll see when I can get back to the discussion.

Am I the only one that thinks this discussion is suitable for a front page post? It'd make a really interesting read. Unless you're already planning to include it in something, Shademp?
In my opinion there is something here that should be worked into the front page, preferably not just as link to this thread but instead as a feature that somehow sums up the discussion. In the same fashion as Squall_of_SeeD's LTD article. But I also see why some will see my speculations as merely the chaotic ramblings of a mind that just won't see what's right in front of him. I have a tendency to see too many potential interpretations of any given statement (although that is not the *entire* issue here) and thusly find myself confused and paralyzed.

Let the discussion run a bit further and we'll see if it can be transformed into an article.


Average Jiro
Perhaps MP functions in a similar way to, say, the ATP-CP system of the human body. There is a finite amount that can be used in the short term, though it is able to be "restored" (in a sense), and with training/levelling, the natural limit can be expanded. Over time, however, it fades as the body begins to, uh, what, die? Get old and shit at stuff?

Or maybe prolonged use over time can just shatter a person's mental strength which, while a necessary risk during a plight like saving the world, is not advisable otherwise. Although that doesn't explain why people would use magic at all unless necessary (see: Sephiroth's abuse of magic during the flashback scene).

I thought I had an interesting point at the start of this post.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
But I also see why some will see my speculations as merely the chaotic ramblings of a mind that just won't see what's right in front of him.

Well, I didn't want to be the one to come out and say it like that ... :awesome:

But, really, I do think it's a fairly cut and dry matter. The only unclear element of it to me seems to be the exact nature of what MP is and how it works.

Licorice said:
Using your limit break doesn't consume any MP.

Good observation.

This, then, either means that MP doesn't consume any of the user's own spirit energy, or that it still does, while the Limit Break is just the excess "surge" that arises during a heightened emotional state.

It might be of benefit for us to briefly revisit the official definition of what Limit Breaks are in the Crisis Core Complete Guide: "When your spirit energy rises to its ultimate limit, for a short while it aligns with and emits from your body."

Obviously, doing this doesn't consume all the spirit energy in a person's body (they don't die), so it may well still be that the MP is related to the user's own spirit energy -- i.e. the limit they can reasonably give up at a particular point in time in order to incite the Planet to use its energy to perform greater feats than the user would be capable of on their own.

All we can really be sure of with MP is that it has something to do with "mind waves" from the user to the materia (or however it was Case of Yuffie put it), and that doing it for a protracted period leaves the user exhausted.
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