Time to remove smilies from smilie list?

Many old, not-used-in-over-a-year pictures and gifs are what contributes to the complete Smilie List (which opens in a separate window) being needlessly wide. The loading process when the smilie list goes from a decent width to mega-wide is an annoyance, albeit small, that I still think can and should be removed.

I also vote for a removal of smilies just for the sake of "cleaning things up" which I am ever so fond of. If the mods disagree with my desire to see things "clean for the sake of being clean" then I perfectly understand.

Here are some suggested conditions that should determine whether a smilie/image/gif stays in the list or not:

- Smilies that are *actually* smilies (the white-blue ones, mostly) should always stay. They are in the list by default, afaik, and should stay.

- The same should be true for most Cookie Monster smilies, seeing as Cookie Monster is a mascot of the forum. Some big ones though, like
should be removed because they are part of an outdated reference (Watchmen) and haven't been used in a long time, to my recollection.

- If a smilie/image/gif has not been used in 18 months, it should be removed from the list. Is there a way for mods to detect if any given smilie has been neglected for this long?

- If a smilie/image/gif is Final Fantasy related, it can stay even if it has not been used in over 18 months. The exception should be made, in my opinion, for the two LTD related images, because they mock a discussion which gives us much bad rap already. I don't think they belong in the list anymore.

I apologize if I'm coming off as aggressive. My intent is merely to get this discussion going to see if the mods, and general forum members, agree that the smilie list should be cleaned up. :monster:

Is it possible perhaps to have two big lists? One for smilies and one for big images? I suspect Yop knows the most about this.


Yeah, just clean up those that aren't cool anymore, :monster:. One can find out how often a smiley has been used (iirc Aaron has a query somewhere for the :monster: smiley), but it's a bit labor-intensive.

We currently have multiple smiley lists already, cookie monsters are a separate category for example. Pretty sure it's possible to not show them in the smiley list, but then, who's going to discover them? :monster:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
May not a single Cookie Monster be removed from this list. All hail the Monster of Cookies!

Especially don't remove :reapermon: or :trainermon: please, I use them constantly.
If finding out which ones have been used in a long time or not is a tedious task, I think we can go on intuition instead.

We currently have multiple smiley lists already, cookie monsters are a separate category for example. Pretty sure it's possible to not show them in the smiley list, but then, who's going to discover them? :monster:
I think we want to keep default smilies and Cookie Monster in the same window/list. That's pretty much certain.

So who is going to remove all the not-cool-already images? To start with, the Winnie the Pooh and Lost images at the bottom of the list should be removed (imo).


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I agree we need a clean up. I don't agree about the LTD images because the LTD deserves mockery :monster:
I think that we'll appear more respectable as a community if we remove, first and foremost, this image:

We are mocking not just the discussion, but those who argue for Clerith. Whatever one may think of those who argue that Clerith is canon, we will be setting a good example by not resorting to mockery in the list of "smilies". Let's be as kind and respectable as we possibly can be.


Great Old One
You can take out all the Winnie the Poos for all I care, but please leave this one: :pooh:

Also there's a lot of GoT stuff I think won't be used.


It's more the OTT EXTREMEHUGE ones I want rid of, since the vast majority of those were added as a one-time joke and basically never used.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
As well as those Jack faces, they're not used much and I wish to be rid of terrible memories.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
Does anyone here want some :cookie2: ?

I dont know if anyone ever use that big cookie smillies before? :monster:
I didn't even know we had half of these. Like Hypnotoad:


You can't get rid of Hypnotoad. Everybody loves Hypnotoad.

Can we keep this?


And this?


And this?


And this one because it's called "Failsafe", but maybe make it smaller?


That is all.

lols, see what you've done Demps? :awesome:
Yes. Exactly what I wanted: Sorting out which smilies/images to keep and which ones to not.

We can easily get smaller versions of the FFVII snapshots.

EDIT: A picture dump, for Licorice to pick if any should replace the old versions (because she's the one who brought it up :awesome: )

Failsafe is difficult to replicate for good comedic effect. The way that photo is taken highlights the size of the "Fail" message in a good way.

Prnt Scrn of how huge the PSX emulator screen is for me.


Cropped for potentially replacing the old failsafe:

Here is a snapshot of the same thing, with the native PSX resolution.

I know the failsafe one was the only picture Lic suggested to get a smaller version of, but I looked into "Cloud facepalm" and "Turks quote" also.



Slightly taller than the current version though and it looks less like a facepalm and more like "hand buried inside Cloud's head"... =/


Maybe everyone is fine with the old version, I dunno. But the current upload has a visible bar from the emulator, at the very bottom.

The current upload for the Turks one is neat, but here is a version you could make of two snapshots from the PSX version.



Could look neat by cropping out the battle menu and combining the two snapshots. I chose the timing of Reno's posing with care.
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Double Growth
Smilies, Monsters, FF-related, and Facepalms (
) stay. Everything else is fair game imo. Especially the huge-ass angry one.

Also, no one has added this one yet

Fix this, fgj.

EDIT: I greatly approve of all those edits, Shademp. I like the middle failsafe, the middle Cloud facepalm, and your Turks one.
Alright, here are options for a new "We're still victorious" image, using those snapshots I took.

Black borders, all same height.

Middle border decreased in height.

Middle border decreased in height even more.

No black borders at the top and bottom. Pic possibly looks a bit too naked.
I vote middle again :monster:

Problem is I just now added a fourth one, so there is no middle. I felt that when the middle black border was only 4 pixels in height, it was too small. So I added one where the middle black border is 6 pixels in height, which instantly looked better in my eyes. But popular opinion will decide in the end.

EDIT: Maybe a 5-pixel border is better? ARGH
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Of the Turks, I like the first "middle border decreased in height". Of the Fail Safe, I like the middle one. Of the facepalming Clouds, I prefer

But yeah, everything FF and Cookie Monster related should stay, by default.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'd rather just resize images rather than remove them, tbh. But maybe that's just me.
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