Time to remove smilies from smilie list?


Double Growth
I still don't see why this is always such an issue with people. I don't think it hurts anything. I get that it might load slower for people with slower connections...but how often are you hunting for smilies anyway?

I probably wouldn't shed tears over any of the really extemporaneous ones at the bottom like the rage explosion one. But I love our supply of FF-themed jokes, cookie monsters, and facepalms.
Like you say, aside from the loading issue there is no practical reason for removing smilies. Personally I just like seeing extraneous smilies removed because the list feels "cleaner" that way. Yet I also enjoy seeing some classics in the list because I've grown fond of their presence, even though I may not use said smilies ever.

I get keeping most of the cookie monster variations because cookie monster is a mascot of the forum. His friends however...

:grover: :count: :oscar: :babybear: :barkley: :bert: :bettylou: :biff: :bigbird: :monster2: :elmo: :elmo2: :elmo3: :ernie: :franklin: :herry: :honker: :kermit2: :kingston: :littlebird: :prairiedawn: :prairiedawn2: :rosita: :slimey: :slimey2: :snuffy: :sully: :telly: :twiddlebug: :twiddlequeen:

When do we EVER use any of these? :monster: I vaguelly recall seeing twiddlequeen used once, years ago... >___> I think this Sesame Street group just needlessly adds to the length of the smilie list.

trash panda

^ I use basically the same smilies over and over again because I cba to scroll around through the smilie menu. :lol:

I think I use these the most:
:monster: :closedmonster: :lol: :excited: :properhug: :aah:

I still want to see Channy's Cookiemonsterwoman. She sent it to me the other day but I couldn't get the file to open. :closedmonster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah, I've got decent interwebs and the massive smilies always kill it for me... such as rage, massivemonsters, etc..

Sorry Howl, I'll imgur the pic tomorrow, just on my phone atm :monster:


I'm in support of keeping things neat and tidy, but we don't need a purge right now IMO.


I wish vB's smiley list was a bit more user-friendly, so that we could have the regular smileys and the large macros on separate pages. I'm sure that can be hax0red into it, and/or there might be a mod already.
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