Yo. I heard there were people I know here.


Ya hello folks I'm wavin' at you. I hate these intro threads because no one ever says anything interesting in them, interesting stuff is elsewhere usually, you know, once the veil of comfort and trust descends on the poster. But I'm the most interesting person I know with no issues of trust so listen up:

My name is Cab. That is all.




Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Wait. I'm getting something here... didnt you used to be on ACF? In the Turk fanclubs? I think I remember you. I used to be Mudskii back then :monster:

edit: obviously if im wrong ignore this.


Ha ha yar I did Octo. I have to admit that I've not really grown as a person since then despite attending many spiritual retreats and becoming one with my inner psycho.

So how ya been? whatcha been up to? Same Qs go for everyone else of course. I'm officially working right now - but I'm not obviously. I might be off to Saudi Arabia in a few months, but for now I'm living the dream in South Wales with cups of tea and close harmony singing.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm more of a psycho now. Plus I got married and had a baby (perhaps that is why :monster: ) Technically Im qualified to teach art... but I dont wanna.

Kinda sucks that ACF imploded, lots of cool people lost touch. :(


Holy Moly! Having a baby is serious business! I have a plant, actually I have 3, I reckon that puts me in the elite of the responsible! :D

I'm doing a masters right now, should finish in September. I came back to Britain from Martinique in the Caribbean to do it, glutton for punishment eh?! I was travelling about before that, Italy, Iceland, Iraq, France. I had a few major injuries, broke my arm (again) and my back which really sucked. Started up an online teaching company with some other teachers, made a shitty album in Italy but did a few good songs here and there. Mostly I've been all about the studying, it's a great way to avoid life when it gets scary!! ha ha


Well hello Sir! Nice to see you again :D

@ Octo, Yeah I know what you mean about ACF imploding but it was bound to happen and to be honest a lot of good people weren't happy with how it was all going along. I think hitting the reset button was worth it, this place seems a lot calmer. It's fun for a while but life is too short for so much drama on something that doesn't really matter.

@ Licorice, Turks are all good and that, but I liked the idea of them more than them themselves- love a good henchman! Plus they are the ultimate fun character to play with because they are peripheral and disposable but people care about them and can fill in a lot of gaps which aren't explicit about them. I kinda wish more had been done with them but like that it wasn't. They are a sketch of a character that you can fill in as you like.

Ohhh check me talking FF stuff! Reckon I sound informed here or what?!

Ghost X

Welcome aboard. The name and avatar look familiar, but my memories of ACF are extremely vague, and this could just be coincidental :awesome:.


Take yer dementia meds Ghost, we used to get down an' serious in debates and such. I don't remember the details but I remember ranking you as intelligentleman on many an occasion.

Ghost X

I have forgotten / never known how to change my user title :(. I should take them dementia meds, indeed. Now that my ego has been inflated, I'd like to return the favour, in saying that what I once thought was a coincidence may not be so. Feel free to (continue) taking part in intellectual discussions here. They are indeed my favourite kind. None of this small-talk, get-to-know-you, emotional-connection business that I fail miserably at, which is probably in part responsible for said memory issues :awesome:. My heart is made of stone :wacky:.


Stony hearts last forever :arr: I'm not the mushy peas and bubble bath type either, but in this case it seemed appropriate. I think it's been about 6 years since I graced anything forum-like? I would love to say I was off fighting the good fight for justice an'shit, but it was mostly with my own head! :lol:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Um...just to let you know. I am totally shipping you guys now :wacky:


Yeah but if memory serves that'll be the last we hear from Senior Ghost in this thread. Too much blowing of his ego makes him blush I reckon :lol:


Save your valediction (she/her)
This is a perfect opportunity to interrupt.

Nice to meet you Cab. I'm Ite!


Good advice given as always Mr Man. Thanks an' shit :monster:
(Just never lead me astray cos now I believe everything you say and follow blindly k?)

Hello thar Ite, do you believe in the existence of tea and biscuits in my bed here? Come on the will power, I don't wanna get up and go to my cold kitchen complete with water feature running down the walls - oh student life!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
With great power comes great responsibility. I shall endeavour to remember this. :monster:
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