[Game Complete] Pushing It to the Thirteenth Hour: My Step by Step Impressions of Final Fantasy XIII.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah, so I guess you know what this means. I actually picked it up today.

I wasn't actually planning to. I'm finding myself having a bit of extra time on my hands, even with classes, and I'm always down for exchanging idle hours for cold hard cash, so today I was on my way to my old job to see if I could pick up some extra hours of work. Considering said old job was me working as a caterer for the University of Pittsburgh, and considering that the company that the University of Pittsburgh outsourced it to was incompetent as shit, they had nothing for me. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT; the point is that they did have an old check I forget to pick up a long while back, and guess how much this check was worth?

Sixty bucks.

Guess what I went right ahead and spent that sixty bucks on? Yep. So here I sit, 360 controller in my hand (Yes.), title screen at my face, ready to play. There are already a lot of FFXIII topics floating around here, and I didn't want to make another one just to announce that I got the game, so I'm going to try something different. Every day I play the game, I'll update it here with what I think of it so far, what's going on (I'll try to keep it as spoiler free as possible), and whether or not I plain old like it. Some of you may know that I along with guys such as Mako, am very skeptical about this game. However, considering I had some disposable income to buy it out of, I figure I'll try to give it a fair shake at least.

I'll try to pace myself so I don't end up playing 20 hours every day and end up just having 3 or so updates or whatever (which, considering I have a life, and of course other games to play, will be pretty easy), and you guys can hopefully discuss or whatever? I dunno, maybe this topic will sink or swim, we'll see. If you guys want, and if the turnout is okay, maybe I'll even frontpage my updates?

Let's begin! The first update will be in a few!


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Pardon, I made a typo. They said it isn't as linear as FFX. ><

Isn't as linear...well good luck there proving that because it is, and worse. That isn't a statement of opinion. It is something you can see and explain. i.e. no backtracking or revisiting areas for large proportions of the game. very few towns and for 20 hours, 1 straight path which forces you forwards.

Please explain where that happened in X.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Update #2, 2 hours, 22 minutes

So I'm still on the 2nd Chapter, and I figure I'm not too far in the game yet at all. My initial impressions: There's a big world out there to be explored, and hopefully the story to tell it, but there are a lot of cutscenes. So far, all of the rumors are true. So far. I'm not really big on a lot of cutscenes, I'm all for the hands on experience but FFXIII's are interesting enough to be tolerable. I can tell that I haven't even scratched the surface of the plot yet, so I'll make an allowance for that so far.

As for the characters, I've only been introduced to Lightning, Sazh, Hope, Vanille, and Snow. There are a few side characters, such as Snow's crew, but I haven't really seen too much of them. My impressions?

Lightning: Her nonsense, take no prisoners attitude is really endearing to me so far. She's not all mopey, and conversely she's not all like "LET'S GO GUYS". She's just into getting it done. Which I appreciate. She hasn't revealed too much about herself so far, and she's been dicking Sazh around a fair bit, but we'll see.

Sazh: I like Sazh! He's just a regular everyday guy, it seems. He certainly fits the 'everyman' role well, I think, and he's an outlet to convey what most players would be thinking in situations he encounters, which ranges from "WHAT THE FUCK", or "HEY I CAN'T JUMP FROM THIS HEIGHT ARE YOU CRAZY" or "I'M NOT A ONE MAN ARMY WE CAN'T JUST GO CHARGING INTO GUNFIRE" (he doesn't actually say any of these things, but basically he's a level headed, common sense type of dude, which is a stark contrast to most RPG characters).

He also gets points because he's black. Rather, not because he's black (well yeah, because he's black. There. I said it.), but because he's not white. I was pretty sick of seeing the static homogeneity in RPGs, especially JRPGs, but hey, a brotha is a nice change of the flavor.

Snow: I can see how this guy would be annoying. He's basically the guy that lives life like he's a video game. "I'M GONNA BE THE HERO GUYS" and "HEROES NEVER RUN" and all that sort of shit. He's basically like Zack on acid. I liked Zack and all, but I don't know how he'll fit in FFXIII's narrative. However, FFXIII's more realistic way the characters move and act and all that help make him seem more person like.

Hope: Basically a pussy little kid, so far. The jury is out whether or not I'll like this kid. I understand I'm only two hours in, so we'll see.

Vanille: Irritating chick with a funny accent. The fact that she's way too happy go lucky (disproportionate to the dire situation that the game begins in), and she retardedly goes headlong into danger "PULSE L'CIE HERP DERP" for no real, at least, no revealed reason, ain't winning her points. The telltale "anime chick" body language ain't helping either. Once again, we'll see.

The gameplay, there really isn't much of it so far. The battle system is unraveling, very slowly. If I had to give an early game criticism, is that the battle system introduces itself at the rate of an old man on the verge of death. It's like the entire 2 hours, and more hours ahead are a tutorial. I think the game should have been faster in its pace in introducing the gameplay elements, because all I can do, and all I need to do, is attack over and over again. Balance, balance, balance!

So far, it's not a bad game. Just wish the gameplay catches up with itself, soon.

ADDENDUM: As I mentioned before, and I get the feeling I'll repeatedly mention, the graphics are fucking redonkulous. I mean gatdamn.

More updates tomorrow.

Pardon, I made a typo. They said it isn't as linear as FFX. ><

Oh! I hope your friend is right. I love FFX to death, even considering it's linearity. Hopefully I'll be able to grant FFXIII the same forgiveness. So far I don't see how it's less linear than FFX, though.

The opening scene is purty.

It is! The graphics, like I said before, are gorgeous.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
He also gets points because he's black. Rather, not because he's black (well yeah, because he's black. There. I said it.), but because he's not white. I was pretty sick of seeing the static homogeneity in RPGs, especially JRPGs, but hey, a brotha is a nice change of the flavor.

I still can't stand how ridiculously stereotypical he looks. Especially since the only reason he's all afro and whacked out clothes BECAUSE he's black.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Snow: I can see how this guy would be annoying. He's basically the guy that lives life like he's a video game. "I'M GONNA BE THE HERO GUYS" and "HERO'S NEVER RUN" and all that sort of shit. He's basically like Zack on acid. I liked Zack and all, but I don't know how he'll fit in FFXIII's narrative. However, FFXIII's more realistic way the characters move and act and all that help make him seem more person like.

Vanille: Irritating chick with a funny accent. The fact that she's way too happy go lucky (disproportionate to the dire situation that the game begins in), and she retardedly goes headlong into danger "PULSE L'CIE HERP DERP" for no real, at least, no revealed reason, ain't winning her points. The telltale "anime chick" body language ain't helping either. Once again, we'll see.

Told ya, straight up anime characters.

Snow is the embodiment of shonen.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I still can't stand how ridiculously stereotypical he looks. Especially since the only reason he's all afro and whacked out clothes BECAUSE he's black.

Yeah, I can definitely see what you mean. You know what, though? Based on what I've seen, Sazh has the most normal clothes of the bunch. Except for Snow, maybe, the inhabitants of FFXIII, at least, what I've seen, they wear some weird looking shit. When I first seen Sazh, I looked at his clothes and I was like 'get the fuck out of here', but compared to some of the other shit that people are wearing? Yeah, a green overcoat and boots ain't so bad.

And believe it or not, his afro is growing on me. Yeah.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Yeah, I can definitely see what you mean. You know what, though? Based on what I've seen, Sazh has the most normal clothes of the bunch. Except for Snow, maybe, the inhabitants of FFXIII, at least, what I've seen, they wear some weird looking shit. When I first seen Sazh, I looked at his clothes and I was like 'get the fuck out of here', but compared to some of the other shit that people are wearing? Yeah, a green overcoat and boots ain't so bad.

And believe it or not, his afro is growing on me. Yeah.

Doesn't he have a baby chocobo living in his hair?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Yeah. Around here in Downtown Pittsburgh, we usually call people with birds living in their hair hobos, but we'll see.


fresh to death
You see later why Vanille is like that.
Trust me, it's very well told.

I played it for 14 hours yesterday. Fuck my life.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Glad to see you giving this a shot, Mog.

Though the claims of linearity are completely accurate, I truly don't think it will stand out to people as much as they expect. Most of the areas you go through you really wouldn't want to go back to, and, for that matter, the highly character-driven narrative really keeps you from thinking about it that often.

At least that's what I believe. Truly, I think most players are going to find themselves more interested in the next piece of interaction between the main cast than in the possible insight of NPC #123.

Hope you enjoy the game, dude, and I look forward to reading more of your comments.

P.S. Sazh is fucking awesome.

P.P.S. Bexy is right, Dacon. Vanille was done well. Sorry that you're wrong. :monster: It happens.


The Wanderer of Time
Though the claims of linearity are completely accurate, I truly don't think it will stand out to people as much as they expect. Most of the areas you go through you really wouldn't want to go back to, and, for that matter, the highly character-driven narrative really keeps you from thinking about it that often.

At least that's what I believe. Truly, I think most players are going to find themselves more interested in the next piece of interaction between the main cast than in the possible insight of NPC #123.

Hello me, good to see you.

That actually annoys me about FFX in hindsight. How much time is spent developing the backgrounds of NPCs like Shelinda and Clasko and it has absolutely nothing to do with the plot? I would understand focusing on a NPC's story if it goes somewhere relevant, like Belgemine, but otherwise I don't care.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I usually adore the NPCs to tell you the truth -- including Shelinda, Clasko, et. al. Especially given that Tidus was a stranger to Spira (our avatar in that respect), it helped give us a sense that we were becoming part of that world for him to talk to these people time and again.

And if nothing else, it fleshed out the world and made it feel more alive.

In FFXIII, though, I don't see it as a loss, due in part, of couse, to the fact that the plot requires most people hate your guts. In fact, most of the people of Coccoon are pretty damn annoying and you wouldn't want to get to know them.

On the few occasions you're around regular people and able to interact with them, they just annoy the shit out of you with their constant "Al Bhed suck, machina is bad" "l'Cie suck, Pulse is bad" worldview. These people have been coddled and brainwashed to the point that you feel disconnected from being around them rather than as though you're getting to experience the world.

Really, the world feels more alive while storming an airship or traversing the wilderness of Gran Pulse than it does when interacting with the citizenry.


Double Growth
I'm about 15 hours in, and I'm liking it so far. I'm not gonna tout it as the best game ever, but I'm giving it a fair chance unlike certain people. And yes, I love Sazh and he is not the "goofy stereotype" I was foreseeing in the least. I also love what a hardass Lightning is. Hope's a little bitch though. Also...I'm pretty sure I'm in a town right now. No there aren't shops, but people were lamenting the lack of NPCs to talk to...and there sure seem like a ton of them...so I'm not sure what that was about.

I'll say more later, but I will say this, in intense battles this battle system is $&%^ing awesome!
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The Wanderer of Time
On the few occasions you're around regular people and able to interact with them, they just annoy the shit out of you with their constant "Al Bhed suck, machina is bad" "l'Cie suck, Pulse is bad" worldview. These people have been coddled and brainwashed to the point that you feel disconnected from being around them rather than as though you're getting to experience the world.

Oh goodie, a city full of Wakkas. I hated that fucker...

I get what you mean about fleshing out the world, but I felt the NPC subplots were shallow. Shelinda never seemed to do anything really, she was just there. If you're going to make these NPCs and if I'm going to see their story play out, make it go somewhere interesting.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
P.P.S. Bexy is right, Dacon. Vanille was done well. Sorry that you're wrong. :monster: It happens.


Dacon, play the game before you judge, please?

Did they add new scenes to the english version? I think not, and I'm sorry, but when the resident fangirl says "Trust me" about her latest obsession that she's been slobbering over since before it was released, I can't help but laugh.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If by "done well" you mean, done in typical, cliche, anime genki chick fashion, then yes, Tres. You are absolutely right. She is done extremely well. She's a paragon of female final fantasy characterization. :awesome:
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