30 Days of Final Fantasy!! (2018)

Ghost X

Forgotten Capital, definitely my favourite. Love the natural beauty of it. Very little artificial-looking (made by humans in the story) structures in it (certainly relative to other places), and it fits in the world.

I think lighting plays a real important part in the visual appearance of things too. I think I would have liked Bran Bal, for example, if it didn't look so artificial / fake / cartoonish. Compare that to stuff in FFXII, where I think a lot of things have a more realistic appearance in regards to lighting.

I think most FF towns' architecture is obviously appropriated with little thought going into design and world-building aspects, and sticks out like a sore thumb to me. What's a roman temple doing in Edea's orphanage for example :P. It's a bit better, like for example, with the medieval stuff in FFIX, when there is effort to make these appropriated things fit into the world.

On the other hand, some of the original-looking towns lack a timeless quality, with artists likely influenced by visual trends at the time the games were made, which to me look dated now. FFVIII and FFX have many examples of that, imo.

If the Gold Saucer is a "city/town", I think has the best mini-games of all FFs in it (and worst, as mentioned previously :awesome:), so worthy of a mention :P.

solo player sab

normie trash
^ AGREE on the Forgotten Capital and Gold Saucer! Two places I can't wait to see in the Remake! I think the Forgotten Capital is going to be GORGEOUS! And I hope they make the Gold Saucer as much of a sensory overload as I imagine it to be. Overall, I found the Gold Saucer to be the most fun place in the game -- it's got everything!

I also really like Nibelheim, for nostalgic reasons. I'm always a sucker for a good childhood backstory. THAT WELL THO...

solo player sab

normie trash
Ah crap I TOTALLY forgot about Wall Market/Midgar. Not like it's one of the most iconic settings of FFVII or anything, no biggie :whistle:


Pro Adventurer
Y'all took the words right out of my mouth. The Forgotten Capital, Wall Market and Midgar are definitely at the top of my list.

The gorgeous Forgotten Capital, particularly, just floored me even in its 90s pre-rendered graphics. Its eerie beauty really stuck out to me. It's probably the location I'm most excited to see in the remake.

I love Cosmo Canyon too; though not really to scale in the original game, I can imagine it sparkling in twilight and its grandeur and it is yet another great example of a town adapted to fit the natural structures it's built around. I also have a soft spot for Costa del Sol, because the soundtrack calms me and the idea that these guys need a break really humanises them in my eyes, haha.

I loved Bhujerba in FFXII, hands down my favourite in the game. Love its cultural and lingual distinction, and the endless views of the sky from the edges of the town. Eruyt Village is one that had wasted potential, to be honest. I understand that it's supposed to reflect the character of the Viera but I would have loved it if it were a little bit more alive the way the other cities are.
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I'm quite fond of the twin cities of Jidoor & Zozo, the auction house, the art gallery, the nearby opera house and the bigass prices you get a strong impression of their wealth and cultural, especially juxtaposed against Zozo's shitty, rainy, monster-infested mess of flats. But the building hopping residents and catchy town theme give it a sense of fun that they got by leaving the snobbishness behind.


Double Growth
I was always partial to Junon. Big city, but seems to have a little more...charm than Midgar. Maybe it's the perennial sunset :P And also it's armed to the teeth, of course.

I also always liked Lindblum. It always just felt huge, which was a rare feat for FF. Midgar and especially Rabanastre are two others that manage a good sense of scale, but Lindblum just has a lot of personality.
Midgar, natch.


You'd think the towns of Ivalice would be appealing but I always found them a bit dull compared to the open map, probably because the NPCs are quite full when compared with the NPCs of FFVII. I like Lowtown of Rabanastre.


Pro Adventurer
Balamb Garden. I always love the concept of a "boarding school" tyoe setting, especially in game narrative (Persona 3's dorm etc used a similar type of thing to great effect), and I enjoy the aesthetics. But mostly, like any great 'town', it makes great use of non-essential NPCs...I find myself going back inside and running all around the place as the game progresses, just to check in with certain people...the guy who falls asleep in the sun, the workout kid, the lunchlady with the wayward son (whom I always seek out so he comes back)

Deleted member 546

Kalm and Wutai. I get the impression that Kalm would be a picture postcard kind of place and a massive contrast to the dirty bustle of the slums.
Wutai is just such a pretty place with the mountains and statues, I wonder if one of the designers grew up somewhere with a similar aesthetic.

I also loved the Temple of the Ancients but not sure if that counts.


I get the feeling we’re gonna get some overlap from the ‘Most Dissapointing FF’ question…

Regardless. :awesomonster:

Day 27

What’s your least favourite FF game?


Pro Adventurer
FFVIII for all the reasons I'd stated under most disappointing FF (junction system woes and the fact that I can't grind-n-obliterate)


Day 2: Favourite Final Fantasy outfit?
Barret and Tifa's game outfits. Love the big boots, leather and gloves a la that 90s cyberpunk cityrat aesthetic.

Day 3: Which Final Fantasy game are you planning/have a desire to play next?
I still want to finish FFVIII regardless, because it annoys me that I can't remember anything about that game from when I played it the first time around. An FFIV: Advance replay, an FFX replay, FFIX, FFXV and FFXIV (once I free up some disk space) are up next

Day 4: Which characters make up your favourite FF party?
My FFVI party was the baddest; Sabin, Celes, Edgar and Shadow. 9999 damage from each, 9999 twice-inflicted by Sabin with the Genji gloves. Killaaaaa

Day 9: Which limit break is your favourite?
Okay, Sabin's Tiger Break is my favourite Blitz technique just because it's so gatdamn fun discovering the different button combinations and punching in some boss moves.

Day 10: What is your favourite FF summon?
FFX's Shiva and FFXII's Zalera

Day 12: Best. FF. Scene. Ever. IS….????
Bruh the end of the world in FFVI where the entire fucking planet just crumbles apart is just epic.

Day 14: What’s your favourite thing about your favourite FF game?
FFVII's post-industrial setting and the thematic commentary on capitalism/greed and the environment.

Day 15: What’s your least favourite thing about your favourite FF game?
The haphazard localisation, probably.

Day 22: What's the funniest FF moment?
Hahaha when Vaan
and pisses everyone off.
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VIII, X and XIII. VIII has a couple redeemable qualities imo but the others I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.


That Man
In the past it was Ehgeiz, I think.

Now, to be honest most FF games have given me at least SOMETHING to like, even FFXIII.

I'd say XIII was initially a drag, but XIII-2 and Lightning Returns redeemed it in my book. Especially XIII-2 which had a Chrono Trigger vibe which I very much enjoyed.


Pro Adventurer
Nobody seems to count the first 3, but if they did, itd almost certainly be one of those (probably 1 or 2)...won't be busting those out for replay any time in the next...my existence.

But besides that, gotta be XII. I get 8's disappointments, and X was divisive being a first of sorts, but would anyone really rather play that again then either of those others?? (I mean obviously yes, but rhetorically speaking lol).

I aint down for no open-vest quest


Double Growth
I actually sincerely enjoyed playing through 1 last summer. I was amazed. The PSP version, to be clear, I'm sure the NES one would never grab me.

I haven't played much of 2 or any of 3, but I imagine it would be one of them. Of the ones I played, probably 8. But I don't truly hate any of the ones I've played.

Deleted member 546

I'm still on FF ATM (PSP port to iPhone) and it's a twat. The map isn't very clear and it's caused a few hiccups on the 'WTF do I do now' scale. FFVIII is tedious but I will try it again eventually, and FFX I don't generally hear good things about so I'm not too fussed about playing it since it looks fuck boring. But ia, it's on the list.

I got pissed off with DoC pretty quickly but I might need to crack it out to let my son play it. HE HAS COME OF AGE.


Eyes of the Lord
Day 27: Picking either of the first three games would be an easy target so I will only choose one that came after them.

Final Fantasy IX. It was either 6 or 9 but decided to pick 9 due its dreadfull combat speed as well as lackluster narrative.
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