30 Days of Final Fantasy (2019)


I could not find this thread for a minute because I was rendered confused by my own silly name and profile pic, I thought you should know. I was bugging tf out...


Day 6.

Which FF universe would you live in and why? What would you be doing there and how do you think you'd live?

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Well condom cid, I would live at the Gold Saucer from FF7 and play games all day with my winnings as a famous chocobo breeder/racer. I’d live at the hotel. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.



I wanna live in XII's Ivalice, up on Bhujerba. Probably I'd work either as a market stall person or maybe in a tavern behind the bar, but I'd have my own little airship so I could spend my weekends/time off in the sky, just diving off the edge and into the clouds yes please.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
FF9 because there are 5 big and interesting towns/cities on the same continent, all of which are very different. You could travel between them by airship every few months if you wanted a change of scenery. Obviously pre-invasion of Burmecia and Cleyra.

How would I live? I'd become a Dragoon Knight, purely because I want to know where they disappear to when they use the "Jump" command. Do they sit on a cloud or something?

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
It's so interesting to hear these positive things regarding FFXIII in terms of story as I've only heard all the bad things regarding gameplay and something about impossibly long dungeons I think :P I took the notion of the story for granted...

Only one way to find out!

Day 5: Cid Fabool IX. Most complete character, without that much screentime.

Day 6: FFIX seems relatively safe, as long as you live above the Mist. Think I'd be farming in Dali.

Ghost X

Day 6: Whatever FF world it was where my chances of survival are greatest. I'll go with FF9, sure. What would I do? Probably attempt selling artworks at Treno's auctions. How I would live would probably greatly depend on the money I get for that. Maybe I'd be an actor or musician otherwise, but would try not to get the attention of any psychotic royals.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Grimoire from World of Final Fantasy.

It's a mix of all great things and places of Final Fantasy. I can also be a mirage keeper, which means capturing my own hoard of Final Fantasy summons and enemies to power myself up and use at my leisure. I could finally have a pet Malboro all my own and ride it wherever I go, and wage biological warfare on anyone and everyone who tried to give me shit.

Or, I'd have a Mecha Chocobo to ride and go to any place I see fit, while raining death and destruction on my enemies.

Or even...An Ahriman. Those floating one-eyed monsters totally remind me of Mike Wazowski and are fucking awesome. Those fuckers can hurl curses and confuse enemies wonderfully and they're so ugly and freaky they end up looking adorable if you stare at them hard enough. I could ride ontop of one or let their lesser evolution ride on my head...

The only danger would be... The hoards of mirages and Cogna that would be there but hey. That's why you catch them. And considering Grimoire houses Champions such as Cloud, Squall, Lightning, Tidus, Terra, Bartz etc... Whatever might threaten it would probably end up getting beaten back pretty quickly. Bahamutian Federation assholes might be a problem but hey. That's again, why you fight them with your mirages and not yourself. :mon:

Any world that let's you visit the Library of the Ancients, Midgar, Figaro Castle, Balamb Garden and Cornelia in the same world is a winner, hands down.

VIII's world gets special mention because it seems the safest and least fucking insane.

Aside from the Moon occasionally shitting monsters onto the Earth (thanks in part to a nutbag Sorceress who wanted to weaponize the Lunar Cry), the world of FFVIII is relatively normal and analogous to the real world in its function, while also not completely being a threat to human life. Aside from the crazy Sorceress who tried to conquer the world and then fold all of space-time into a singularity within herself, the world was relatively peaceful and orderly. It's beautiful, diverse, friendly and hey... Being a SeeD mercenary pays pretty fucking well and lets you even keep your own pet Guardian Force!

As cool as most of the worlds of FF are, they're... Pretty fucking horrifyingly dangerous.

FFVII's world is dead fucking last. I would never want to live in that world. Between Meteorfall, Geostigma, and groups of humans being rounded up and melted into pools of Lifestream... Yeah no.

I almost said FFXV's world but then I remembered the bullshit with the Nifelheim Empire, Starscourge, and god forbid I lived during the 10 years of eternal fucking night. Yeah, no thank you. I love Insomnia and think it would be an awesome city to live in buuuuuuuut we saw what happened to that place :mon:

FFXIII's world is second to last. It's a world where the main creator deity is fucking batshit insane, and his lesser gods actively hate you and want to use you up until you're a crystal zombie.

Sooooo yeah.

Grimoire it is. At least Enna Kros seems like a somewhat nice, if hands-off kinda god.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
Lindblum’s theatre district, post-game. Preferably born post-game so that nobody I know gets eternally interred by that Shimmering Islands bullhockey. I’d be an actor with Tetra Master as my main hobby and if I ever picked up the adventuring life I’d probably be a red mage helping to clear the basins of any remaining monsters. I’d participate in but probably never win the Festival of the Hunt. Annual trips to Alexandria are a must, and Treno for the tournament of course. Would love my own ship but if I’m an actor that probably isn’t feasible :P That’s okay I’ll bring a book for the South Gate cable car.


XII's Ivalice, it's a dangerous world as any other but commercial airship travel does exist that takes you right over the roaming monsters and it's villians want to control the area, not end the world or make fundamental change to reality. It's not great but it's livable.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
XII's Ivalice, it's a dangerous world as any other but commercial airship travel does exist that takes you right over the roaming monsters and it's villians want to control the area, not end the world or make fundamental change to reality. It's not great but it's livable.

Then the Cataclysm hits and everyone dies :mon:

And those that don't get thrown into the Dark Ages.

I almost chose that as my answer but the earth rending cataclysm that basically kills all the people, fun and technological progress of the world and turns it into the Ivalice of FF Tactics and Vagrant Story just has me go... "Naaaah..." lol

It's all fun and games until a Jagd opens up under your feet!


Then the Cataclysm hits and everyone dies :mon:

And those that don't get thrown into the Dark Ages.

I almost chose that as my answer but the earth rending cataclysm that basically kills all the people, fun and technological progress of the world and turns it into the Ivalice of FF Tactics and Vagrant Story just has me go... "Naaaah..." lol

It's all fun and games until a Jagd opens up under your feet!
I'd take Tactics's Ivalice over Ultimecia's world which is what the future of FFVIII has in store for it.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
There isn't really a final fantasy world where there isn't some apocalyptic end in sight though is there?

Yeah but it's often some kind of impending doom for the whole world, that's gonna happen at some point in the future.
Whereas Sin is a permanent fixture. There is no point where it's not happening. Until they kill the tick.

Deleted member 546

There isn't really a final fantasy world where there isn't some apocalyptic end in sight though is there?

Least I could get a tan while I wait to die
Don't give me that shit, you're Scottish, you're allergic to sunshine. :monster:
I'd go for FFVII because I'm most familiar with it. Cosmo Canyon is appealing but I'm not sure I'd want to live there 'cos of the lack of greenery, but then the ancient forest isn't that far away. Bone village is also weirdly appealing, lol.


Pro Adventurer
Day 5 - I'll always love Cid from FFVII, Cid from FFIX was pretty cool, being a Oglop and all.

Day 6 - I would like to live in the IX world, it just seems a bit more lighthearted & less chaotic of a world or the world of WoFF (lol no pun intended), that would be freakin cool, almost being in the pokemon world & yet having many Final Fantasy worlds come together with heaps of the awesome peoples!!! That would be cool!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Without question it's Lightning.

Specifically her Savior/Equilibrium garb. That look is the perfect fusion of functionality, badassery and sexy. It is without question, my favorite play arts kai figure and the one I sought after the hardest.

Honorable mention goes to Cloud's AC outfit, a nice badass look for Cloud post FFVII.

....And KH Sephiroth because it's so hilariously, jaw-dropping extravagant and silly that it circles back around to badass. Only Sephiroth could wear such an over-the-top evil Halloween inspired outfit complete with red-trim, bat shaped arm wings, and still look intimidating and badass. When I saw the full render of it on the KH Final Mix website, I was simply amazed at seeing him in updated graphics with such an over the top outfit and I just thought that it was da' bomb. It still amuses me to this day and it's my favorite Sephiroth play arts figure I own to date.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Well Tifa has some nice uhhh... “aesthetics”.. ;)

But I’m going to have to go with Lightning. Simply because my life goals are to make her real and put a ring on dat finger. I just remember playing that game for the first time and being astounded that a video game character could be that hot!

Oh look! A non FF7 answer! Good job on the questions Cid condom!
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