500 Internal Server Error


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Getting a bit sick of these. They've been happening several times a day lately. Refreshing usually solves the problem but it's still annoying.

Yop, can you talk to the host about these?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Is this happening a lot? I've only had one anytime recently that I can remember.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've been getting at least three a day. Sometimes a lot more than that.

Ghost X

I've had a lot today, but then I've opened a lot of pages on TLS at the same time, and so... yeah.


I've had maaaaaaybe one or two a week in the last few weeks, but like you said, refreshing the page has always taken care of it, so I wasn't really bothered by it.


Getting a bit sick of these. They've been happening several times a day lately. Refreshing usually solves the problem but it's still annoying.

Yop, can you talk to the host about these?

Dude, I am the host nowadays, :monster:. We run on a dedicated server, which also means the service provider goes 'well fuck you, you're on your own', :monster:.

This also means I get to dive into error logs and such to see if I can figure out the problem. Woo!

edit: Haven't found anything yet. I haven't seen the errors occurring myself either. If it happens again, could you write up the exact~ish time it occurs? Minute is fine. I tried reducing the amount of logged errors, at least.

btw Fangu, I'm getting a warning about a missing 4th argument for the new_except_firstpreview() function, just so you know.


Hm. Well that kinda depends on your definition of 'host'. I've always been the owner of the site, but the servers it's been hosted on over time have varied. Up until a year ago, we mostly used shared hosting - that is, you get a readily set-up server with all the software at your disposal. The downside of that is that you share the same server with a bunch of other sites, and often you're limited in terms of how much CPU power and stuff you can draw from that shared server - this had led to problems in the past. But, it's cheap - our first host was about 30 euros / about $35-$40 a year, second and third was about double that iirc.

About a year ago, same problems again (I believe) and I said fuck it and went for dedicated hosting. First was 'virtual' dedicated hosting, where you get a virtual machine (again, shared with a bunch of other people, but completely isolated so you can install your own software and do all the things), but it wasn't nearly strong enough (not enough memory, mainly), so I upgraded a couple of months later to a true dedicated machine; there's a server with our name on it somewhere in an anonymous datacenter, <3.

The downside of that is you still rely on the hosting party to help with hardware problems (which we had a few months ago, hard drive failure (or well, luckily, just the connector)), and you're completely on your own with anything but the default setup as well. Which means lots of commandline tinkering, which is fun, :monster:.


I've been getting these too, quite a few but it's not too irritating. Only been happening in the past month or so.


Great Old One
btw Fangu, I'm getting a warning about a missing 4th argument for the new_except_firstpreview() function, just so you know.
Okay so this is the only function I flat out borrowed, from here. The complete header is function new_excerpt_firstpreview($id, $excerpt_length, $ending, $superending). It's called only once, from echo_first_post_preview($id), where it's called as new_excerpt_firstpreview($id, 20, '...')).

If this is just a warning, or does it show up as an error? If the latter (or if you insist) I can rewrite new_excerpt_preview to not take in that last parameter. We don't need it for the way we're using excerpts anyway.


It's a warning, but it's only not an error because PHP is being forgiving, :monster:. It's just kinda cluttering the error log, 's all. Alternatively, you can give it a default parameter value (like $superending = "" in the function declaration).


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
This is really getting irksome; the forum is sometimes down for ten minutes at a time or more now. It's only this site too and it happens even when I'm on my phone away from home, so I'm sure it's not just a problem with my connection. Anything we can do about it?

The last time it happened was 9:35-9:45ish my time (GMT-5 I believe)


And it's happening every day now too. Doing my head in!

I know Yop took a look at it earlier and there didn't really seem to be anything out of the ordinary going on. I'm sure he'll post here tomorrow with something :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Just happened again. 11:09. Didn't last for nearly as long this time, thankfully.


It's all about timing IMO. It's been happening for the past couple of weeks in my memory and it usually resolves itself in about a minute or so, but that doesn't make it any less annoying.


Higher Further Faster
It was happening to me a lot yesterday. All I had to do was refresh and it was fixed, though.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Happened to me a few times tonight, dunno for how long each time cause I buggered off to find some other form of amusement :monster:


Great Old One
Yop said he can't see anything specific from the log. But we know it's something. It usually starts around midnight for me and goes on for a few hours. It's not nearly as bad as it was on the old server, but it's getting worse.

Edit: Wait, happened at 15:15 my time and was gone for 4 minutes.
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Higher Further Faster
Happened again last night before bed. Didn't last long, and a hard refresh fixed everything.

Although there was once instance where the forum loaded with a white background. It looked kind of nice, actually. :)
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