A possible connection between Jenova and Spira


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I actually do agree here, when I take my dislike for FFX into account. Just picturing that Tidus and Yuna existed, albeit on a different planet, at a time before Cloud and the gang... UGH. It just feels wrong. I don't want Tidus and Yuna to be part of the same universe as Cloud. That does taint FFVII in my eyes.

If I look past my dislike for FFX, I can tolerate the FFX-FFVII connection though.

Why do you dislike FF-X?
I can list a number of reasons, but the best and shortest explanation is that I just didn't like the world and the characters. Different tastes and all that. I don't know why some people like it and why some people don't.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I almost feel as though the Compilation's developers either don't "get" the FFVII universe, or maybe they just don't care as much as the OG's development team did. The Compilation introduced a lot of great concepts and characters, but the execution is just terrible at points.

VII's core developers were all deeply involved with the Compilation, but, yeah, there are times one wondered if they still "got" it.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Which is why the whole FFVII/FFX connection smacks of fanboyism. They can't resist but have everything come back to that game.

Which seems to be a problem for the Compilation because they seem to retcon things whenever they feel like it even though it greatly contradicts what was in the OG's Ultimanias. Not to mention there is a lot of character derailment like how they flanderized Aerith from being a sweet, but spunky girl who also had a mischievous streak into a generic messiah type figure. And lets not forget what they made Lucrecia into in Dirge of Cerberus which is one of the most unintentionally unsympathetic characters in the Compilation.


Pro Adventurer
You know, this reminds me of all those times I read about a character doing something stupid and get mad at the author instead of the character. Anyway, the only way I can think of to lessen the annoyance of this kind of thing for people who aren't a fan of it is for everyone to regard it as non-canon or not get annoyed when someone disregards its canonicity.


Pro Adventurer
Apparently, it's canon that the FVII is the future of the FFX world.

Nah, there's no way in hell...it doesn't make sense....there's no connection between those two...even if it is a thousand years have passed the world are two different worlds. Gaia and Spira are one world???Contadiction.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Im really confused now to tell you honestly

Basically, the energy that Shinra in FFX-2 is studying leads the way to space travel, resulting in Spirans colonizing the Planet from FFVII. Shinra's descendents would later go on to become the Shinra family that we see in FFVII.

Skipped over a few details, and didn't even bother trying to reconcile this with the FFVII timeline, but I think that's more or less the gist of the situation..


Pro Adventurer
Dissidia seems to suggest all the FF worlds are supposed to be connected in a multiverse kinda way. I've already explained why X doesn't fit as VII's past and I think it shouldn't count as canon unless some canon material outright confirms it. This is all based on an easter egg and some offhand comment made several years ago.


Pro Adventurer
Im really confused now to tell you honestly

Basically, the energy that Shinra in FFX-2 is studying leads the way to space travel, resulting in Spirans colonizing the Planet from FFVII. Shinra's descendents would later go on to become the Shinra family that we see in FFVII.

Skipped over a few details, and didn't even bother trying to reconcile this with the FFVII timeline, but I think that's more or less the gist of the situation..
Lame ass writing, as if that SE really wanted to make the whole FF series connected to each other with some head scratching ideas coming from them. I wouldn't be surprised now if they decided to make the events in dissidia of some sort of a canonical events on each FF mains.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Dissidia seems to suggest all the FF worlds are supposed to be connected in a multiverse kinda way. I've already explained why X doesn't fit as VII's past and I think it shouldn't count as canon unless some canon material outright confirms it. This is all based on an easter egg and some offhand comment made several years ago.

Could always count FFX a "spirital" prequel to FFVII. Like with Bravely Default being a spirital sequel to the DS game of "Final Fantasy: 4 Lights" or whatever it's called.

Though now that I think of it, I think Yunalasca has something to do with the situation and as stupid as this sounds, she may very be Jenova herself. Plus, we know how those who died but were never sent to the Farplane become Fiends in different shapes and sizes. Maybe Yunalasca transformed into that of Jenova and counter attacked on humanity as the new punishment for she was probably driven insane due to the 1,000 terror done by SIN even after she died.

But that's just my theory.


Pro Adventurer
While that kind of thing could make for some interesting fanfics, I don't see it enhancing the canonical narrative of either game. The threat that Jenova poses works best with her origin left a mystery or at least as having nothing to do with humans. Also, the whole goal in FFX was to permanently resolve the thing with SIN, so one would think stuff like that wouldn't just start back up out of nowhere after that.


Pro Adventurer
I wish they would have expanded on Jenova a little. You just got told she was an alien from the sky basically. Was she one of a planet full of the same race or was she some sort of 'god'? The only connection i know between 7 and 10 are something about Cid's ship the Shera using technology that they 'dug up', but i try to pretend ff10 never existed so haven't looked into it further.


Pro Adventurer
Jenova is a classic example of a previously unknown entity from space that has decimated who knows how many planets' worth of life, and better yet, may be but one of an entire species, which you may run into again if you roam far enough into space. There's no need to make her a god or anything. Think of all the other stories where some alien threat is in play, such as the thing, lavos, etc. The notion that Cid dug up a entire airship or enough of it to rework into a functioning one is a bit absurd, as it'd have to have been buried there for centuries and somehow still be salvageable to some extent. If you figure only the barest portions of it were functional by any means, it kinda defeats the purpose of finding it to work over in the first place.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Well, if Cid found that airship in the first place, then it obviously must've come from Spira and was chased here and forgotten for many yeras, and none of Gaia's humanity knew about it's past of Spira's humanity, and humanity does not know about their original birth place, and had always assumed they were brought up by the Lifestream.

Which leaves the point of Yunalasca and Jenova being the same...then again, that's probably just me.
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