Not really, I'm tentative about her controlling life because Godmodding life control could be taken too far like with controlling the life of the guards, scientists, Doctors, even so far as to control the other Dessies. Life is a very very fickle subject and I'm really teetering on it.
Well as I said before she can't really do that. I tried to set it up in a way where it really isn't possible without serious consequence. She doesn't even really understand a lot of her powers either, though, since she's so bent on keeping them a secret.
But remember, even making a teeny mouse grow up fast and slighter bigger was a lot of work. She'll just mainly stick to plants since they aren't so complicated.
If the story ever does reach a spot where it could happen it would be against one of the other characters in her own side story that I invented myself, and it would be a brief flash of power followed by her being incapacitated and needing a shit load of distrum just to keep her brain from exploding.
It's all mostly in theory anyway. I just wanted to give Dr. Thomas a really good reason to be obsessed with her.
For some reason controlling plants just didn't seem like something he'd really care about.