Aerith or Tifa?

Who do you prefer, Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 22.5%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 60 67.4%
  • Neither; Yuffie wipes the floor with both of them

    Votes: 9 10.1%

  • Total voters


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Is there even a question as to who I chose?

Hands down, Tifa.

Aside from her dedication to Cloud, there was her resiliance when her mother died, fighting her way back from a 2 week coma--and not to mention her fighting spirit as a scared teenager when Nibleheim burned. Then there's her shouldering more weight than anyone in AVALANCHE, having the biggest heart in all the world... yes, I said HEART. But watching her put herself last and do what was right for Cloud, fighting for him even when he refused to, that just won me over. And the veggie scene and the lifestream sequence. Barret said it best, "She's some kind of lady."


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
I liked both in their own right, but I ended up choosing Aerith. I see alot of myself in her (as I mentoined in other threads before) and I identify with alot of her qualities too. I love her kindness, caring, strong mentality and cheerfulness. Don't get me wrong I do love Tifa as well, and what all she did for Cloud was very selfless and moving, but I'm a teeny bit more pro-Aerith XD.

I feel she probably could've been expanded more had she not lost her life, but what we have seen hopefully fleshes her out (though alot of peeps don't seem to like her much :(). Still, in general, I love them both, but Aerith really touches me.

~ SoS


Pro Adventurer
I like Tifa, but I voted Aerith. Tifa is a realistic girl with realistic circumstances, while Aerith is a realistic girl in unrealistic circumstances, which is so much harder to pull off. Most of her life she tried to hide or deny her heritage as some brink-of-extinction race because of Turks being after her and having no other Cetra with her, but eventually comes to the conclusion that's no good and accepts her fate. She was heartbroken from having lost Zack and in denial about her feelings for him, but realizes and openly admits the mistake she made when she first tries to pursue Cloud. She's the type of girl that jumps back up when she gets shoved down even when she doesn't have many advantages, and I admire that in a female protagonist.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Aerith receives my vote.

She's kind-hearted, determined, and she has something about her that just makes you feel relaxed.

Tifa's good too, of course. I just like Aerith more though.
Gah, I'm late!

Anways, Aerith, no hesitation whatsoever. If I really need to explain, I just love Aerith's character more. (That's not really explaining...lawlz)



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Dunno if you can yet... but if you do a quick edit on your post there should be a delete option.

It's okay I won't hold it against you :monster:

and to stay on topic between just Aerith and Tifa, I'd go for Tifa. I like Aerith and all but she's too nice, I need a woman who can beat the crap out of me if needed :monster:
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Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
I think you can't edit your posts for a while if you're new, until you reach a higher post count?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ryu's helpful hint: The edit button will allow you to edit your posts if you are logged in. In nearly all schemes, this is located at the lower right of your post, next to quote, multiquote, quick reply, and the thanks button respectively.

Additionally, I have deleted the previous two messages, since you wanted them deleted.


Ryu's helpful hint: The edit button will allow you to edit your posts if you are logged in. In nearly all schemes, this is located at the lower right of your post, next to quote, multiquote, quick reply, and the thanks button respectively..



Cats lady
I chose Tifa, because I liked her personality more. The fact she is strong and can defend herself and others, but also caring and she always thinks first of others, than about herself, made her my favourite FF character.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa for all the reasons previously mentioned by other posters, as they have more or less summed up everything I like about Tifa in a very eloquent manner. Both girls are great, but Tifa wins out for her insecurites and subsequent overcoming of them. I just like the way she handles herself I guess.


Pro Adventurer
No wonder this forum is overrun by rapid Clotis. You're all a bunch of Tifa fantards.

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Fire and Blood
It was an easy choice for me, since Tifa is one of my favourite characters EVER. XD And that I never liked Aerith anyway :monster:

I also like Yuffie, but she dared steal my materia, so there's no way she'll ever win those sort of polls for me XD

Tifa won me first.. on her way of being played. Because I'm a roleplayer [pen & paper FTW] first, I really enjoyed her totally random moves, and I loved her fighting style. From the get go, I knew I'd have fun with her. XD

I liked that she was not rubbing her interest on Cloud - when I'm saving the world, there's no such thing as flirting, yo! XD What won me over was NOT the Mideel scene, where she decided to dedicate herself to Cloud. She won me over way before that, but the Mideel scene is probably amongst my least favourites scenes, because she chose Cloud over the world. It was not explained in depth, so I found it really hard to follow the trope that was obviously used there. I liked her personality instantly and the fact that there seemed to be more in her actions and what she said. She is definitely a well-thought character, with a lot of depth.

I disliked Aerith for pretty much well everything; useless character aside the role she has and we have no control on, her cheerfulness seemed more a way to let tactlessness pass than anything else in my eyes, and of course, the fact that she kept hitting on Cloud even though I told her that he had a girlfriend just to not be annoyed with that anymore - oh, how wrong was I :monster: I didn't understand why everyone let her do whatever she wanted when she was more annoying to me than what Yuffie was when she stole my materia ;P However, I never thought that she was a slut. Her Mary Sue aspect kept hitting a nerve though.

PS: for the no romance side *hardcore Diablo I & Warcraft II player there, before MMOs*, I dislike romance in my games. XD CloTi is pretty much the exception that confirms the rule. Won me over because it was weaved in the plot [the Lifestream scene being the scene where CloTi won me over], not because OMG I happened to have Cloud and Tifa as my favourites characters.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Am I the woman for you!! **wink** :glomp:

Wanna find out? :awesome:

useless character aside
Great Gospel would like to have a word with you :monster:

But seriously I agree with what you said. I hate it when people say Tifa was being selfish and ditching everyone during the Mideel scene. It was so sweet and I can see myself doing the same thing for my loved ones ^_^


Fire and Blood
FFVII was kinda easy, you didn't really needed a healer like you do in a D&D party - and then again, your average D&D priest is usually wearing a full plate armour and can be in the front lines, which can't be said about well, Aerith and a lot of healers type XD

Only some bosses are hard, but once you have the technic, meh, it's a piece of cake. I only needed healing materia, and that was it. Although Vincent almost had me killed a pair of times - me and my love for randomness XD

Also, I think you didn't get what I said because the Mideel scene is one of my least favourites scenes. I didn't like that Tifa abandoned the mission to stay with Cloud. :P


Your Mom
Yes, you Clotis sure are speedy ones. Clerith proofz could never outrun you....?
Inside joke.

I hate it when people say Tifa was being selfish and ditching everyone during the Mideel scene.
Agreed. To some people, Tifa can do nothing right. If she had left Cloud behind, it'd have been because she's selfish, doesn't love the real him, only wants him if he can be a hero, etc. To me, it proved she really loved him. She committed herself to a guy who may well be a vegetable the rest of his life. And as for saving the world, well, if I were in her shoes I'd feel like there was very little that a single person could do, so I'd want to spend my remaining days with the people I love. It may not be the most 'noble' reaction, but it's an honest one.


Fire and Blood
Haha just to pinpoint it, I didn't think she was selfish and I could see why she'd chose to stay. I just didn't like it because I would rather have had her continue to kick arses :monster:

But no, seriously, I guess that my POV is more a hero one, where such scene would usually mean that the hero is pumped up to save the planet and it gives him another reason to do so. But it's quite clear, at that point, that they wanted to have Tifa with Cloud anyway to show her dedication and to make the Lifestream scene happen. XD


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also, I think you didn't get what I said because the Mideel scene is one of my least favourites scenes. I didn't like that Tifa abandoned the mission to stay with Cloud.
I meant I agreed with your post, but I liked the Mideel scene :P I didn't mean to say you liked it.

Agreed. To some people, Tifa can do nothing right. If she had left Cloud behind, it'd have been because she's selfish, doesn't love the real him, only wants him if he can be a hero, etc.
Idea love = she loves an ideal version and doesn't know anything about him doncha know?


Your Mom
Though I cannot think of anyone here who fits this, could it also not be argued that some feel the same for Aerith? Or the reverse - Tifa can do nothing wrong.

Absolutely. I get annoyed with people who say Tifa is flawless. She clearly has her weaknesses, as does Aerith. But you have to admit, the "Tifa is evil" people greatly outnumber the "Aerith is evil" people.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I remember someone saying Aerith was a whore.. the reason?
She fell in love with Cloud...

I think a lot of us just became whores :awesome:
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