Aerith or Tifa?

Who do you prefer, Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 22.5%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 60 67.4%
  • Neither; Yuffie wipes the floor with both of them

    Votes: 9 10.1%

  • Total voters

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ryu and OWD don't waste a lot of time on the trivial...or they found lives.

Excuse me while I decide which of these suggestions is funnier and proceed to LMFAO. :awesome:

Well, I could argue that "miscast" is itself inherently opinion, but I'll stick to the definition "unsuitably or inappropriately assigned to a role". A character being made to behave inconsistently with the traits they're given fits that definition.

I'd call it giving a character complexities like a real person has.

People aren't defined by any one or two traits, they have -- they're usually a mess of contradictions.

And more complex characterization is usually a good thing. :awesome:

We're not really calling for a return to the archetype days, are we?

In a way, yes, you are correct, but in another, you are oversimplifying the situation a lot.

There are a lot of otherwise extremely strong willed, independent women who get hung up over and worry about those they love, especially when said people go off on their own and do not call. Doubly so when those people are not entirely the healthiest of people mentally. In a way, yes, Tifa is a prop for Cloud, but he desperately needs the propping up, and that is not the only thing she is, many of her other roles you mention herself, one of which explains, in a lot of ways, why she is such a worrywort.

In all cases, I would describe it as a mischaracterization to say she is 'waiting by the phone' for Cloud because she needs him like a teenager. In a way, she is 'waiting by the phone', but not because she desperately emotionally needs him, but because she cares so much, because she worries over his well being.

Well put.

Way to be funny in a misogynistic way Vendel. This thread needs more controversy!

"Way to be funny"? Dude was just telling it like it is. :awesome:


"Way to be funny"? Dude was just telling it like it is. :awesome:



Booo I was looking forward to a good misogyny wank. I... feel sad missing it now. :(

2cents: I always liked FF for always having awesome female characters. Especially in an industry that tends to be laden with male chauvenism.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Booo I was looking forward to a good misogyny wank. I... feel sad missing it now. :(

Hey, Vendel hasn't left the forum yet. Misogyny is bound to happen again unless he does. :monster:

2cents: I always liked FF for always having awesome female characters. Especially in an industry that tends to be laden with male chauvenism.

I thought you were all about the misogyny wanking? Make up your mind or gtfo. :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
I voted Yuffie, simply because I knew she would have the least votes. :monster:

But she's really not that far behind Aerith, is she?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Come on folks, five more votes for Yuffie! Help the ninja get ahead of the flower girl! :awesome:


Fuck this shit. I'm like 3 pages too late.

I vote for the jiggly-boobed one.

Primarily because I feel Aeris' character has only taken more depth with the advent of the compilation. Not so much before. I could be totally alone on this though. I just feel like she was rushed as a character, because you had to like her and get attached to her in order to feel anything after her passing. And this had to be done fast. Not saying it didn't work, just saying that her reactions aren't realistic to me and her over the topness is something I see as a result of the above.

I liked her fine, just didn't stand out to me as a memorable character. The event of her death is, not so much her on her own merits.

I just don't gravitate to her type, I guess.


Pro Adventurer
Fuck this shit. I'm like 3 pages too late.


I vote Tifa. Without repeating anything I'll just say I like the darker quiet ones (no, not to the point of some depressive emo chick) more than the pink spunky ones. And I think it's hot when a beautiful woman can fight.

EDIT: beautiful woman. (duh).
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Mr. Thou
Ok bitches. I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with ME! :rorschach:

OWD said:
Primarily because I feel Aeris' character has only taken more depth with the advent of the compilation. Not so much before. I could be totally alone on this though. I just feel like she was rushed as a character, because you had to like her and get attached to her in order to feel anything after her passing. And this had to be done fast. Not saying it didn't work, just saying that her reactions aren't realistic to me and her over the topness is something I see as a result of the above.

To use our buddy Jem's favorite word... word!

Instead of actually inducing us to fall in love via character and plot development, they made a character with generic traits they expected people to love, and then assumed we'd form an attachment. But she falls short of her role - primarily because, like you said, we didn't know her long enough.

I really hate using a Harry Potter reference, but it's like
Fred Weasley
* getting killed. I started reading those books because someone told me half the cast gets brutally murdered, which I thought was kinda cool for a kid's book. But the reader gets seven books to form an attachment to
, or at least get used to having him around. It felt SO wrong. And I think that sort of sudden, wrenching feeling is what FF7 was going for, but it happened on Disk 1.

*to the spoilerphobic knobs who'll never read the books but will complain anyway: you're quite welcome. :hohum:

Fighter said:
I vote Tifa. Without repeating anything I'll just say I like the darker quiet ones (no, not to the point of some depressive emo chick) more than the pink spunky ones. And I think it's hot when a beautiful can fight.

Exactly. That's why I think she's underutilized. She deserves a story away from Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
I do have another one that is 26"W x 38"L. I'm thinking about selling it, though not sure how much since it was a little pricey to print out.



Mr. Thou
I always liked that picture. She has nice proportionate thighs and chest, instead of twigs and watermelons.


Ja, that's definitely my fave official Tifa art EVAH :monster:
Not onyl does she have awesome thighs, the way her arms are positioned make her look decently built up there too. I can totally see her as a fighter. A very sexy fighter.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I pick Tifa.

She's so real and relateable. She's strong, tough, and can kick ass, yet is also so warm and caring. She's dedicated to those she loves, and protects and and takes care of them, even if it means putting herself in danger or letting her own needs fall to the wayside.

She has such depth, and she is so incredibly selfless. She lost everyone (or, almost everyone) when Nibelheim burnt down, and yet she doesn't dwell on her own pain or feel sorry for herself, instead she caring for others.

She's awesome.


Mr. Thou
Ja, that's definitely my fave official Tifa art EVAH :monster:
Not onyl does she have awesome thighs, the way her arms are positioned make her look decently built up there too. I can totally see her as a fighter. A very sexy fighter.

They are awesome thighs, aren't they? Shapely without being nutcrackers... *cough* I mean yeah, how about that over-all personality.
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