Aka Field Dispute

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Its cool bro, he's only doing it to people who have gotten on his bad side lately.

You don't see AKAs being changed for people who don't have their most recent usernames present in there. Like you, or me, or Scott, or Satsu.
I've been doing it for every name I've changed recently, unless I forgot in one or two cases. Other people probably had their names changed by different people.


fresh to death
I think Aaron should appreciate the mystery of an un-updated aka field

I personally love guessing games


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Okay, look. This is the second time this has happened. The first time, it was X who did it, and all I said was "please don't do that again". Simple. And nobody touched it after that.
I had no idea that you had made such a request in the past.

I'm not causing drama. I'm not butthurt. I politely asked that my AKA field be left alone (I even said please and thanks), and this has turned into a medium sized deal, which is entirely contrary to my will and intent. One line, two sentences; no trolling, no shit-stirring. Just a simple request, and this is what it turns into.
That's fine. But we still have a very explicit policy regarding name changes that the aka field should identify to you to as many people as possible. Some people have signatures and font colours turned off, so those details won't help. And there are plenty of people in the donators usergroup. It's a simple courtesy man.


We have come to terms
It's also a courtesy not to take matters into your own hands like that, isn't it?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I was attempting to save you the effort of putting your most recent username in your profile. As stated, I've been doing that for awhile with every name change I made and no one objected. I'm not the only staff member who's been doing that either. I really had no idea that anyone would be offended by having their aka field edited. I mean, it's very explicitly intended to identify you to as many people as possible. I'm sorry if it offended you. But you really should edit your field back.

Celes Chere

How about I edit your shit and we see how trivial it is to you.

Tbh if someone edited my aka field 'cause I forgot to put my username in there I would say "Thank you" :x It'd be different if they actually edited my profile to say something insulting. LIKE THAT TIME AARON CHANGED MY NAME TO LUCREZIA. Jk I didn't care about that c:

But if you didn't forget and just don't want to use your aka field I don't think you should have to.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
But if you didn't forget and just don't want to use your aka field I don't think you should have to.
If people could get away with not using aka fields it would create confusion. There were actually at least a couple of people who requested that we not do name changes at all before we introduced the aka fields. The aka field was introduced as a way of placating those people, but it doesn't work at all if people don't use it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Tbh if someone edited my aka field 'cause I forgot to put my username in there I would say "Thank you" :x

But if you didn't forget and just don't want to use your aka field I don't think you should have to.

If I edited your profile at my discretion regardless of your intentions or desires you most definitely would not be ok with it would you? Tiff resides in vag land at the heart of penis state university where she is studying not to fail her next pregnancy.

The very same principle is at work here. Of course some people wouldn't care, but it's still not cool to edit people's stuff without their permission, unless you're willing to take the HURR THIS IS OUR BOARD WE DO WHAT WE WANT AND IF YOU HAVE PROBLEM U CAN LEAVE approach. If so I will gladly jump ship :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I was attempting to save you the effort of putting your most recent username in your profile. As stated, I've been doing that for awhile with every name change I made and no one objected. I'm not the only staff member who's been doing that either. I really had no idea that anyone would be offended by having their aka field edited. I mean, it's very explicitly intended to identify you to as many people as possible. I'm sorry if it offended you. But you really should edit your field back.
How recently have you started doing this? I mean, you didn't edit my aka field after I requested Terezi, I did that myself.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If I edited your profile at my discretion regardless of your intentions or desires you most definitely would not be ok with it would you? Tiff resides in vag land at the heart of penis state university where she is studying not to fail her next pregnancy.

The very same principle is at work here. Of course some people wouldn't care, but it's still not cool to edit people's stuff without their permission, unless you're willing to take the HURR THIS IS OUR BOARD WE DO WHAT WE WANT AND IF YOU HAVE PROBLEM U CAN LEAVE approach. If so I will gladly jump ship :P
Dude, it's not like the aka field is some super private personal detail where people can put whatever they want. Like I said, it's very explicitly intended to identify you to as many people as possible, and people aren't generally given much discretion with what they can put into it in the first place. If people want username changes, they're required to fill in the fields with accurate information. It was the compromise we settled upon for allowing name changes as often as we did. Eyes on Final Fantasy, which doesn't have an aka field, only allows name changes once a year. I obviously can't see the member base here being satisfied with that so the only way to keep people happy is to have an aka field. Which means people will automatically have to surrender some autonomy over what goes in there.

If people are really that offended by having their fields edited then we can stop doing it, but there has to be some form of regulation as to what goes in there, and I think requiring the most recent few usernames be displayed is not unreasonable.

How recently have you started doing this? I mean, you didn't edit my aka field after I requested Terezi, I did that myself.

idk exactly. Probably a week or two. I may not have been doing it 100% consistently either, but I've been doing it when I remembered. I know for a fact that I did it with all the name changes I've done over the past three days at least.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Haven't you recently edited one of my posts? :monster:

I did? Sorry then. In my defense I was against becoming a mod again :P

Dude, it's not like the aka field is some super private personal detail where people can put whatever they want.

It doesn't have to be. The fact of the matter is not everyone is A-Ok with people editing their crap, especially when they prefer handling it themselves.

The fact that it needs to be done was never the issue, it was that you took upon yourself to do it for him when he was intending to do it himself. You and Omega have already butted heads once over this. How did you expect him to feel after you did this?

I am not advocating for misuse of the system, or no use at all.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm just gonna throw this out there, since this seems a good a place as any right now.

Does anyone have an issue with, when we process a username change, we just add your current username to the end of your AKA field, and then modify your new username. It's pretty easy to do all at once, and makes it immediately obvious who you just were, and requires no effort on your part, and you don't have to worry about it being out of date / etc.

This is Not referring to arbitrary editing, but JUST IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE.

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The fact that it needs to be done was never the issue, it was that you took upon yourself to do it for him when he was intending to do it himself.
And I'm not saying I was completely in the right, as I stated:
I really had no idea that anyone would be offended by having their aka field edited.
I'm sorry if it offended you.
I had no idea that you had made such a request in the past.
So I'm not sure where that came from. As I already conceded that point.

You and Omega have already butted heads once over this.
Wat. Apart from the most recent instance, I've never edited his aka field.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Does anyone have an issue with, when we process a username change, we just add your current username to the end of your AKA field, and then modify your new username. It's pretty easy to do all at once, and makes it immediately obvious who you just were, and requires no effort on your part, and you don't have to worry about it being out of date / etc
I have a problem with it.

Cookie Monster

@Aaron: Omega's aka field wasn't empty. Threatening the guy over not adding a UN he had for two weeks is ridiculous. I've politely made requests for people to use their aka field to include their most commonly used UNs, especially when I see they're empty. I don't go about adding shit for them. You folks should stop editing people's profiles, unless a change is requested.
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