Some further clarification is needed here: The O5 X-Men who were pulled to the present (their relative present was issue #8 of the original series from the 60s, by the way, X) are
the same X-Men as the O5 who grew up in this timeline. Because time is broken after "Age of Ultron" (the comic event from 2013, not the movie), time travel no longer creates branches, so when you travel to the past or the future now, you're traveling to the past or future of
your own timeline.
Also, even if Beast plucked the kids from right before that happened (it's a little unclear), he was using Doomlocks, which keep you from traveling outside your timeline while time traveling.
In other words, what's true for this young Iceman should be true for the older Bobby Drake who already occupied the present. I expect they will have a lot to talk about soon.