All-New/Extrordinary/Uncanny X-Men (2013-2019) [Marvel]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Keep forgetting to mention that this issue was genuinely interesting until
it wasn't Cyclops. What had been an intriguing conversation became pointless.

Seems like that sort of thing has become par for the course with this book.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
The wrap-up in All-New X-Men looks to be really fucking cool, but doesn't seem to coincide with the things that we see in Avengers, so UXM #600 (which wraps up both of them) will still be rad as fuck, but is unlikely to get us answers about the Phoenix Egg from how it looks now.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
"All-New X-Men" #41 makes no fucking sense.

Karma was last seen at the Jean Grey School post-Schism but before AvX -- before Utopia was even destroyed. She's also a billionaire. She has no resson to be living in the ruins of that place.

Madison Jeffries could easily be a billionaire or at least welcomed anywhere with his technokinetic powers to reshape inorganic material into all kinds of useful things. Elixir too with his ability to more or less do the same to organics. Despite his similar powers, I won't include Masque in this gripe due to his winning personality that has always held him back.

Tabitha is only slightly less out of place here than Karma, Jeffries and Elixir, but still doesn't make sense what with having been seen in "Cable and X-Force" #2 not hiding in the ruins of Utopia, which was already destroyed by then.

And none of that even touches on the fact that these four have never demonstrated this sort of extremism. Tabby comes closest, but still doesn't. Really, Random and Masque are the only two to make sense here on any level.

Oh, right, and then there's the pointless fight and rushed resolution (the part about the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents especially).

Bendis sucks. [/broken record]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well, I did like the gathering in D.C. in "Uncanny X-Men" #600. Were this the end of X-Men comics, that would actually be a perfect ending.

See, I can admit when Bendis does something good. =P

Still, what a clusterfuck of an issue with all the Hank stuff. What a clusterfuck of a run, Bendis.


Harbinger O Great Justice
That was really all I was interested in tbqh. It was everything that I wanted it to be for the conclusion of an X-Men storyline.

Also - I think that they released this alongside Extraordinary X-Men, so that it's immediately apparent that this world -- while similar -- ISN'T the same, because of how they're all talking about Cyclops' actions, which is making me cringe just wondering what the hell's happened here.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Hating Cyclops and making Mutants on the verge of extinction. Also, I think that I'll probably keep this thread going with the ANAD Uncanny X-Men as soon as that gets rolling.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Also - I think that they released this alongside Extraordinary X-Men, so that it's immediately apparent that this world -- while similar -- ISN'T the same ...
I'm starting to think you may be right. Apparently Illyana references to Colossus in "Extraordinary X-Men" #1 about their father making him sleep in the barn with the animals after his mutant abilities manifested -- which has never been the case with Earth-616's Colossus. In fact, Colossus came from a close, loving family and had never known any notion of shame over his powers until leaving the collective he grew up on, where he felt no reason to even hide his powers from their neighbors.

Ultimate Colossus from Earth-1610, on the other hand, hid his powers from his bigoted father, and had to leave home after his father discovered this Piotr was gay.

Perhaps there is some merging of universes and histories at work here after all. In which case "Uncanny X-Men" #600 really would be the ending for the X-Men we've known since 1963.

Can I also say, on a related note, that it's cool to see Cain Marko at Scott's demonstration despite not being a mutant -- he showed up to support his step-brother's dream coming a giant step closer to being fulfilled. It's also cool that he showed up after he was last seen in "Amazing X-Men" earlier this year vowing to hunt Cyclops down and kill him over Xavier's death. I thought that was a rather ill-fitting direction for him since he's been an X-Man and knows how weird shit can get, so it's nice to see him put all that bullshit aside.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I have to agree that it really does feel like the end of the X-Men we knew's storyline.

I think that this is exacerbated by the fact that the true 616's Cyclops (who isn't Young!Cyclops) merged with the Phoenix Force and was definitively killed by Doom during Secret Wars, but there's some version of that "same" Cyclops who's been apparently the source of a much worse image for Mutantkind based on how Storm's talking about him in Extraordinary X-Men, and seems to be still alive from how Beast mentions not being friends with him in quite some time in Inhumans.

Also - Tempest's comment to Beast at the end of UXM 600 makes me think that the terrible "Mutant Revolution" event that Hank's been fucking with all reality in attempting to stop the whole time with all his meddling (but ultimately ends up causing) might actually be the version of those events from the All-New All-Different universe.

Given all of this, I haven't decided if all this makes it worth making a new thread for the All-New All-Different continuity yet. (Also, minor Extraordinary X-Men comment - I think that the idea of Terrigen making Mutants sick, sterile, and killing them was used as a good way to show why Humans want them dealt with, as it's using a fear of disease rather than solely prejudice based on minor differences of source of superpowers).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
They've found an alright way of making Magneto back into a more threatening mutant, and it looks like we're gonna be going full Mutants Vs. Inhumans at some point here.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Aaaaaaaaand 5 seconds later, Extraordinary X-Men takes that potentially interesting cliffhanger, and turns it to an incredibly minor reveal and goes back to all the negativity dragging on and on droning from everyone. For Wolverine being the one who died, we sure are getting a lot of him, and basically getting nothing but Cyclops-related negativity dripping out of every other line of dialogue to the point that it's just taxing to read. Until/unless someone actually makes a part of this comic that reveals what in the holy fuck happened, I think that I'm done with this series. There're plenty of better X-titles.

Speaking of which, All-New X-Men manages to have Young!Scott attempt to take over said legacy and stop it from being a negative thing, so thank fuck for that.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah, I was still hoping for more from his "Homo superior-superior" experiment that refuses to die getting offed in so many panels, and only fueling the "boo Scott Summers" dialogue from Strom & Co. but I ain't too bothered, since All-New X-Men is working on reclaiming that.

I still have to say that the "Cyclops is teh evil!!!1" banter is far less of a mystery and more of an annoyance at this point — mainly because I'd much rather be reading THAT story than the ones that they're telling.

I mean, if you're looking at doing that sort of thing for your storytelling, Totally Awesome Hulk is showing off how it's done with the flashbacks to Bruce Banner's story.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
God damn, dude. Uncanny X-Men is right into the gritty and violent pain. It's like if All-New Wolverine decided to go down a darker path. I'm loving it.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
All-New X-Men has been really good. I think that it's doing an absolutely brilliant job of capturing the original intrigue of Mutant persecution as well as them feeling temporally displaced.

Extraordinary X-Men has taken a welcome break from things to do a bit of time traveling of their own. The future holds no Mutants. Apocalypse's horsemen are Man-Thing, Deadpool, Moon Knight, & Venom and the conflict here has been a welcome break from these X-Men attempting to do anything in the real world. (Also, unsurprisingly, I enjoy this team exponentially more when it's focusing on the new kids and not any of the other X-Men).

Uncanny X-Men is still a balancing act where it isn't quite as dark as Cable & X-Force, but it is still vastly more in the center of conflict in an interesting way than either of the other two.

Last, but not least, it is still REALLY taxing that Wolverine is back after being killed, but we still don't even have any story showing information whatsoever on Cyclops' actions leading to his off-screen demise yet. Hell, even Xavier is appearing by proxy in Extraordinary X-Men.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
All-New Wolverine was especially rough today. Probably the best thing to come out of Civil War II, so far imo.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Hopefully whatever team young Cyke ends up on it lasts longer than his tenure with the Champions apparently will. Marvel really needs to scale back the pace of its relaunches after this.


Harbinger O Great Justice
UXM 17, which is the crossover with IvX was just damn excellent. You get to see all of Sabretooth's internal conflict, and see how much it ALMOST sounds like Wolverine. One of my favourite things I've read in a while and a damn good development for that story.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
All-New X-Men #18 was a Young!Cyclops-centric issue. You see his struggle with all the X-Men going after the Inhumans now, and still trying to cope with who's who and everyone's motivations around him. You get to see the self doubt and explanation of Cyclops' attack being called preemptive genocidal terrorism by the media and the Hitler comparisons made online. AND Young!Scott finally learns that Cyclops died to the Terrigen, so now he's proper mad at Emma for what she did and especially doing so with no regard how the backlash would hit him.

A damn solid issue on Young!Scott looking like he can finally get back to being Cyclops.

X :neo:
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