Amnesiac Love- A CloudxTerra club


The Minish Elf
Right! Cloud wishes he had all of them fine women :awesome:

I guess I'll add you, encase you decide to post again. :>

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Huh? Ryu thought that fanart posted what bad? I thought it was beautiful :(
Prrrrobably not, but he snarks Clerra and Clerith art, I guess, but he never seems to snark any Cloti art. :kermit:


The Minish Elf
I wonder why...? The artist who made that image is among one of my favorite artists on the site I got it from. Very talented ^^

Anyone have any Clerra/Clorra fanfictions/links or art?


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I thought the artist did a fine job. You know most people are jealous. Hahaha


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't see you doing it for bad Cloti fanart. :monster:

If people posted some, I might. I don't think any new good shit's been posted since I started snarking. I could go back and snark some if you want.
I've done it for some of the Aerti pics too.

Huh? Ryu thought that fanart posted what bad? I thought it was beautiful :(

No. I don't think it was bad, but Cloud's got a look on his face that just screams 'CAPTION ME!'
So does OK in the other pic, but incoherent stammering does not a good joke make.

Prrrrobably not, but he snarks Clerra and Clerith art, I guess, but he never seems to snark any Cloti art. :kermit:

Only for lack of new stuff worth snarking.


The Minish Elf

Remember this before anything starts, kay? I really don't want to see anything start. I'm not saying anything has, this is just for the future :lol:

Here are some images:





Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I like that top one of them dancing. I think it fits nicely.


I always liked this pairing as a sort of "squish my favourite characters in a hypothetical situation" sort of way. Then Dissidia came and gave us some sort of canon interaction to play around with, so now I ship it as not-totally-crack.


The Minish Elf
So...I add you then? :)

I read a fanfiction that was made in 1998 that was a lot like Dissidia. Only it went to Cloud's game. But, they made Terra and Cloud have a relationship and ever since then, I always liked the couple. I would have never been able to say it could happen then, but now I can 'cause of Dissidia lol


It's like Smash Bros. Suddenly, anything can happen mwahahaha.

I always thought there were a couple of possible parallels in their characters, and if they ever did meet they could totally help eachother out you know?
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The Minish Elf
Yea, almost exactly the same. But if it had the freedom and movement of Smash Bros, I think the game would have sold even more.

I never really thought of the all the FF heros coming together pass IX, because I haven't played my copy yet, so its hard to see pass that lol and when I played Dissidia, I had no idea what was going on during Zidane's story line.

But yea, I do know what you mean ^^


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yea, almost exactly the same. But if it had the freedom and movement of Smash Bros, I think the game would have sold even more.

I never really thought of the all the FF heros coming together pass IX, because I haven't played my copy yet, so its hard to see pass that lol and when I played Dissidia, I had no idea what was going on during Zidane's story line.

But yea, I do know what you mean ^^

You've not played IX? Have you played the early ones? I think those are more key to the story, especially I, than IX is.

And re: your fanarts, urge to make silly comments rising.


Higher Further Faster
I do like this pairing quite a bit! I really really do!

Count me in. :)

Also Ryu's captions are all in good fun. I say let him do it. :)
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The Minish Elf
Fine, he can do it. But don't over do it please. Keep it to a low rate. I don't wanna have to scroll down a post and just see quotes of images with only a sentence of jokes under it. :(

Good links, Drake. I might read the fanficton. I'm not sure I'll watch the video though. because it won't let me play it and won't give me a time slot on how long it is >.>

Nope, I have not played IX. I have a copy, but my PS2 doesn't play PS1 games anymore.

I'll add you now ^^


The Minish Elf
I'm sorry for the double post, but I managed to get more images! :>


Terra looks very cute in this picture, as does Cloud...and Squall. >_>

I'm not sure if I posted this yet, so If I did, please state so and I'll get another image.

And here:



The Wanderer of Time
Whoa at the second image. I see something between Terra's legs I'm more used to seeing in Dissidia screencaps....


The Minish Elf
Silly men

Well, we fantastic women have those body parts, so oh well, we're cooler and sexier

I love this image. Its so cute and romantic looking

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