SPOILERS Avalanche Appreciation Thread


Ninja Potato
So as a lot of you know, the discourse surrounding these three characters, ESPECIALLY Jessie, has been pretty toxic and horrible around the forum due to a certain someone. I was thinking that we could all use a place on the forum where we could discuss them without having to worry about that troublesome user butting in, so here it is.

Personally I'm pretty amazed with the handling of Biggs, Wedge and Jessie in the Remake. They took three incredibly minor characters and made them into beloved members of the cast for old and new fans alike!

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
They made a great job with their characterizations and backstories and expanded their roles beyond my expectation. I never cared much about them in the OG but this time it really feels like we got to know them.

Wedge is my favorite, he's so adorable. Cat dads are the best.
Yes I'm biased. (=^・ω・^=)

And wow we can talk freely, I'm going to get something off my chest:
I don't like how they changed Jessie's characterization and made her an actress instead of a big nerd. OG Jessie was interested in Cloud, sure, but she wasn't so damn flirty. It's obviously a game for her, but I miss my nerdy Jessie, the one who would make a special ID for Cloud because she wanted to impress him with her nerdiness.
But they fleshed her out more and gave her relationship with other Avalanche members more depth and her family got a decent backstory, so I can't complain too much...
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Ninja Potato
It was an unfortunate trade off for sure. It kinda feels like they made her Aerith 2.0 in a few ways, rather than developing what little personality she had before.

They actually did the same thing to Biggs, in the original he's a hot head who butts heads with Barret and makes sure to remind Cloud that in Avalanche he's Cloud's superior. I think I actually like over analytical chill Biggs better though.

Wedge is pretty much the same lol. Can't improve on purrfection.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
They actually did the same thing to Biggs, in the original he's a hot head who butts heads with Barret and makes sure to remind Cloud that in Avalanche he's Cloud's superior. I think I actually like over analytical chill Biggs better though.
Well, they made Jessie a bit hyperactive so they needed Biggs to be more chill and balance each other. Now people can ship them and everything. :awesome:

Wedge is pretty much the same lol. Can't improve on purrfection.
They gave him cats, that's a plus.
Also, he looks waaaay better now!
Wedge model 01.jpg
His old model was a bit, uh... basic?
Wedge is kind to everybody, I like him a lot. He may look like a big round doofus but he's not, he's a good judge of character and actually notices things other people don't.
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astray ay-ay-ay
I have a silly question about their outfits. I can see that Biggs and Wedge and as far as I can judge, Jessie too wear some sort of tight tricot breeches underneath their regular breeches. I would assume this clothing is part of their 'uniform' or it sort of supports their muscle tone, but the teenage Cloud is dressed in layers in a similar way too, and I can't wrap my mind around this Gaia fashion. Any ideas?


Ninja Potato
I have a silly question about their outfits. I can see that Biggs and Wedge and as far as I can judge, Jessie too wear some sort of tight tricot breeches underneath their regular breeches. I would assume this clothing is part of their 'uniform' or it sort of supports their muscle tone, but the teenage Cloud is dressed in layers in a similar way too, and I can't wrap my mind around this Gaia fashion. Any ideas?
The same person did Avalanche's and young Cloud's designs, maybe it's just his thing.

I've always wondered why Barret didn't have a red headband like the others do, seeing as he's the leader. It wouldn't look good on his head but maybe around his arm.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I can't wrap my mind around this Gaia fashion. Any ideas?
I guess they really like leggings and tight clothes.

I've always wondered why Barret didn't have a red headband like the others do, seeing as he's the leader. It wouldn't look good on his head but maybe around his arm.
A red headband and shades would look weird, but I believe it would look good on him as long as he doesn't wear them.
Also, he'd need a longer piece of cloth for his arm, his arms are still massive. :lol:
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And now we can talk freely, I'm going to get something off my chest:
I don't like how they changed Jessie's characterization and made her an actress instead of a big nerd.
I assume they did this because they felt it would explain why she wears that stage armor. Maybe they felt it needed an explanation in this more realistic take on the setting? Or maybe it just seemed an obvious direction once they gave it a moment's thought on why she might wear it?

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I assume they did this because they felt it would explain why she wears that stage armor. Maybe they felt it needed an explanation in this more realistic take on the setting? Or maybe it just seemed an obvious direction once they gave it a moment's thought on why she might wear it?
I'm still not 100% convinced, but she's the only character wearing something like that (boobplate, shin guards and chain mail) I can remember right now.
So I guess that's the best explanation for Jessie wearing something so over the top for no good reason.
Acting _Patrick Stewart.gif


astray ay-ay-ay
I've always wondered why Barret didn't have a red headband like the others do
I can easily imagine him yelling something like "I AIN'T YOUR #$^&%# CHRISTMAS TREE!" Hence no headband.

I assume they did this because they felt it would explain why she wears that stage armor.
Since the only Gold Saucer play we know is the one about the captive princess... Jessie must have been playing the knight :awesome:


I've mentioned before how I also preferred the original Jessie and wish they went forward with that instead. The peppy, flirtatious archetype is already fulfilled by Aerith, and I'm sad that they took the "nerd" out of the story in lieu of developing it further (there has to be a nerd - we're gamers :monster:). There was just a lot of wasted potential to differentiate her from the other girls and other characters. I'm not against the actress thing per se, as lots of people have more than one interest, but her tech skills are rather disjointed from the rest of her personality - we don't even see her building things; she just appears with random weapons and whatnot, in an almost dues-ex-machina kind of way. I really like the design though.

I also second the notion on Biggs - I actually like his character changes, because he filled that niche of being the laid back voice of reason that no other character really fulfilled.

I actually liked the curveball with Wedge. When that happened, I came to the realization that I was actually starving for deviation and that knowing everything that was going to happen made me feel restless. Since they were quite faithful up until then, I was expecting an inevitable frustrating conclusion to that dungeon. Though I'm not a fan of the apparent switcharoo wherein Wedge is implied to have been traded with Biggs. I really wanted to see the fat guy with low self esteem actually be the one to survive. I also feel like they overused near-death suspense in general with these plot ghosts.

Jessie Rito

Useless Lesbian
I've mentioned before how I also preferred the original Jessie and wish they went forward with that instead. The peppy, flirtatious archetype is already fulfilled by Aerith, and I'm sad that they took the "nerd" out of the story in lieu of developing it further (there has to be a nerd - we're gamers :monster:). There was just a lot of wasted potential to differentiate her from the other girls and other characters. I'm not against the actress thing per se, as lots of people have more than one interest, but her tech skills are rather disjointed from the rest of her personality - we don't even see her building things; she just appears with random weapons and whatnot, in an almost dues-ex-machina kind of way. I really like the design though.

I also second the notion on Biggs - I actually like his character changes, because he filled that niche of being the laid back voice of reason that no other character really fulfilled.

I actually liked the curveball with Wedge. When that happened, I came to the realization that I was actually starving for deviation and that knowing everything that was going to happen made me feel restless. Since they were quite faithful up until then, I was expecting an inevitable frustrating conclusion to that dungeon. Though I'm not a fan of the apparent switcharoo wherein Wedge is implied to have been traded with Biggs. I really wanted to see the fat guy with low self esteem actually be the one to survive. I also feel like they overused near-death suspense in general with these plot ghosts.

In the german Version Jessie still is kinda nerdy
Biggs is definetly the mom friend out of those three
And wegdr is precious and must be protected at all costa... Well all three of them but oh well you know what i mean


Ninja Potato
I actually liked the curveball with Wedge. When that happened, I came to the realization that I was actually starving for deviation and that knowing everything that was going to happen made me feel restless
This was me too. I had to go to work right after I got done with chapter 13, and the whole time I was there I was getting genuinely anxious about Wedge because I genuinely wanted him to survive. My soul actually left my body after they just killed him 4 realz in 17. Like, I'm happy Biggs is alive, but damn did I want it to be Wedge who made it. That's why I'm hoping they pull the double fake out, because cutting to black is rarely played straight these days anyway.

Jessie Rito

Useless Lesbian
This was me too. I had to go to work right after I got done with chapter 13, and the whole time I was there I was getting genuinely anxious about Wedge because I genuinely wanted him to survive. My soul actually left my body after they just killed him 4 realz in 17. Like, I'm happy Biggs is alive, but damn did I want it to be Wedge who made it. That's why I'm hoping they pull the double fake out, because cutting to black is rarely played straight these days anyway.

I hope so bad he somehow survived...

I always kinda has that headconnon that it was the Trios Main Mission to annoy the fuq out of Barret and i dont even know why lol
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I found it weird that Wedge's injuries in ch 4 were played for laughs. He got bit by a guard hound, sure, he also got wrapped in chains by a machine, which is super brave and potentially does very bad things to you, but all the focus is on his sore ass. He is extremely brave and selfless, but nobody in game notices.

Jessie...I liked that we met her parents, but I don't like that she had to steal her Dad's ID, that ends up kind of playing down her abilities. Granted, in the original she followed the computer, but we could have lost that with no regrets. Re armour, I thought it had to do with being the bomb expert.


Pro Adventurer
The only thing I have to say is that to me chapter 4 was probably the best one of all of them because it was the perfect example of expanding the story with new stuff without going too far. It was completely made up but still fitted perfectly into ff7 story and felt absolutely organic, that's how you do it (I'm looking at you chapter 18)
I feel like I'm alway the contrary one, but I honestly thought chapter 4 was kind of dull. It held some interesting information, sure, especially on the expanded Avalanche lore and upper Midgar's residential districts, but Jessie's backstory felt like old hat. I, too, was conscious of the disconnect between her career as an actress and her role as Avalanche's tech expert. I feel as if the developers felt they had to give her a "sexy" job. Why couldn't she have been a mining engineer?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've mentioned before how I also preferred the original Jessie and wish they went forward with that instead. The peppy, flirtatious archetype is already fulfilled by Aerith, and I'm sad that they took the "nerd" out of the story in lieu of developing it further (there has to be a nerd - we're gamers :monster:).
She's a theatre chick. As someone engaged to one, I can assure you, they by and large be nerds. :wacky:
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