SPOILERS Avalanche Appreciation Thread


Pro Adventurer
I'm just here to say that I love Wedge and his cats. Almost died of happiness when he introduced them. Jessie and Biggs' "deaths" in chapter 12 didn't do much for me, there was too much dialogue to feel like they were really gone. But Wedge and his cats killed me. Now I just hope they all survived...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Wouldn't they be more "geeks" than nerds? At least back when I was in high school, I felt like the technical types and the theatre/band kids were a lot different.
I'll confess I was using those terms rather interchangeably, but even at a distinction, it would still apply for many. There's a significant tech side to theatre work as well -- lighting, sound, set design/building, and (especially in these Covid times) increasingly video editing and/or streaming know-how.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'll confess I was using those terms rather interchangeably, but even at a distinction, it would still apply for many. There's a significant tech side to theatre work as well -- lighting, sound, set design/building, and (especially in these Covid times) increasingly video editing and/or streaming know-how.

Theatre-dude here, can confirm.

When I was in highschool there was a definite “nerds are capable, geeks are obsessed” perception, and I say that firmly as a theatre and lit geek, but these days the terms are basically interchangeable, I think we can largely thank John and Hank Green for that. Well, actually, overall the late-aughts Internet culture broadly brought people together, whereas the manufactured status quo pre-internet was much more rigidly gated.

Edit: Oh also the trio is awesome.


I have a thing for that nerdy engineer girl archetype, so I found OG Jessie quite charming in that regard. The shift in her personality didn't really bother me, but I do agree she kinda stole a bit of Aerith's thunder with the direction they took.

I felt Biggs could have had more screen time. We get some background on him through sidequests and stuff, be he didnt really stick out to me personality wise compared to Jessie and Wedge. I guess he'll be around in part 2, so maybe that's for a reason.


Pro Adventurer
Since the only Gold Saucer play we know is the one about the captive princess... Jessie must have been playing the knight :awesome:

Plotttwist: jessie is a lesbian :awesome:[/QUOTE]



astray ay-ay-ay
Plotttwist: jessie is a lesbian :awesome:
I actually wonder if Biggs is gay due to the earring in his right ear. Lol, I mean, if he were, it would have already been mentioned in the media, I'm sure, but that commonplace "Right Earring Rule" is still strongly believed in, or... is it?

Jessie Rito

Useless Lesbian
I actually wonder if Biggs is gay due to the earring in his right ear. Lol, I mean, if he were, it would have already been mentioned in the media, I'm sure, but that commonplace "Right Earring Rule" is still strongly believed in, or... is it?
Maybe he is asexual regarding the conversation in front of the gate with jessie?
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