SPOILERS Avalanche Appreciation Thread


Pro Adventurer

Erotic Materia

OG Wedge was a completely irrelevant charater; his most memorable moments were talking about food and dying. Sorry dude.
Remake Wedge? I freaking love the guy. He's fun, he's funny, he has a laid back attitude I really like and everybody loves, he's good natured and loves cats!
He admits he's nervous and scared but he goes on missions anyway.
Yes, he's not "hot" for a FF but I don't care! He's great.

@Erotic Materia I have something for you (and however is interested I guess). It's funny in a sad way.
Big oof. What a sad thing, to see someone so lost in such a ridiculous obsession.



Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I separated this part from my previous post since Wedge must not be lumped with umpleasant stuff, he's too precious for that.
Of all the characters in FFVIIR, Wedge is the one I could most easily live with. He knows what's important in life: cats, good food, friends, and a cause you believe in. He has an optimistic, can-do spirit and doesn't sweat the small stuff.
I freakin’ loved Wedge. The ending frustrated me so much.
OG Wedge was a completely irrelevant character; his most memorable moments were talking about food and dying. Sorry dude.
Remake Wedge? I freaking love the guy. He's fun, he's funny, he has a laid back attitude I really like and everybody loves, he's good natured and loves cats!
He admits he's nervous and scared but he goes on missions anyway.

Yes, he's not "hot" for a FF but I don't care! He's great.
The cats are the priority.
Wedge grabbing his cat.jpg
I know we complain a lot about changes and how too many characters dying-but-not-really cheapens the emotional impact of the scenes, but... I hope they all survived... T__T
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I am nigh-convinced that the ultimate ending of the FFVII Remake saga, when the lifestream shows up and stops Meteor, will be done a la Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

The Planet was meeting its demise.

“Lend me your power, everyone!”

Aerith cried out. Her waves of thoughts expanded through the Sea of Mako. Carried by the Lifestream, it spread throughout the Planet.

“I can’t do this alone. Lets all protect the Planet!”

The cry of the last Cetra shook the countless consciousnesses that she had awakened during her journey. The entire Planet’s conscious was awakened. Of course, among them was also the consciousness of those that were suspended for their atonements. With their strong wills combined together, they managed to control the enormous energy of the Planet.

“I’ve been waiting for this! Lets light the fuse and blow that meteor away with a bang!”

“It’s the Avalanche Lifestream Division’s turn! Now that Barret isn’t here, I’m the leader!”

“Nooo! I wanted to try being a leader too! That’s so unfair, Mr. Wedge!”

“You guys are never serious even though you’re Barret’s companions. Lets take this seriously and do it for Marlene.”
While team JBW are mentioned in the original game after their deaths, you'd be forgiven for forgetting that they existed when you are going through most of the adventure.

Remake not only flesh out these characters but show that they want them to stick around in one form or another. Ergo why it seems more likely that Meteorfall would be changed so that rather than showing an identity-less lifestream stopping Meteor, we'll be seeing many spirits in person as they "lend their power".

Let me make it clear that I do not at all like this approach. I believe the ending would be worse off if it decided to show spirits with discernible faces and recognizable voices coming together for the final event, riding along the tendrils of lifestream like they were bodacious surfers. If you want to mimic the impact of death in real life then you are not allowed to see- and interact with the person after their death. Advent Children did this mistake by essentially turning Aerith and Zack into Jedi ghosts.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this lack of subtlety, and a lack of (consistent) reverence for what makes DEATH so impactful in real life, that I feel it likely that every tendril of lifestream during Meteorfall will have a face in Remake: "Part X - The Final One".

Or if all the timeline/multiverse shenanigans go full Crisis on Infinite Earths, I can definitely see Jessie, Biggs and Wedge making their ultimate, definitive sacrifices right before Meteorfall. In varying states of alive or dead, main timeline or alternate timelines, team JBW will do what has to be done to save all of existence from time collapse. The end result being that they die anyway...but at least they got to be important players until the very end. :awesomonster:

That's just my intuition on what Square might possibly go for.
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Ninja Potato
There was that popularity poll Square did that Jessie placed 4th on, does anyone know if Biggs and Wedge also ranked? I was hoping we might finally get some merch of them now that they're established as "popular." I still want another wave of polygon figures with BWJ, as well as Rufus, Tseng, and Rude (and two other characters I guess.)


If you want to mimic the impact of death in real life then you are not allowed to see- and interact with the person after their death.

This is, by far, my biggest problem with the Remake's changes. The Kingdom Heartsifying of the story is the big flashy problem that has drawn a lot of attention already, but this is the kind of thing that goes to the core of the original story. Even if you took everything involving the Whispers out of the Remake, you'd still be left with this totally cavalier approach to mortality that removes most of the stakes from the original. It's a real shame. Stories where death actually sticks are so much rarer in fiction, and so much more important for it.

I'm not the only total nerd who had their worldview shaped by FFVII, from its pro-eco, anti-corporate message to its treatment of life and death. To this day, my view of the "afterlife" pretty much begins and ends with "hey, it'll be neat to return to the planet".

But like others have said, that ship has sailed. So fuck it, let's go full Infinity War*. Safer Biggs for final boss! :lol:

Ironically, Infinity War--the story about undoing death via time travel--didn't totally undermine the finality of mortality.


AI Researcher
i didn't realise they changed the cats' names in english (because i didn't think to go out of my way to check), but in the japanese version he named them all after types of pastries

white tail = flaugnarde/nar (フロニャルド/ニャル)
brown tail = ghibanizza/bani (ギバニッツァ/バニ)
black tail = pasty/pas (パスティ/パス)

part of me is kinda like, you had the fat guy name his cats after food? :/

but also they are cute and i give my cats food nicknames all the time
This is one place where written fiction has an advantage over visual fiction. Written fiction can easily make it clear whether the character is seeing a ghost or remembering/imagining a dead friend, whereas visual fiction normally shows us the person being remembered or imagined. It's possible that in Advent Children, Cloud was merely remembering or imagining Zack and Aerith - what they'd do in this situation, what they'd say to him.... But it came across as if he was communicating with them for real.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
^That is one of the things that I love about written fiction.

Also, you can have a scene devoid of any conversation and leave it ambiguous to the viewer, yet in fiction that's when inner dialogues shine their brightest. And as you can see I love doing that :awesome:

So we can conclude that Reggie survived without a shadow of a doubt.

Unlike in FFXV :monster:

Ok, I'll shut up...
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