Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
So, Bloodborne is my first From Soft game I've played...
And yeah, this game is fucking incredible.
I figured I'd give it a shot since it was free for PS5 owners and I wanted something action-like after FF Origin. Heard great things and I was already intrigued and wanting to play it given it's unique aesthetics and genre combination. An open world, horror action RPG. Like, wow. That's my aesthetic. No other From Soft game visually and thematically interested me as much as this one. And so far, it's living up to the hype and more.
I think I'm... Close to half way through this game? Maybe? I'm not sure because I've gone out of order with some things. Ironically this game has not been as hellish to me as folks have said. The only boss that gave me real, frustrating trouble was Father Gascoigne, who took me 3 attempts. All other bosses have thankfully taken me 1 attempt (although I did die to poison from Blood Starved Beast but it died first so lol I just went back and got my Blood Echoes). Hilariously, I find more difficulty dealing with mobs ganging up and slaughtering me in unexpected places. So many random fuckers just coalesce around you and stunlock you to death. But overall, the game has been challenging, but fair.
So far, I've taken down Cleric Beast, Father Gascoigne, the Blood Starved Beast, the Witches of Hemwick, Darkbeast Paarl, Vicar Amelia, and Amygdala. Amygdala was totally out of order because that fucking fight was down to the wire, I barely made it through that one. Some asshole told me to explore this church where I got grabbed by Amygdala, thrown into a nightmare dimension, and just wandered around until I found that boss waiting for me
Eileen the Crow is so fucking awesome. I've done her side quest so far and she's just badass. Pure and simple. Found Old Yharnam and killed that old hunter at the Gatling Gun and got his clothes lolol. The side quests in this game are interesting given... The stakes are so high. People's lives (including yourself) are on the line regularly, from just finding shelter, to telling a girl whether her parents are alive or not. They're simple but when combined with the setting, context and abject horror surrounding the hunt, these events make the quests interesting. This whole world is very unique and just wonderful. Horror, bloodshed and cosmic mystery all in one. The main story is sorta basic but like any good open world game, there seems to be a lot more lore to unpack if one wishes to explore everything. Not many NPCs but the ones that aren't... Insane and trying to kill you, are likeable, memorable and interesting.
So far, this game is just amazing. The setting alone got me hooked. Also, serious props to the Saw Spear. It's easily one of the best fucking weapons. I've picked this thing off a corpse and it hasn't failed me yet. Kirkhammer is fun as hell because SMASH.
Dunno what other weapons I'll try but Saw Spear is just stupid good so far. Love the Blunderbuss too.
And yeah, this game is fucking incredible.
I figured I'd give it a shot since it was free for PS5 owners and I wanted something action-like after FF Origin. Heard great things and I was already intrigued and wanting to play it given it's unique aesthetics and genre combination. An open world, horror action RPG. Like, wow. That's my aesthetic. No other From Soft game visually and thematically interested me as much as this one. And so far, it's living up to the hype and more.
I think I'm... Close to half way through this game? Maybe? I'm not sure because I've gone out of order with some things. Ironically this game has not been as hellish to me as folks have said. The only boss that gave me real, frustrating trouble was Father Gascoigne, who took me 3 attempts. All other bosses have thankfully taken me 1 attempt (although I did die to poison from Blood Starved Beast but it died first so lol I just went back and got my Blood Echoes). Hilariously, I find more difficulty dealing with mobs ganging up and slaughtering me in unexpected places. So many random fuckers just coalesce around you and stunlock you to death. But overall, the game has been challenging, but fair.
So far, I've taken down Cleric Beast, Father Gascoigne, the Blood Starved Beast, the Witches of Hemwick, Darkbeast Paarl, Vicar Amelia, and Amygdala. Amygdala was totally out of order because that fucking fight was down to the wire, I barely made it through that one. Some asshole told me to explore this church where I got grabbed by Amygdala, thrown into a nightmare dimension, and just wandered around until I found that boss waiting for me

Eileen the Crow is so fucking awesome. I've done her side quest so far and she's just badass. Pure and simple. Found Old Yharnam and killed that old hunter at the Gatling Gun and got his clothes lolol. The side quests in this game are interesting given... The stakes are so high. People's lives (including yourself) are on the line regularly, from just finding shelter, to telling a girl whether her parents are alive or not. They're simple but when combined with the setting, context and abject horror surrounding the hunt, these events make the quests interesting. This whole world is very unique and just wonderful. Horror, bloodshed and cosmic mystery all in one. The main story is sorta basic but like any good open world game, there seems to be a lot more lore to unpack if one wishes to explore everything. Not many NPCs but the ones that aren't... Insane and trying to kill you, are likeable, memorable and interesting.
So far, this game is just amazing. The setting alone got me hooked. Also, serious props to the Saw Spear. It's easily one of the best fucking weapons. I've picked this thing off a corpse and it hasn't failed me yet. Kirkhammer is fun as hell because SMASH.

Dunno what other weapons I'll try but Saw Spear is just stupid good so far. Love the Blunderbuss too.
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