^That's the last episode I saw, the one with Ali Hillis. Yeah I think the fact I haven't watched it in almost 2 months is a testament to its staleness :/
I actually started skipping episodes now and jumped straight to the stuff relevant to the whole Castle abduction arc. Probably not gonna watch the next season aside from anything related to an arc which hopefully will be interesting.
Unless they really switch things up (but probably won't).
Big pile of meh until about half way through. Then it got kinda interesting. If nothing else I'm enjoying this story that's unfolding with Beckett being kidnapped and having a secret and shit but I'm all meeeeeh about the whole thing now. I'll watch until the annoying status quo is restored then stop. Then when it's announced this is the last season (which I am convinced it will be - this season premiered to the record series low for ratings) I might watch the rest of it.
Well, seems like status quo won't be restored just yet. Maybe. For now at least it's keeping me somewhat interested after being mostly bored with the last season.
Jon Huertas and Seamus Dever (Javi and Espo) haven't been asked back yet either btw. It's interesting to follow all the cast reactions on Twitter, they're all shocked and heartbroken about this.
That was quite frankly the worst ending in TV show history. I include shows that were cancelled halfway through production and didn't actually get to conclude.
And I don't blame ABC for cancelling at the last minute, because the show was in the same position last year and that was a far more rounded series finale than this was.
Honestly, I expected more. I don't know why but I did. I didn't expect the entire episode to be a rounded series finale as some shows manage when oh say for example their writers and producers aren't just trying to see how far it'll go and actually know it's going to end. But I was expecting more than "here's the original season finale where we were planning to kill off Beckett... now here's a 30 second tacked on scene that still manages to reduce her to Castle's accessory".
So, SO shit.
The both of them dying would have made a far better ending, even if its still shit.