

Chloe Frazer
I smell a crossover coming, a reunion between Joss and Nathan. ok not really but is fun to imagine a thing like that happening. :monster:

Last night's episode of Castle was fucking weird,
that whole thing with time travel and then Alexis, it just feels like the writers don't know what to do with her anymore although if her behavior is a result of her kidnapping last season then it would interesting.


Just watched it. Crazy episode, but fun. :lol:

That ending. DUN DUN DUN

Time travel real or not? You decide!


Chloe Frazer
*phoenix down*

So who else thought last week's episode was really weird and not good at all?


Chloe Frazer
That's "Dressed to Kill" from two weeks ago, last week's was "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Spoiler alert it has nothing to do with Nirvana which is a shame because that would've been so much better.


OK, Castle is probably my favourite TV show but they have to stop with the crazy weird stuff now. I mean once every now and then is fine but I feel like they're trying to turn it into like almost sci-fi or supernatural or something.

This show needs a dramatic 2-3 parter episode that is firmly grounded in reality very soon. More espionage would be nice.

Maybe I should go re-watch Alias.


*phoenix down*

So who else thought last week's episode was really weird and not good at all?

Haven't watched the last three episodes actually. :O

I'm saving them up so I can binge-watch later on. :monster:
Hate weekly watching with long-ass breaks in between every now and then. I'm looking at you, Agents of SHIELD, you especially. :shifty:


Chloe Frazer
OK, Castle is probably my favourite TV show but they have to stop with the crazy weird stuff now. I mean once every now and then is fine but I feel like they're trying to turn it into like almost sci-fi or supernatural or something.

This show needs a dramatic 2-3 parter episode that is firmly grounded in reality very soon. More espionage would be nice.

Maybe I should go re-watch Alias.

Next week's episode might be to your liking.


Chloe Frazer
It saddens me to say but I think Castle is really starting to decline now. This week's episode was stupid and the promo for next week looked ridiculous. I would be lying if I say I have been completely interested in the series since it came back from its winter break.


Chloe Frazer
Unfortunately I saw it coming a mile away considering how forgettable the second half of season 6 had been.

At this point I hope that when season 7 is confirmed they say it will be the last. I do not want to see Castle go the same route as the zombie that is Bones.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, holy shit, what a disappointment that was. This show has clearly jumped the shark. What happened? Did the writers just run out of ideas or what?


Chloe Frazer
Oh yeah they have definitely run out of ideas and are clearly resorting to the cheap lets throw something to keep Castle and Beckett apart to keep people interested.


I haven't watched in months. Downloading the rest of the season now but I'm not liking what I'm reading. D:


The second to last episode of this season was also the best episode of the entire season. The final episode
was just utter fucking bullshit. Yeah I didn't think they were going to get married, I knew something was going to get in the way. But the entire lead up to the end was a total farce and it pissed me off, even though I did like the way Beckett pitted the bikers against the mob people, that's like the only decent thing that happened in the episode.

I wouldn't have been half as annoyed if their wedding had been planned earlier and this happened in like the middle of a season, but I hate it when they do stuff like this and it's so not nuanced its not even funny. Castle has always been clever, a cut above the rest, avoiding a lot of clichés or at least taking the piss out of them. This season has basically taken the writing that I loved and shat all over it.

I am genuinely annoyed about this, its my favourite show. WHAT ARE THEY FUCKING DOING.

I knew something was going to happen to stop the wedding and I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw him in the car. It was just so damn cheap.


The second to last episode was pretty good. The season finale was...I don't know, I have a feeling they are crossing more and more from crime series with lighthearted elements to almost a sitcom without the canned laughter. :wackymonster:
I did enjoy seeing Eddie McClintock. Reminds me I need to catch up on Warehouse 13.
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Pretty predictable that Castle would wake up from the coma and have amnesia. :closedmonster:

Although I feared they'd go full on brainfart and have him not remember who Beckett is or some shit. I would've flipped a table.



Chloe Frazer
I'm really glad I missed the episode then. Considering not going back to Castle at all.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Eh. I mean, episode wasn't as horrible as the season six finale was, but it wasn't that good either. If I didn't already care about these characters I doubt I would have cared about this episode at all. The show is pretty close to shark-jumping, if it hasn't already crossed that point. It's probably just good enough to continue watching for now, but it's a shame, because it wasn't "just good enough" for most of the first five seasons; it was way better than that.



Episode 7:13 was really strong, I enjoyed it.

Episode 7:14 was AMAZING. It was so intense at certain points in the episode I couldn't tear my eyes away, incredibly well done. And I out-loud gasped at a certain moment and sprung up to see if I could get the next one but I have to wait until Monday ;-;.

It's time to start watching again folks.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, making Castle a PI seems to have been the kick the series needed.


Well ngl I'm not crazy about the PI thing. I'm at peace with the fact that Beckett unrealistically is never going to take a promotion and they're going to find ways to jam their cases together in every episode now, but once upon a time I really had high hopes for a shake up to the procedural nature of the show. I was so so hoping that when Beckett got a promotion it would be to the CIA or FBI or there'd be some kind of new initiative that allowed the core characters to work more closely together on cases.

I don't know how to explain what I'm trying to say properly. In the middle of season 3 if I could have looked into the future and saw them still at that bloody precinct with no major change it would have put me off the show. While this season has definitely been the shows worst based on the first 6 or so episodes, it has improved and become as good as the previous good episodes. The last episode rivals some of the best in terms of how well done it was.

I mean I get it, I know how procedurals work. I got excited when Beckett got that random promotion to that thing in DC which was never going to work for obvious reasons because I was hoping at the end of it we'd get a bit of an upgrade somehow. I just find it harder to connect with a show that doesn't evolve, and procedurals don't evolve. They don't have a continuous changing narrative like the shows that I enjoy the most, they have walls and rails and boxes that need to be ticked. In Castle 99% of the time the killer is the second or third person you meet who is in some way connected with the person who died, even though it seems like they have nothing to do with it at the start and they go through 5 other suspects who they have IRON CLAD EVIDENCE on first.

The only thing that has kept me watching is the quality of the writing, the quirks of humour and the characters. The writing got lost at the start of this season and the show suffered horribly, because it has pretty much nothing else going for it. I can pretty much guarantee at this point that the craziest shake up is going to be when (not if) Beckett becomes Chief because Gates dies tragically or heroically or something. I can see that happening at the end of this season tbh. Then Castle will be back in the precinct and the status quo will be restored yet again.

I'm missing the episodes where the FBI and CIA and whoever else got involved, those 2/3-parters were always so much more interesting to me.

I still love the show and that's saying a lot because I can't stand procedurals. I think they're cheap. But it would hands down be my favourite thing on TV if they were willing to step outside the box a bit more often. I only engage with the episodes where the lives of the main or secondary characters are impacted by what's happening, and 9 times out of 10 this show is person x dies for these reasons, person y did it for these reasons and they always somehow get a bloody confession. Then Castle and Beckett have a light-hearted conversation or one of them make an angsty expression (upgraded from flirting in early seasons to foreplay now) and that's it. That's your whack. That's all you get to keep you engaged and make you excited for more episodes. It just doesn't work for me any more.
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