Super Mario
- Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. depends on how you look at it?
I beg to differ, the pellet guns I used to have cost money. Chasing my cousin off one time in a fit of rage & taking fire at his ass(literally) with one was a memory I shall cherish forever.The really fun things don't cost anything.
*It's revealed that these are not winds but the draft being stirred up by CA's gunship.*Hai thar guyz
Methinks me and Miss A are both in the future now.
And I just got an emulator on my PSP. Hellz yeah. LOL
*winds blows over the thread*
sup, How's the band going dude?
Pretty smoothly, we're wrapping up the recording of our first EP, and we're getting a little tour together for the summer.
shademp is a homo
congratulations? hugs and kisses?