Chit Chat Thread 2.0

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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami

I like your enthusiasm :awesome:
Oh, so High School there is 5 years?
Because you like a boy, so that means your heterosexual :awesome:

Oh thank ye? :awesome: I like the aspect of no homework.

High school is only 4 years. At 17, I will be in college. Hopefully. :monster:

I just crush on the boy. :awesome: I also crush on Tifa, Aerith, and some sexy Asian models. Does that make me heterosexual? :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
Oh Mei I'm sure you're not going to like the other aspects of College
Oh now I get it
Yes, that makes you heterosexual because now you have a crush on a real boy :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
@ Sheepy - Yeah, well, he's my seatmate so it's gonna be hard if you tell me I can't crush on him. :awesome:

@ Carlie - If I get my allowance, I'll learn to cope with whatever awful aspects college has. :awesome:

LAWL. Tifa and Aerith are real girls. :awesome: Aren't they?


Chloe Frazer
Is the boy hawt? If he is then you have learn well from me :wackymonster:
Again I like your enthusiasm I just hope it doesn't fade by then
No, you have a crush on a real boy that is in the same school as you :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Is the boy hawt? If he is then you have learn well from me :wackymonster:
Again I like your enthusiasm I just hope it doesn't fade by then
No, you have a crush on a real boy that is in the same school as you :awesome:

IDK if he's your type. He's pretty young. He said he just turned 14 or something. :awesome: He looked pretty... just the way I like them. :wacky:

It won't. Money is my driving force. :monster: I'm so greedy it's not even funny. :awesome:

LAWL... real boy... Pinocchio? :awesomonster:

kk. Don't blame me if I get a little jealous from time to time though. :awesomonster:

I wanna be your seatmate too, mimimimi. ;_;

Wow. Sheepy getting jealous? :awesome: I am honored! :reptar:

You should head on over here and enroll yourself to my class. We can be cheatmates! :awesome:

Yes, you're free to crush on them as well. :monster:

Why thank ye. :monster:


Chloe Frazer
That's not what I meant, I have a guy besides that kid is the same age as my younger brother, I meant that if he was hawt than you have learn well from me my padawan :awesome:
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
That's not what I meant, I have a guy besides that kid is the same age as my younger brother, I meant that if he was hawt than you have learn well from me my patawan :awesome:

IDK :awesome: What is hawt for you? He's hawt for me. :awesome:

This thread ought to be moved to that asshattery club imo. I'm requesting it.

Okay then? :huh:


Chloe Frazer
Hawt for me is guy that's tall has a great body, is funny, outspoken, metro sexual, can dress decently and it's a nice, at 14 it was any boy with a good body that was funny and charming :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Hey that club's the best. I just joined and you can post just about anything there.
Like a spam club only subtle? :monster: We should all join!

I can't help it. Blame the koi. :awesome:

The koi is too strong. Don't let it consume you! :wacky:

Lawl, indeed! We can also be clackmates amirite? :wackymonster:
TTLY :reptar: I see no problem in it!

Welcome. Can I join you btw? :monster:

Hawt for me is guy that's tall has a great body, is funny, outspoken, metro sexual, can dress decently and it's a nice, at 14 it was any boy with a good body that was funny and charming :awesome:

Well, he's tall. Taller than me anyway. And I wouldn't know about his body; I'll try to find out later. :wacky: He dresses decently in his school uniform I guess? :awesome: Except I'm the one who's outspoken and "funny". He did say I'm pretty amusing because I keep giving him random doodles of Pyramid Head. :awesome: CHARMING, YES.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Welcome to pubecence, shortstack. Have fun crushing on the boys and/or others at your school. So, did you get advanced a year, shortstack, or does HS usually go 13-17 round your way?

Also, Ipod posting takes a long time


Chloe Frazer
True and I shall keep teaching you well my padawan, now may the force be with you :awesome:

Hello *lightning* THE GODFATHER :reptar:

Gotta go, I'll be back later, bye bye people of teh intarwebs :reptar:
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