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Oryx, Debussy, Hatsumimi
the Miss USA thing is highly overblown IMO.

She said she believes in marriage between a man and a woman, but no offense if you dont, thats up to you. Thats a summary. So she didnt bash anyone, just gave what she believed. Now for some reason she's seen a gay bashing homophobe. Which is pretty irritating IMO.

Then again, what do I expect from something that was involved with Perez Hilton.



Great Old One
To Nocturne - I agree with you. She wasn't bashing anyone. All she said was that she believed that a marriage is between a man and a woman, and although I don't agree with her views, this whole blowout has been just overrated and dramatic. It's not like she called out against gas and said that it was a 'sin,' to be gay. I just thought that Perez Hilton and a lot of others reacted in this.

And I hate Perez Hilton.


Watching Thee From The Moon
Just Nocturne will do
I dont agree with gay marriage just for the fact that if everyone was gay, then the human race would be no more. Thats the logic I put behind it. Plus, either way, cant gay people get civil unions in any state? That would solve all the problems with insurances and stuff ect ect.

But regardless, she wasnt disrespectful in any way possible. People blew it out of proportion.


We have come to terms
They're a minority, however. And since people never agree on's very unlikely that EVERYONE would.

I wouldn't. But I've no problem with it, either.

Hat-chan - I had to look at it for about five second to figure it out when it was first posted :monster:


Great Old One
I'm all for gay marriage, but the way Perez Hilton and a few other people reacted was just ridiculous. There's a lot more idiots that have reacted just worse than she did to answer her question.

and if marriage is for procreation then why are infertile people allowed to marry? faulty logic is faulty.


Higher Further Faster
I dont agree with gay marriage just for the fact that if everyone was gay, then the human race would be no more. Thats the logic I put behind it. Plus, either way, cant gay people get civil unions in any state? That would solve all the problems with insurances and stuff ect ect.

But regardless, she wasnt disrespectful in any way possible. People blew it out of proportion.

I don't think they can get civil unions in every state. :/

Also this drama is news to me. I've never heard of it before. But then I'm not much into beauty pageants.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That said, government should just get the fuck out of the marriage business for all couples and just grant civil unions to whoever asks for them. Then religious groups can marry whomever they want and no one has to bitch about government discrimination.


Oryx, Debussy, Hatsumimi
I'm not all for gay marriage, but I could really care less what people (straight or not) do with their lives. Just don't give them any more publicity. Kind of getting annoyed at all the whining lesbians around my block.


Great Old One
Also this drama is news to me. I've never heard of it before. But then I'm not much into beauty pageants.
Do you know Perez Hilton, the celeb. blogger? He was criticizing her in the harshest of was just because she didn't agree with gay marriage. She wasn't even speaking against them, and though I'm all for gay marriage they just overreacted. It's their lives, just leave them alone.


Watching Thee From The Moon
Just Nocturne will do
no, they can't.

and if marriage is for procreation then why are infertile people allowed to marry? faulty logic is faulty.

hmm, I didnt know that. That doesnt bother me because people cant control who they fall in love with.

Partly I think its because Ive had enough gay guys hit on me that it just ugh. Also, I wouldnt mind it as much if they didnt flaunt themselves all over the place. Every gay person Ive met has tried to push it on you, and its like, dude, Im straight but you dont see me mentioning it 24 hours a day.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
hmm....owh. something like haruhi's [/anime]


We have come to terms
Peace out for now, doods. Time to get something to eat.

Plus I want to talk to someone in particular, so...

Later! :monster:
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