....I made a joke back to your joke. Relax. I thought you would've known me better than to take offense to something you say.
Your cap writing is sexy by the way.
Star Trek = nerds = noI was never angry old lady.
Who else is going to see Star Trek?
I am & it better not suck. Kirk, Spock, & Bones deserve one last good run.Who else is going to see Star Trek?
That's good to hear. It looks flashy if nothing else. I hope the story has some substance though.I've read few reviews. Sounds like it might be good.
That's good to hear. It looks flashy if nothing else. I hope the story has some substance though.
Oh no, a young Spock + a young Kirk + a movie about them becoming friends = fangirls writing..... things.....Apparently the film focuses on Spock and Kirk's relationship and how they eventually become friends.
Oh no, a young Spock + a young Kirk + a movie about them becoming friends = fangirls writing..... things.....
^I can't believe I didn't notice that until now. I sense potential.
It mostly seems like arguments of "Is it a game?" or "Is this NOT a game?" It's pretty hilarious.I've only played the two player Halo stuff with peeps while hanging out but I don't see why there's such a flame war over whether or not that game is any good. Seems fun enough in my opinion.
It's like "Are you a gamer if you just play Tetris?" shiz. Gamers are very exclusive people who hate themselves and other gamers if they play anything other than what they do.wtf? How is it not a game? How is that arguable?
Male gamers wonder why they can't get chicks. You'd think it'd be obvious when one actually sat and realized that this kind of stuff doesn't matter and no girl would be arsed to want to put up with it. :/
Nah man, it's /v/. Just /v/.What the fuck? Got no idea what bullshit you're on about Ninira.
There's never been any real argument about whether or not it's a game, only if it's any good, and whether it's a casual game or not.
Gamers are not "exclusive people" those are console fanboys, not all gamers. There's two types of gamers, casual gamers and hardcore gamers. There's no base group or anything that can be generalized.