Indeed, so the only solution I see is to remove the organs with which we cast shameful light on others and ourselvesMost rapes aren’t motivated by sexual desire actually, so I’m not sure getting rid of sex would actually prevent sex crime.

In what way? Maybe there is some explanation in evolutionary psychology that would suggest creativity was related to sexual conquest, but would removing the desire itself really demoralize us? If the process of being creative is chemically linked to sexual desire then I can see your point, but I surely hope that is not the case. Though we may be speaking of two different branches here...and I doubt it would increase all other dimensions, in fact a number of scientists have made a strong case that the drive to produce art is related to sex.
One is the desire for mating and spreading your genes.
The other is the sexual desire and ecstacy itself.
Does removing the latter affect the inspiration we get from the former?