Chrono Trigger community playthrough


I'm in! If I catch a nap now I will probably even be able to join the skype methinks.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Okay, I'm in too. For those keeping track, that means C and I will both be there!

Just to be sure, we're playing that first chapter DURING the Skype call, yes?

Also, how can I join the Skype group thingie? Just by adding you, Flint? My skype name is Jaiek_mahanny, I think. Or something very similar. So I can add you, if that's the trick to it.


We have come to terms
I should be able to be around for at least some of the skype meetups (like today, though due to illness I probably won't be talking). If someone could please add me, it'd be greatly appreciated :D


Great Old One
Chapter 1

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?
Chrono Trigger was my first JRPG - or RPG, even, and I remember being really confused about the battle system :D But then I slowly learned, and replaying today has been so much fun because I remembered how much I love this game.

I remember thinking how huge it was; how parts were really epic; and how awesome it is that... can't talk about it because spoilers :lol:

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?
I think it's held up very well. It's still really enjoyable to play, which is what matters in the end, no matter how awesome the graphics are.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?
I messed around for a bit in the beginning, but then ZSNES crashed on me exiting full screen so I didn't bother with doing it all over again. Let's just say I did spend some time grinding and buying new equipment, but I didn't spend too much time wandering around.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)
Familiar as in related to Final Fantasy? Or something else? This question is too wiiiiiide :lol:

Okay that was a quick type-up but my type-ups are always short :wacky:

Edit: Oh, and also


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Chapter 1

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?
Nice graphics for the era. Great use of the soundcard (I can already tell that I'll be getting my hands on another soundtrack before the game is done). The battle system reminds me of the original Parasite Eve's system (ATB, but enemies move and you'll want to wait for them to be in the right position). Mostly though, I'm wondering how this didn't get marketed as a Final Fantasy game as it feels like one right from the get-go.
Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?
It's held up pretty well for a SNES game. The sprites are still pretty good and the backgrounds are gorgeous for pixel art.
What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?
Definetly went out and explored as far as I was able too. And talked to a lot of people. There's definitely a lot of irony going around once you realize this is a game about time travel. It'll be interesting to see how my battle style will work out as it's mostly along the lines of "get everyone's speed as high as possible and then max out your offense and evasion".
Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)
I already mentioned that the battle mechanics remind me of Parasite Eve... and I'm currently playing though FFXIII and it looks like that one uses Chrono Trigger's encounter mechanics.

As far as the story goes, I'm looking forward to finding out why Chrono and Co. continue to use the time portals as there's currently no reason for them to once they fixed the current mix up...


Pro Adventurer
What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?
I'll answer these two questions together. The first time I played the game must have been about a year ago, on my DS. I think I just wanted to try out the game so I went almost directly to the fair and stopped after the first warp had occurred. This time I was much more thorough; I visited everywhere possible before the fair and played all the minigames, some of them multiple times. I could only ever get 7/8 drinks though, grr. At one point I was asked if I wanted to take a one-way ferry trip to somewhere - nobody mentioned the destination - and I thought "am I really supposed to be doing this?". The beginning of the game was definitely a lot less linear and hand-holdy than most Final Fantasy games.

My first impressions of the game are that the graphics look great - possibly more so due to the small screen size of the DS (higher pixel density) and the updated menus and fonts - and that the soundtrack is great. To be honest, I've listened to the whole soundtrack a few times through in the last couple of weeks, since it became clear we'd be playing this. I wanted to try an experiment: usually I listen to soundtracks a lot once I already have a part of the game's story to associate them with, but now I'm going to be doing it in reverse. It should be fun. :)

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?
I'm playing the DS version, so I might not be in the best position to judge, but my research tells me the graphics and sound haven't really been touched. And as I said above, I love them already. It's also nice to be able to run around smoothly without being limited to a square grid like in Final Fantasy VI.

I'm basically going to be comparing the game to Final Fantasy VI a lot because I know there's a big debate about which one is a) better and b) the best RPG ever. I already love VI but I'm trying to keep an open mind about Chrono Trigger. And I'm enjoying it so far. :)

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all?
Well... the items seem to be pretty similar to those in the Final Fantasy series. I've used a few potions and one shelter (tent) so far. Marle's battle celebration reminds me of the dwarves from Tombi! when you save them. And, uh, it's an RPG. :monster:

Other thoughts: The combat is great fun and the first boss fight (Yakra) was just the right difficulty level - not too powerful, but definitely more of a challenge than most first bosses in Final Fantasy games, particularly the modern ones (e.g. you can't lose against the first bosses in IX, X and XII, for example). Not having a separate battle screen is pretty cool too, though running away looks weird. I like the characters I've met - though I can't say I like Crono being a silent* protagonist yet. And finally, I've noticed that the game has some in-built spoilers. Loading a game before the first warp has occurred shows the "present" status on the save, and the button configuration in the menu has an option for "warp". Like the Engineer, I'm also looking forward to finding out how the story continues, as things seem pretty resolved for now. Though if you had the ability to come and go from 400 years in the past as you pleased, wouldn't you use it for fun sometimes?

* Silent apart from clucking like a chicken after spinning around three times to get 10 G from the mayor, of course.

By the way, I'm sorry for showing up a bit late to the Skype call. I was playing the Game of Thrones board game for the first time and it took about SEVEN HOURS. I wasn't expecting to be so late getting home. I added everyone who sent me a contact request to the group call - I hope you all got on alright. It won't happen again, probably!


We have come to terms
Someone has just barely touched on the aim of the final question :D

You'll understand more in the next episode!


What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

"Ooooh, I like it". It's really good looking. I like the battle system. As much as I love the normal FF "stand-off" battle method, it's not exactly realistic.

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

I'm probably the wrong person to judge because I generally have no preference for newer games over old ones. But it's still graphically good any way you look at it.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

As much as possible I usually go for ALL the shit, and aim to speak to ALL the people. I grind as much as possible because I'm kind of slow with my button pressing, so it helps if my characters are well levelled and equipped.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all?

To be honest, I'm getting a more Legend of Zelda vibe from it than it feeling FF-like. The most FF reminiscent thing for me was Yakra going "Gya ha ha".

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

"I'm really glad we decided to join in!" This is my first time playing this, and I see I have been missing out! I was immediately engaged by the characters. The opening, in your bedroom on the top floor, reminds me a lot of Pokémon, as do the graphics - though I suppose that could mean Pokémon got it's inspiration from Chrono Trigger.

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

Having just started this for the first time, I have no "nostalgia glasses" to skew my perceptions, yet I still love it. Absolutely love it. So I'd say it holds up well. The gameplay is relatively unique, with nuances of FF play but not exactly the same, and the theme of time travel is one that will always be interesting. Graphics (a rather less important factor if your main interest is RPG's) are still fresh, again reminding me of Pokémon: Ruby and a bit of Zelda: The Minish Cap - both games that came out many years later.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

I'd say a bit of both - I like exploring all the things I can before carrying on with the story, and I'm a bit of a "hardcore RPG gamer" in that I grind throughout, rather than just before the final boss. But I'm here for the story, and will skip grinding/exploring in cases where the story is just too juicy - something I very much expect to happen with Chrono Trigger after what I have seen so far.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)

As mentioned before, a lot of the gameplay reminds me of later FF games, particularly VIII with the whole running around as a group thing. It also weirdly reminds me of Breath of Fire 4, though I can't place my finger on why. Since I'm playing the PS1 version with the anime cutscenes, a lot of the styling of said cutscenes makes me think of DragonballZ, but that's just a side-note. Some "tropes" I have seen so far include the serious gentleman hero, the ditzy and somewhat timid genius, and of course Frog in the role of honour driven paladin. The world map style reminds me a lot of both earlier Zelda games and earlier FF games.


3x3 Eyes

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started? Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

This is the first time that I have played Chrono Trigger, and my initial impression is that it is definitely a very interesting game. I'm not overly taken with the art style, however, the game seems to excel in the music and battle system criteria. The soundtrack is amazing so far, I love listening to the eerie world map music, and the battle music has a nice beat with a slow build that gets you pumped for the fight. Speaking of the the battle system, that is a nice surprise. Jockeying for position in order get full use of your techniques, or to line up attacks, was unexpected. It has a SRPG feel, and I love the tactical element implemented here. It's what I love about RPGs and the use of a party.

I can't comment too much on the world or the story so far as it's too early to begin deconstructing that, however, the hints in the fair about the war that was fought is intriguing, and the world set up of having linked locations separated around the world map feels new. The way the game doesn't hold your hand at the start is also a pleasant surprise.

Having a silent main party member is something that I'm not overly fond of however. It just feels like a huge waste. Having other characters speak on behalf of Chrono or interpreting what his actions mean is already quite jarring. Will have to see how this plays out as the story unfolds.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

Like most others I tend to do a bit of both - I try to explore or acquire as much as possible first without triggering the next story segments before progressing. This is obviously easier if you know when / where that is going to occur. Knowing that here, I made sure to grind a little and gain enough money to purchase all the best equipment from the merchant and to gain some techniques for my party.

The mysterious sealed black boxes scattered around have my attention. I wonder what's inside...

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)

From the items, system and the characters, the game has a very familiar feel to it. When I first set my eyes on Lucca I thought she reminded me a heck of a lot of Luca from FF IV. It's too early to delve into specifics yet as I'm still discovering things, but yeah, definitely familiar.


I got the iphone version and am playing it on the ipad atm - first impression is that it's a good port, like the FF game I got on there which is over thrice as expensive.

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

Looks good, it's probably the most fine-tuned / newest sprite-based game I've played, a lvl up from, for example, FFVI. The two combat sequences I've had so far (with the robot and erm, the bit after you go through the portal I guess) are pretty impressive since it's seamless with the rest of the gameplay, i.e. no jarring transition to a battle scene like most FF games before 12 have. IDK yet about the actual combat system though. I picked 'wait' mode, btw, :monster:.

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

Well given the recent resurgence of ye olde RPGs without much emphasis on graphics, I'd say pretty well. I'm also playing Trails in the Sky or whatever it's called, which iirc is from 2004 and made for Sony's handheld, which is probably what I'll compare it with. That one seems only marginally better in terms of graphics and style and shit. Yeah it uses a 3D engine, but TBH I don't think the game's any better because of it. Anyway, get back to me on that one.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

Probably random / short bits of gameplay, following the story / these chapters as best as possible; I've got far too many games I'm playing simultaneously, and I haven't yet found myself playing an ipad game for any longer than half an hour yet, :monster:.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)

Well the art style looks a lot like FFVI, for one, :monster:. And it's a bit silly like a lot of the FF games.


  • What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?
"Oh, there a gunfight going on. Oh, it's just balloons." That were my very first impressions. Other then that I just felt it was a really good game. It wouldn't be until much later that appreciated just how good.

  • Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?
I feel it really does. The DBZ graphics never get old for me. It doesn't have random encounters, The Millenium Fair frontloads you with minigames, where your enemies are during battle matters to your AoE effects. It's a pretty open game. All good stuff.

  • What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?
Depends on my mood but I'll probably just follow the story mostly.

  • Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)
Well obviously it reminds me of an FF game, but I keep getting surprised by the fact that it's quite a bit ahead of it's contemporary FFs. I'll go into greater detail when you ask this question next.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I'm going to try to get to this tonight, I usually stop right after the festival (PS1 copy).


We have come to terms
Apologies, all - power's been out all day and just came back on. Will have the next chapter listing up as soon as I'm able.


We have come to terms
Chapter 2: We must change history!
5th - 8th Jan 2015

We pick up our tale as the Millenial Fair is starting to wind down, as Crono and Lucca are invited to dinner at Marle's. However, Crono gets a bit more than he bargained for when he shows up at Guardia Castle...

Our target is outside of the Arris Dome, after we head inside and find out some startling information, such as where we are, and, more importantly, when...


Remember, though, you're going to go in and take care of some very important story information, stopping after you've done that and leave. Just be sure to take some snacks, because you're still going to be hungry after resting.

  • Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old? (extra points to Roger for seeing this coming)
  • What was your verdict, and why?
  • How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?
  • Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?


Chapter 1

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

This is my first time playing this game, and I knew next to nothing about it before starting. I didn't really know what the graphics would be like, or what the battle system would be, so this was all new to me. I like the graphics. They're like a smoother, more fluid version of FFVI's graphics. I was a little surprised to hear that Chrono Trigger came out just a year after FFVI. I know that the graphics aren't mind-blowing or anything, but the way the sprites move, the animations they have, and the fact that you're not stuck to a grid all make it seem much fresher than FFVI. That being said, however, I'm not really a fan of the avatars - I've never liked the DBZ artwork, so obviously I'm not loving that.
I'm also somewhat impressed by the battle system - no loading, no random encounters, no screen transition. It did take me a little bit to figure out the combo tech commands, but I'm good now. I chose the "wait" battle system, by the way. It sounded most familiar to me, and how I've played RPGs in the past. I actually ended up playing well beyond the goal for the first chapter because I was so intrigued by the game, so there's that :monster:

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

It seems to be holding up just fine to me. I've never really had issues with older games and their graphics, I always just appreciate them for what they are. The music is fun, as well.

What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

In the past, I've mostly just followed the story in games, especially games that I'm playing for the first time. This time, however, I have been exploring a little more than usual for me. I guess knowing nothing about the game has inspired me to branch out a bit, and spend some time just checking it out. For example, I don't often do mini games, but I think I did all of the ones at the fair, just for fun.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)

Uh, well, maybe? Characters who are pretending to be someone they're not seems to be a common motif with FFVI, I suppose. I like the whole "accidental time travel" thing, I don't think I've played a game pre-FFXIII-2 that has done that, really.

Chapter 2

Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old? (extra points to Roger for seeing this coming)

Still not quite sure if I'm really drawing any major parallels. I feel like I must be missing something huge :/ The Chancellor dude (well, the imposter, anyway) kinda reminded me of Kefka a little, what with his craziness and hunger for power.

What was your verdict, and why?

Not guilty. Only had two people vote guilty, I guess that was because I said that the Princess had started it, when people saw me run into her first at the fair. Whataiva, I thought she had run into me!

How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?

I don't know, it seems really bleak and sad, but I guess they are too weak and scared to do anything about it? I certainly hope I wouldn't just waste away while hoping for salvation. I'd like to think that I'd be a little more proactive, but then I don't know what they've been through, etc.

Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?

Hm, I guess I'd say Lucca? I actually played further than the Chapter goal again, so I've met another character whom I like a lot, too, but I guess I shan't say anything about that yet :P But Lucca is practical and smart, and I like that. I do like Marle's healing abilities, but she doesn't have enough of an offensive force right now for me. Well, not by the Chapter goal, again... ;)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old? (extra points to Roger for seeing this coming)

Answer is the same as it was before.

What was your verdict, and why?

I'm pretty sure they declared me guilty. I wasn't even aware you could get a not guilty verdict until a couple of years ago.

How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?

Well, I mean, it's bleak, and not exactly something I would encourage. I can't imagine myself doing any differently in their situation, though.

Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?

At this point my favourite was either Lucca or Marle. Lucca because SCIENCE! and Marle because I identified with her rebelliousness.


We have come to terms
As I mentioned, Chrono Trigger is a REALLY OLD GAME - it's SNES era, 16-bit, way before almost every popular game/game franchise was created (most, not all). It's a game that's ahead of its time, specifically.

Within this chapter, one of the first things that everyone should have noticed is one of the main themes within the game - cause and effect. Specifically, it's shows very clear cut consequences for the player's actions, choices, and, in some cases, the lack thereof. It's extremely easy to see where a game series - like, say, Mass Effect - would have gotten a great portion of its inspiration, because these are concepts introduced in a 16-bit game 20 years ago.

Yes, you certainly have your common tropes within the game, but consider this - Chrono Trigger was a groundbreaking game that took very bold steps into uncharted territory, thereby paving the way for the games we know and love today.

I would state, firmly, with great conviction, and with absolute certainty, that without Chrono Trigger (or something like it), games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, and many others simply would not exist today - or, if they did, they would not be the games we know them to be.

And, as you'll soon start seeing, Chrono Trigger is pretty much the only game ever made that tackles the tricky subject of time travel and does it well, without being bogged down in any of the lame, gratuitous nonsense we've come to expect from such things today.

It's a very "what if" type game, just like its sequel (Chrono Cross).

But you'll come to see and understand all of this (if you haven't recognized it already) as you continue to play the game, especially during the sidequests (L A R A) and certain parts of the story itself.

Also, I can't really pick a favorite character - I really love Lucca and (duh) Frog, but my overall favorite from my first playthrough of the game is the one Avec has just found - and the character everyone else gets to meet next episode :D

ps that character's theme is epiccccccc

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Chapter 2

Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old?
The amount of games where you start out as the prisoner of the ruling state is vast. Also, what's up with prisons/jails being a good place to go looting? And prison guards not being good at keeping an eye on prisoners? You'd think the evil overlords would have figured out prison design out by now... Also, finding out the way to fight the boss via a messy secretary was made of win.
What was your verdict, and why?
I got not guilty (4-2), which was pretty funny because I both stole the old guys lunch, and didn't get the girl's cat. Maybe it's because I said Marle started it? Anyway, I got sentenced to solitary confinement for 3 days only for someone to suspiciously change it to being exicuted in 3 days and citing a backed up bureaucracy for why the paperwork hadn't arrived yet.
How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?
Given that it looks like humanity was doing pretty well for itself until the disaster, I find it pretty believable. Especially since they've apparently tried to go find food and stuff and no one has come back.
Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?
I really like Marle's reasoning for leaving the castle. That coupled with the knowledge that this isn't the first Royal Aide to go bad, makes me think she has more to her then just rebelling for the sake of rebelling. It'll be interesting to see what has caused the kingdom to decline in the bureaucracy as there's still some people that are loyal to her. Oh, and her pendant that caused the time traveling to start in the first place, I'm looking forward to seeing where she got that from. Lucca so far doesn't have much going for her other then being a non-evil mad scientist who Chrono has known for a long time, so I'm not decided on her yet.

Other stuff:
I was honestly surprised to see that the reason for the "nuclear winter" had nothing to do with humanity. For whatever reason, it seems really common nowadays for the reason why the future sucks so much to be because humans messed with something they shouldn't have (IE: Fallout, etc.). I was totally prepared for some long thing about a devastating world war when the last computer was turned on. For it to turn out to be some fire/volcano spirit monster thing (at least that we could tell) was actually kinda refreshing. So was seeing that the future hadn't been going catastrophically wrong before that.


We have come to terms
this isn't the first Royal Aide to go bad
Ah, but that's the beauty of things - it's YOUR actions that have caused him to go bad in the first place, see? If you hadn't gone back to rescue Marle, the guy in the past would never have created the criminal justice system that he did - and in the mind of the guy in the present, you're clearly guilty of kidnapping. He's wrong, true, but his heart IS in the right place. Sort of...

the reason why the future sucks so much to be because humans messed with something they shouldn't have
I just want to make note of this for later, but not for any reason you might be thinking :D

Loving the responses!

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Not to debate but...
Ah, but that's the beauty of things - it's YOUR actions that have caused him to go bad in the first place, see? If you hadn't gone back to rescue Marle, the guy in the past would never have created the criminal justice system that he did - and in the mind of the guy in the present, you're clearly guilty of kidnapping. He's wrong, true, but his heart IS in the right place. Sort of...
There's several centuries between the time the guy sets up the criminal justice system and the time you get your trial. So who knows what's happened to in in the mean time. (Unless that is the same guy and he's been alive this whole time, in which case we have other problems going on besides a messed up bureaucracy...) The justice system actually seemed to be working well right up until the guy messes with the justice system personally to execute you. Which has everything to do with him personally not caring about the law, and nothing to do with you messing with time travel. Also, I don't see anything (currently) that indicates the legal system wasn't in place already before you started messing with time.
I just want to make note of this for later, but not for any reason you might be thinking :D
You have no clue how hard it is to not look this game up on TvTropes...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ah, but that's the beauty of things - it's YOUR actions that have caused him to go bad in the first place, see? If you hadn't gone back to rescue Marle, the guy in the past would never have created the criminal justice system that he did - and in the mind of the guy in the present, you're clearly guilty of kidnapping. He's wrong, true, but his heart IS in the right place. Sort of...

I just want to make note of this for later, but not for any reason you might be thinking :D

Loving the responses!

You are loving teasing first time players with this shit, aintcha?

Not to debate but...
There's several centuries between the time the guy sets up the criminal justice system and the time you get your trial. So who knows what's happened to in in the mean time. (Unless that is the same guy and he's been alive this whole time, in which case we have other problems going on besides a messed up bureaucracy...) The justice system actually seemed to be working well right up until the guy messes with the justice system personally to execute you. Which has everything to do with him personally not caring about the law, and nothing to do with you messing with time travel. Also, I don't see anything (currently) that indicates the legal system wasn't in place already before you started messing with time.
You have no clue how hard it is to not look this game up on TvTropes...

I am going to say nothing, but I will confirm that the reason that your sentence was suddenly changed is still your fault.


We have come to terms
Yes, yes I AM loving it :D

Well, if you remember, after you saved the queen, the Chancellor (the real one) made some remark about how they needed to establish a better legal system. His determination to do so was sparked by your actions, which had a sort of snowball effect through time, all the way down to his (present-day) successor.

On the other hand, it could be argued as well that their current justice system (in the present) was the same, which likely was what was keeping Marle in the castle all the time in the first place, which is what caused her to escape, which caused her to get to the Fair, the portal to open, and so on and so forth, which means that the justice system was the result of you saving the queen in the past. Which would mean it's still your fault XD And that's one of the things about CT that's so great - this isn't the first or last time that your actions, however small or tiny or inconsequential they may seem at the time, will have a huge effect on things afterwards. Or cause things, or...something?

That's the other thing I love about Chrono Trigger - it's replete with fun time travel and rewritten history stuff, and it's done so well that you can't really get a handle on the stance it takes regarding time travel and its effects on the present; that is, did your actions in the past change the future, or did they CAUSE the future?


Pro Adventurer
Imma play this tonight. The third chapter will hopefully be ready tomorrow and I want to Skype with you guys on Saturday night again. :)
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