Chrono Trigger community playthrough


We have come to terms
Chapter playing finished - but it's time to go pick up my niece from school, so it'll be up in a little over an hour.

This particular chapter does span about four in-game segments, though the first segment might take you about five minutes to get through, if that, and the second takes about ten :P

Plenty of action, though, with a whopping FOUR (and a half?) boss fights.


We have come to terms
Chapter 4: The legendary Hero
12th Jan - 15th Jan 2015

We rejoin our heroes after the Time Gate drops them off in a strange new location. Here, we learn, find purpose, and gain a bit of direction. And, with that, the group sets out to try and save the world from Lavos - and the being who created it...

Our target is the Denadoro Mountains, after having completed the area (you know you're done when you have the option of beomg transported back outside).


  • How did you fare against Spekkio?
  • This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?
  • When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?
  • What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?


Double Growth
I am participating, by the way. I just haven't gotten my writeups in yet. I'll get on that, but I played through the end of this chapter tonight :)


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I think I'm going to have to postpone the video uploads if I'm to finish this. Those take an extra day of work to upload because my PC is not stream compatible.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Chapter 3

-Did you enjoy the minigame?

It was easy.

-Describe your reaction to the scene immediately before this chapter's (primary) boss fight.


-Did you get lost in the Factory Ruins?

I cannot stand the button prompts. I forgot what to do and had to look at a guide to remember. Due to not remembering how to backspace Robo is now called "ARRR"

Chapter 4

How did you fare against Spekkio?

Didn't fight him. I believe you get special stuff if go back to battle him over the course of the game.

This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?

To be playing off memory I think I did quite well although Im still not sure how a bunch of troops can survive off 1 piece of jerky.

When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?

Not what I excepted. Im still don't know how Tata defeats monsters at his age.

What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?

I went back to C, M, & L due to how OP "fire sword" is.
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The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
[*]How did you fare against Spekkio?

Yeah he totally owned me. Barely even got two attacks in :monster:

[*]This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?

I did pretty well, only took a few minutes each time to figure out what I had to do. Did do some running about in the castle upon returning there, but most of that was because I wanted to check for treasure :D

[*]When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?

"The 'Legendary Hero' is just a kid? Okay this will either be awesome, or so damn annoying." So far I'm leaning way more to the latter, after the encounter with whom I presume was the Hero on Denadoro Mountains.

[*]What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?

At first I used Marle and Robo 'cause I like them, but Lucca in battle is just fearsome, particularly combined with Crono. So the whole section from the bridge onwards I did with Marle and Lucca. Robo, as much as I like his character, seems a bit too Jack-of-all-trades-y for me.


We have come to terms
Chapter 5: Party! Eat! Dance! Fight! Fun!
16th - 18th Jan 2015
Skype time: 22:00 UTC on Saturday
Australia Central: 08:30 (Sunday)
South Africa / Eastern Europe: 00:00 (Sunday)
Central Europe: 23:00
United Kingdom: 22:00
US Eastern: 17:00
US Central: 16:00
US Mountain: 15:00
US Pacific: 14:00

Click here for even more timezones.

The story continues as our party makes strides to stop the creation of Lavos by Magus, leader of the Mystics, by using the legendary sword, Masamune. Unfortunately, it's broken. But there's bound to be a way to fix it, right? There's just one tiny little problem...

Our target, as seen below, is Frog's hidey hole in the Cursed Woods, after he reflects upon his past.


  • Now that we're a good way in, how are you enjoying the game thus far?
  • Speaking of enjoyment, this chapter has some of my favorite music pieces in the game. Do you have any favorites?
  • Did you spend time in the Hunting Ground? If so, did you find the special enemy?
  • What are your thoughts on the Reptites, particularly after meeting Azala?
  • How do you feel about the flashback sequence?
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Chapter 4

How did you fare against Spekkio?
Badly. I got a hit in with every character and then they started dying.

Frog said:
This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?
Surprisingly well. I just walked around and spoke to everyone. They drop helpful clues often.

Frog said:
When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?
I thought the people were putting a little too much hope in just one guy.

Frog said:
What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?
I stuck with Lucca and Robo. I really like having Lucca in my party, and the animation at the start of the PS version has me feeling she and Robo shouldn't be split:lol:. Robo has pretty decent healing too, but I fear he might fall behind.


Pro Adventurer
I think I'll play 4 and 5 together tomorrow night on Skype. Frog, your chapter 5 post still mentions Saturday the 3rd of January. :P


We have come to terms
Eh, you didn't miss much. Most of the stream was me farming the Hunting Grounds anyway :P

The episodes for the actual gameplay will go up today and I suppose Sunday.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I stuck with Lucca and Robo. I really like having Lucca in my party, and the animation at the start of the PS version has me feeling she and Robo shouldn't be split:lol:. Robo has pretty decent healing too, but I fear he might fall behind.

Robo will ALWAYS remain solid, especially if you do sidequests. There is one character who does fall behind and it's a shame. That's NG+ related, though.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Joining this late :monster: I dunno if I'm going to be able to keep up tbh. Apologies in advance for the messy formating but I fucking hate bullet points.

What are your initial impressions of the game? Or (as many have already played the game), what were they the first time you started?

First time I ever played this in the early 2000's - 'Wow this is a lot like Secret of Mana' and 'How the hell did I miss out on this?' But I guess I was young and stupid playing SoM and not seeking out other Square games of the era.

Chrono Trigger is coming up on its 20th anniversary this year; how well (or poorly) do you feel it's held up overall (using any criteria you like)?

Very well, graphically - ok it's a SNES game but pretty much everything looks beautiful and you can tell what it is. There are one or two elements of gameplay that grate after a while, like the little bit of lag when a battle starts - this could just be due to snes9x - I've never played it on a SNES myself. A few typo's/translation issues but again, that still happens even with new games now :monster:
What type of playstyle and/or mentality are you coming into the game with - do you go and explore and mess around or do you follow the story?

Both, although to begin with I just wanted to get started so I didn't arse about too much.

Have you noticed anything familiar in the game - ideas, concepts, characters, designs, gameplay, anything at all? (This will be a recurring question from time to time!)
Crono and Marle are virtually identical to the Boy and Girl from SoM for one thing.

Also a lot of the music seems somehow familiar, despite not being by Uematsu. I guess SNES rpg;'s have a flavour all of their own.

chap 2
Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old? (extra points to Roger for seeing this coming)

Can't say that I do exactly, except that these things seem to happen often in games where you're shouting at the TV going 'THIS IS BULLSHIT!'

What was your verdict, and why?

Not guilty, because I am a law abiding citizen :monster: And also I knew from playing before what to do/not do to get a not guilty verdict. Not that it matters.

But I think it's quite well handled, and offers an interesting perspective on 'Justice systems' and their fallibility (sp?)
How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?

They don't have an alternative do they? I'd like to think I wouldn't hang around and just kill myself in that kind of situation but y' finds a way :monster:

Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?

Lucca, just because she's interesting and funny. But I actually like Marle too, despite her being a stereotypical princess Leia type (that sounds wrong because I like Leia too)

Chap 3
Did you enjoy the minigame? :P

Fuck no, I don't think it's possible to enjoy that. I managed to beat him just by a fluke.

-Describe your reaction to the scene immediately before this chapter's (primary) boss fight.
My brain is fried. Do you mean seeing the Day of Lavos thing? Cos that was pretty awesome. Especially how the gang decide to stop it - even though, they would be dead by then anyway. If you're talking about something else then I dunno!

-Did you get lost in the Factory Ruins?

A bit. I hate that area.

chap 4

How did you fare against Spekkio?
He kicked my arse. :monster:

I haven't got any further than the End of Time right now.


The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Sorry everyone, Airling and I won't be able to make it tonight, long week/feeling shitty/possible early day tomorrow/etc. We'll be there next week though, I hope! :monster:


We have come to terms
My brain is fried. Do you mean seeing the Day of Lavos thing? Cos that was pretty awesome. Especially how the gang decide to stop it - even though, they would be dead by then anyway. If you're talking about something else then I dunno!
R-Series, the boss fight in the factory ruins. Aka the other Robos :P


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Oh that.

Well yeah, iirc when I first played that part I was pissed off because Robo was a good fighter and I only just got him and then he was "dead"

And I was kind of pissed that Lucca doesn't do anything to stop them when I'm running at them and getting my arse kicked - the developers missed a trick there.


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 4: The legendary Hero
How did you fare against Spekkio?
Lost to him twice (once with Crono-Lucca-Robo and once with Crono-Lucca-Marle). I didn't think I could win so I didn't bother healing at all; I thought it was just a test battle. Something to try next time, I suppose.

This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?
It was pretty frustrating. I went to the castle and was told that the hero had "left to meet the king", so I thought if I found the king, I would find the hero. But the king was in bed and the hero was nowhere to be seen, so I picked up that my next destination was the bridge. I was in the kitchen and realised that I had to take some food there, but I couldn't do that until I went all the way to the bridge and then came back to the castle. That was a bit tedious.

When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?
My immediate reaction was that it would be Frog, then I decided it must be Crono. Even when people said it was a kid called Tata, I still thought it would end up being Crono. I haven't found out if that's true yet but I did just get the (broken) Masamune, so I guess there's some truth to it.

What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?
I was going to go with Crono-Lucca-Robo until I learnt magic, after which my RP Gamer sense kicked in and told me I'd need to use that magic very soon, so I switched Robo and out and put Marle in.

Other thoughts:

I couldn't resist going through the Day of Lavos warp just to see what happened.
I was a bit surprised that I was actually able to take on what must be the final boss already. I had heard that this game had a lot of optional chapters but I wasn't expecting to be able to end it so soon. Not that I did, of course, but I was impressed. The beginning of the boss fight wasn't too difficult but I imagine it gets much worse; I just reset and reloaded after a while to carry on with the chapter. It makes me curious about speed running the game - is there any way to beat Lavos this early? Don't tell me the answer to that, because I want to check it out for myself once this is over. :)

Crono has now shared a bed with Lucca and Marle at the same time. Just saying.

This was a very long chapter, especially with nobody to Skype with, but I'm going to plough straight on with the next one!


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 5: Party! Eat! Dance! Fight! Fun!

Now that we're a good way in, how are you enjoying the game thus far?
I'm enjoying it a lot! I can completely understand why people love it so much.

Even 20 years on, the atmosphere is brilliant; I haven't noticed the game's age even once. I am playing the DS version, but apart from the nicer menus, the game itself still has the same graphics as the original. And the music is superb, of course.

The story is interesting and quite subtle. A lot of modern games point things out in an obvious way to make sure the player hasn't missed anything, while Chrono Trigger often gives the slightest hint at something, leaves it up to the player to interpret the situation and only confirms what happened later. I'm actually reminded of a film review I heard for Inception, which went along these lines: the story can be a little complex at times, but the film [game] assumes a reasonable level of intelligence from the viewer [player], which allows it to maintain a decent pace without having to explain everything at every turn. That's one of the things I love about it. I've never felt like the game has been holding my hand; yes, there have been clues about the weaknesses of upcoming bosses, for example, but I've only found them because I've been meticulous and spoken to everyone at every opportunity. Compare e.g. Final Fantasy X where some of the characters just tell you what your strategy should be as a battle is starting.

On the subject of battles, the combat is very well balanced for a first-time player. Every boss fight I've had has been a pretty close one; I've never been on the verge of getting annihilated but I've felt like there have been lots of critical "I'm in trouble if I don't finish this fight now" moments. It's keeping me on the edge of my seat, and I like that. The non-boss fights are getting a bit repetitive though, so I'm avoiding them as much as possible.

Speaking of enjoyment, this chapter has some of my favorite music pieces in the game. Do you have any favorites?
I like the piece that plays at the End of Time and the piece that plays while Melchior (and in my case, Lucca) are fixing the Masamune, though I don't know what they're called. I wasn't such a fan of the prehistoric music, though, which felt a bit atonal to me.

Did you spend time in the Hunting Ground? If so, did you find the special enemy?
Yes and yes. Not that much time, though; I basically wanted to trade for every item once, and when I had some stuff left over I traded it for duplicates to sell.

What are your thoughts on the Reptites, particularly after meeting Azala?
I have a feeling we're going to be seeing Azala again sooner or later.

How do you feel about the flashback sequence?
So my first instinct from the last chapter was right: Frog is the hero! It kinda makes me sad that he goes by the name "Frog" instead of Glenn now. Has he chosen to hide his past, and if so, why? Or is that just what everyone calls him? I hope I'll find out at some point.

Other thoughts:

My prehistoric team was originally Crono-Lucca-Robo, which then became Crono-Ayla-Robo for flat-out offence (though Robo's healing ability did come in useful for the boss fight). I had the Berserker Ring on Ayla and she was one-hitting most enemies before they got a chance to move. Given how overpowered Ayla was - her physical attacks were about twice as powerful as Crono's or Robo's - I'm not surprised the developers decided she should stay in her own time instead of returning with the time-travelling party. I am a bit miffed that she kept my equipment, though; I gave her the Rage Band for the boss fight, which I sensed was coming due to the proximity of the save point, and then I never got the chance to take it back! I suppose I'll be using her again sooner or later, especially as there seemed to be many parts of the Reptite Lair that I couldn't find a way to access yet, but it would have been nice to have had the chance to change or remove her equipment before I left her.

Why can't Frog equip the Masamune yet even though he can equip the Hero's Badge? And I wonder if it's worth taking him to Spekkio to learn some magic before I progress the plot, or if I'll get a chance soon anyway?

It's wonderful how the game makes use of my optional choices and makes me question what would have happened if I had picked differently. A small example in this chapter was when Lucca helped Melchior; what if I had brought Marle and Robo instead? Would it have just taken longer, would I have had to go back to get Lucca, or would it have made no difference? I wish I had made a list of all the things I want to try on my second playthrough!
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