Chrono Trigger community playthrough


Pro Adventurer
I started writing this post with spoiler tags in and after each quote, but it felt ridiculous, so I'm just going to put it all behind one spoiler tag and warn people not to read it until they've finished chapter 11. Yes, 11. I played my sidequests in a different order. :P

In this case, I meant Crono's sudden death :P Which, btw...yeah he's super dead.


In this case, I'm referring to the dead party member, which is to say: where do we (the party) go from here, now that one of our number has sacrificed himself? Kind of like Aerith dying in FFVII, the group had to collect themselves and try to find a reason to continue on.
He certainly seemed super dead at the time, but like I said in an earlier post, I try not to second-guess anything in this game. Sure enough, I completed the Time Egg chapter and got him back into my party, not so dead after all. It felt a bit weird, to be honest. I've never wanted the ability to revive Aeris because it would take away from her sacrifice and the emotions I have because of her death. I think I might have preferred a story in this game in which the rest of the party try to revive Crono (read: prevent his death) but can't, and realise they have no choice but to move on. Then again, this game is all about choice, so I suppose I could have just chosen not to bother with the sidequest. :monster:

There's actually a reward for fighting him, it's just not as good as having him in your party :P
Well, something for next time! He's been a pretty useful character to have around, though, especially against dinosaurs, because I didn't have Crono's lightning magic.

ed: and where do you think Bahamut, Pandoa, and Memoria got the inspiration from? :P
It would be easy to say this game, but how do I know it didn't take its own inspiration from something even earlier? I'm not much of a retro gamer - I only finished FFIV and VI for the first time last year. I guess I'll just take your word for it. ;)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
At this point, I'm going to say something for the benefit of the first time players: You now have the ability to open black chests. Don't do so willy nilly. ALWAYS, if possible, check them in 600AD, refuse to open them, open them in 1000AD, then reopen them in 600AD.


Pro Adventurer
I've now completed all of Gaspar's sidequests and I'm feeling ready to visit the Black Omen.

I'm happy to wait for other players before doing that, though. Even though we haven't played on Skype in the last couple of weeks (which I partly blame on me being too busy to organise them, but mostly blame on the fact that some people have fallen behind so we're all at different parts of the game), it would be great to finish the game together.

If I've understood Frog correctly, this weekend is the second sidequest chapter, and the last chapter will go up on Monday. That being the case, why don't we convene next Friday, the 20th of February, at whatever time is convenient for as many people as possible?

That gives everyone a week to play as much of the game as they want before finishing it. One of the great things about Chrono Trigger is that pretty much everyone who has taken part in the playthrough has reached a point where they can fight Lavos (though I don't know how many of them can beat it yet), so even if some people haven't done everything, they can still join in for the ending.


We have come to terms
Hey, now that I can actually get onto TLS, it's that time again!

edit: for clarity's sake, I haven't actually been able to access the forum to post this chapter for the past two days, hence its lateness; one day to do some long sidequests isn't really enough, either
Last edited:


We have come to terms
Chapter 11 - Sidequests
15th Feb - 19th Feb 2015

As before, we finish out the game with a number of sidequests. This time, there are five more, and I'll give you your starting point - come back when you're done!

Note: for the purposes of this chapter, we will not be entering the Black Omen.

  • "In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life..."
    Your starting point here is the Last Village Square, 12,000 BC.

  • "There's a task to be done in the Future, where machinery originated."
    Your task begins at Geno Dome, 2300 AD.

  • "And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each generation, from the distant past to the far future..."
    Your starting point is the far southern island, 2300 AD.

  • "There's an object in the Middle Ages that sparkles like a rainbow..."
    Here, you'll need to go to Choras Village, 600 AD.

  • "One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this"
    You'll find this sidequest in a rather unexpected fashion as you work on this chapter...

  • How'd you do? Spoiler tags, please!


Chapter 6

Did you enjoy your jaunt through the castle?

Honestly, it seemed like a really long dungeon, and not in a way that I found particularly enjoyable. I was really getting tired of it by the time that I got to the room where Ozzie repeatedly dropped the floor out from under you, and I found that incredibly tedious. Just COME ON.

Flea, Slash, and Ozzie - thoughts?

Flea didn't really give me much trouble at all. I had more difficulty with Slash, but it still wasn't terrible at all. The boss fights so far in this game haven't been too bad for me. And of course Ozzie was a joke :monster:

What do you think of the Laruba/Ioka cultural differences? Do they seem reasonable given the time period and circumstances?

I dunno, to be honest it's been so long since I played this chapter that I'm having difficulties remembering exactly what the Laruba were like...they didn't want to fight, I know that, and a lot of their people had been captured by the Reptites...I guess their defeated response was somewhat reasonable, given that their village had been burned to the ground and they didn't have the manpower necessary to confront the Reptites.

Do you have a favorite boss encounter at this point?

Hm. I liked fighting the monster that accompanied Azala in this chapter, because I was able to unleash massive damage using Crono and Ayla's combined lightning/physical attack.

Chapter 7

How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?

Ok so I realize that I answered the last chapter's final question with the boss of this chapter, but schmeeb. I need to get these chapter write-ups written so I can play some XIV before bed ok? :monster:
Anyway - Azala's refusal to join Ayla, Crono, et al - I was a little confused as to why Ayla was even offering to save Azala. Ayla has always been about fighting and being strong and winning and such, I didn't really gather she would be much of one for mercy when dealing with long-hated adversaries.

What do you think will happen to Zeal?

Plans to utilize the power of a great powerful entity, a queen whose personality has apparently changed overnight, a sketchy prophet, gurus who have vanished after opposing the queen's lust for power...I'd say they're doomed.

Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?

Seems like there's a running trend with tricksters gaining influence over royalty in this game.

Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?

You want me to make a decision? Maybe I can say which one I like least. Um...maybe. Future. Yeah, Future. Because it's so bleak and kind of featureless compared to the others. Also kind of junky. I dunno.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Hey, sorry everyone, especially Flint and Frog... Airling and I fell a bit behind. We have completed Chapter 6 and I think Chapter 7 as well, not one hundred percent sure, we just have to do the write-ups. We're hoping to also catch up more tonight.

As for the Skype thing, that'll be kind of hard for us as we're go to the family on Friday nights for dinner and stuff.


Chapter 7: The black wind howls

How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?
Oh dear, now I'm having to dig into my memory, because I played that part a few weeks back. Were we kind of the reason she summoned Lavos in the first place? She didn't really appear to have any plans to do so until we rocked up.

What do you think will happen to Zeal?
I know what happens to Zeal, but at the time I figured they would happily continue pompously living their I's-better-than-you lives.

Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?
I thought the queen was stupid, Schala was sweet, Janus was strange, and the prophet was Magus. Called it!

Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?
This is a really difficult question. Though I'm inclined to say Crono's time, because it feels homely.


Chapter 8 - The Wings of Time

Sorry, I'll probably post a few posts after each other to keep the chapters neat.

At the outset of the chapter, what sort of feelings do you harbor for the major players in the events in Zeal (the Queen, Schala, Janus, Dalton, etc)?
Seriously dislike Dalton and the queen by this point.

Do you like the newest addition to the crew? How much were you wanting such a member of the gang throughout the game?
Glad I read your explanation of this question first, otherwise I would have been quite confused.

It's very cool, but only really reaches it's full potential later. I never really had a problem with our way of travelling before though.

The Guru of Life's identity revealed! What was your reaction?
"Hey look! It's Melchior. Again."

How did you do in this chapter's boss fights? Have you had any wipes yet (game over)?
Surprisingly well! Haven't had a game over yet. I'm sort of shocked at this, because I usually suck a little (a lot) at boss fights, but I made sure to level my characters up a lot, so it must be paying off.

Have you been keeping up with Spekkio? :P
It's been a while since I could visit him, and when I did, I couldn't beat him.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Chapter 7: The black wind howls

[*]How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?

I was mildly surprised. It feels kind of like it's all our fault, but also like Azala wanted to anyway. I kind of feel sorry for/respect Azala, after her response being basically "may the best species win".

[*]What do you think will happen to Zeal?

I figured something would eventually happen to it, as it isn't there in the future, but I didn't think it would be so soon.

[*]Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?

The Prophet is Magus! Called it a bit later than Airling did :D. The Queen and Dalton are both arseholes, but Schala and Janus are cool.

[*]Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?

Hmm. I'd have to say the Ancient Past, 65'000'000BC, I don't even know why, it was just cool.

Chapter 8 - The Wings of Time

[*]At the outset of the chapter, what sort of feelings do you harbor for the major players in the events in Zeal (the Queen, Schala, Janus, Dalton, etc)?

See above :monster:

[*]Do you like the newest addition to the crew? How much were you wanting such a member of the gang throughout the game?

I love it! Ever since the dactyl ride I've been wanting some form of special transport.

[*]The Guru of Life's identity revealed! What was your reaction?

Melchior! I like Melchior.

[*]How did you do in this chapter's boss fights? Have you had any wipes yet (game over)?

I have not yet, although I've had a few close calls!

[*]Have you been keeping up with Spekkio? :P

Truth be told, no :D I have to go back and fight him again though, see what I can do now.

Chapter 9 - I've waited for this...

[*]How do you feel about magic as it is depicted in Chrono Trigger? In particular, what are your thoughts on the "haves vs. have-nots" in Antiquity?

This kind of reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Some can, some simply can't. Made me wonder as well what happened, who decided who can and can't...

[*]The Prophet revealed! Did you have any idea of who the mysterious figure might be?

I started guessing pretty soon. And at the cape, at the last moment before it was actually revealed, I guessed as well that Magus was Janus.

[*]Did the Ruby Knife's fate come as a shock to you? What thoughts do you have on the way they tied every time period together with it (save 2300 AD)?

It wasn't a shock, as such, but it was interesting to see Masa and Mune there, got me wondering, and it did surprise me. I do like that they are sort of the thread that goes throughout.

[*]How did you react to how things played out in Zeal? How do you feel about it now that you're done with the chapter?

I was super pissed.... CHROOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOO!!!!! So not cool. But okay, we go on. For VENGEANCE! And you know, saving the world and all that shit...

[*]How did your end of chapter play out at North Cape? Why?

First I tried to fight Magus, mostly for the giggles and the shitting, but my Frog was hideously under-trained, and got beaten after a few minutes of hard fighting. Then I loaded and just went with it. I guess I understand why he did what he did, as ridiculous as it all was.

[*]Where do we go from here, as the saying goes?



Pro Adventurer
If you Saffers can't do Friday, what other day would you suggest? Saturday's out for me as I'm visiting Kuroto with a few other friends.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Well my suggestion is rather keep it going on Friday. A) we're still catching up due to RL. B) we are busy tomorrow night, and we don't want to keep you out of it by making it Saturday, and Sunday is a bad idea because we're adults now and have to work :P.

So as much as we would love to be there for the last bit, we'd rather you guys keep going, we'll just do our write up afterwards.

In other words:



Pro Adventurer
Alright, I'll try to make it happen on Friday, but only if some other people say they're available for it. Otherwise we can wait until next week. But no longer - I'm itching to see the ending!


We have come to terms
Final chapter coming tomorrow!

The chapter writeup is going to be veeeeery simple. XD


We have come to terms
Chapter 12 - The Final Battle
20th Feb - ???? 2015

This is it. The finale. The end. The conclusion of our tale, and the moment that all we've been fighting for rides on.

When you're ready, you have two choices. Both will lead to the end of the game. Neither choice is wrong. Either use the bucket at The End of Time, or enter the Black Omen.

Good luck!

  • Which way did you go?
  • What party did you use? Why?
  • How did your battle go?
  • Thoughts and reactions on the ending?
  • Do you plan on seeing any of the other ~dozen endings?
  • Most importantly...did you have fun?


Pro Adventurer
I am going to finish this today (Saturday evening/night, European time). Is anyone ready to join me?

We have a problem finishing games on TLS. See also: Final Fantasy VII. :P I think I'll make a questionnaire or something to figure out what we can do to improve things in the future.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Oh man... We had mega RL things this last week and a bit, so we are still where we were last, just with loads more guilt :monster:

We will try to catch up, though!


Pro Adventurer
It's over.


Chapter 12 - The Final Battle

Which way did you go?
I went to the Black Omen in Antiquity. I just chose that time period because that's where it came from.

What party did you use? Why?
I used all my characters at various stages of this chapter. Crono-Lucca-Marle was my party for most of the Black Omen: Crono because of his consistent (Rainbow + Dragon's Tear) critical hits, Lucca because of her occasional (Wondershot + Prism Specs) amazing hits and Marle because of her healing abilities. I didn't actually need to heal that much, but since I never knew when a boss fight was around the corner, I thought I'd play it safe by keeping her in my party.

For Lavos's Attack Modes, I mixed my party up, trying to use the characters that I associated with the bosses in question, e.g. Ayla for Azala and Black Tyranno. I think I used Crono-Magus-Lucca for the final battle with the shell. Once I was inside, I switched to Crono-Marle-Robo simply because of Lifeline, their triple tech. Again, safety first, as I didn't know how tough the upcoming fights would be. They weren't that hard in the end and Robo's magic defence meant I had to heal him a lot more than I would have done if I had kept Lucca in my party, but that's a lesson learnt for next time. At least his Rapid-Fire First came in handy, doing about 2k damage a pop.

How did your battle go?
I'm going to assume you mean the final battle. One of the recurring patterns in this game's boss fights has been "kill the auxiliary parts before focusing on the main part". That served me well in both stages of the fight, particularly in the second one. It was almost disappointingly easy, and my characters were only levels 49 and 50. I guess all the items and techs I had picked up through the sidequests were too strong for it. It almost made me long for Giga Gaia again. I'll look back on those handful of Game Overs fondly, since they were pretty much the only ones I had in the game, and I do like a challenge.

Thoughts and reactions on the ending?
I was a little disappointed, for the most part. I was hoping for more dialogue, more reflecting on everything that happened, instead of a silly-looking parade. I guess that's one of the problems with having a silent protagonist. The anime that played at the end was good, though. Although a couple of the anime segments have been a bit odd, they've mostly been a good addition to the game. All things considered, I'm glad I chose to play the DS version.

Do you plan on seeing any of the other ~dozen endings?
For sure. I'll either start a new game or choose New Game+. My only concern with the latter is that it'll be too easy. I suppose I could watch them on Youtube as well, but that wouldn't be as much fun, would it?

Most importantly...did you have fun?
Loads! I will write a proper review of the game soon, but for now I just want to thank you, Frog, for running this playthrough so well. I would never have been able to come up with interesting questions like you have. This is the first time I've handed over responsibility for running an event since becoming Community Manager and I can only say that I'm completely satisfied with how it went. More than satisfied, in fact. I think it's a model we should use again in the future, especially if our next community playthrough is also for a game I haven't played before. I just hope you've enjoyed running it! :)

PS. I realise I didn't post a write-up for chapter 11, but that's because I had already started to discuss it before the chapter details were posted. Needless to say, I completed all the sidequests.


Double Growth
I'm playing, I'm playing! (while I'm posting this at once, I filled out the answers as I played)

Chapter 7: The black wind howls
28th Jan - ??? 2015

How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?

A little surprising (And Tyrano looked cool). How exactly did she know what effect Lavos' impact would have on the planet? I also never knew about the similarity that Jenova and Lavos shared.

Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?

Very intriguing, obviously untrustworthy - the super ominous music everywhere doesn't help. I'm curious as to who the Prophet is. It could be some puppet/form of Lavos? Or another time traveler that specifically knew about Crono et. al. Magus, maybe? Oh, and what makes Dalton such a badass? Just who the hell does he think I am?

Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?

Well, Zeal seems pretty cool, actually. I mean, they're dicks and all, but the flying islands and mountains chained to the ground is nothing to sneeze at.

Chapter 8 - The Wings of Time

At the outset of the chapter, what sort of feelings do you harbor for the major players in the events in Zeal (the Queen, Schala, Janus, Dalton, etc)?

I was having trouble making heads or tails of Schala when first introduced, and I'm still not sure about Janus, but she seems good. (And I finally know the source of SchalaKitty's name :monster:)
As I said before, is Dalton badass for any reason besides they told us so? That golem was hard, of course (I lost). And why can he can he stop us from attacking by threatening to kill Schala when they JUST told us that the Queen's fancy machine won't work without her. He obviously can't kill her.

Do you like the newest addition to the crew? How much were you wanting such a member of the gang throughout the game?

Such a member of the gang? What do you mean?

The Guru of Life's identity revealed! What was your reaction?

Pretty neat, it was a weird exchange when Frog recognized him but he didn't. Makes sense though, I guess - apart from time travel paradoxes, of course.

How did you do in this chapter's boss fights? Have you had any wipes yet (game over)?

This game got hard, yo. Giga Gaia was repeatedly wiping the floor with me, even once I knew I had to take out the left arm. I just couldn't stay healthy enough for long enough to kill it. After beefing everyone up with HP-Up accessories I managed to take out the arm the first time which allowed me to attack the boss and from then Crono's, Frog's, and Marle's bitchin Triple Tech could take it out in one shot whenever he restored it. Seriously, that move is really badass.
Then the GolemTwins. As I said I wasn't able to beat the one Golem, so the two of them were nigh impossible. I was at a total loss. I learned that they were vulnerable to sleep. So I was able to cheese my way through it by having Lucca repeatedly cast Hypno while Crono and Frog used Spire over and over.
I was happy, at least, that Dalton was as much of a pushover as he looked. (and Frog deflecting his first fireball was awesome. I love this guy - even if that happens no matter who your party leader is)

Have you been keeping up with Spekkio? :P I guess this means I should be? I mean, I saw he was a beefier-looking monster, but I didn't engage him.

Chapter 9 - I've waited for this...

How do you feel about magic as it is depicted in Chrono Trigger? In particular, what are your thoughts on the "haves vs. have-nots" in Antiquity?

It's interesting, I like it. There's no denying their accomplishments with it, although I'm not sure why they force the have-nots to live on the surface. Even if they're treated poorly, couldn't you use magic to house them? I guess they don't want to use up their sunstone's power supporting them?

The Prophet revealed! Did you have any idea of who the mysterious figure might be?

Well, as you can see, he was one of my guesses :P (I did not see Janus->Magus coming, however)

Did the Ruby Knife's fate come as a shock to you? What thoughts do you have on the way they tied every time period together with it (save 2300 AD)?

It happened quickly, so it took a little process, also very cool. Doesn't help with the paradox stuff, though...if the Gurus were sent into other time periods when the appearence of Lavos occurred withOUT my presence, but the Masamune was formed because I WAS were both things true in the middle ages? (Melchior AND the Masamune being present?)

How did you react to how things played out in Zeal? How do you feel about it now that you're done with the chapter?

Definitely the most fun chapter yet. Now I'm really beginning to see why this game is so lauded. The way all the time periods connect was really impressively done.

How did your end of chapter play out at North Cape? Why?

Well, absent Crono, Frog became my party-leader. Like a good role-player, when Magus offered Frog the chance to settle up, I took it. Afterwards, I realized that if I wanted him on party I couldn't do that (I didn't actually know he joins your party at all, but that you asked made me curious). So I reloaded and fixed that. Nevertheless, it's good to know that Frog kicked his ass in one-on-one combat ;)

It's impressive you can have such an effect on your party like that, though. It's an even more extreme version of not waiting for Shadow. It's rather Mass Effect-y, actually.

Where do we go from here, as the saying goes?

To the End of Time to out that other Guru, I suppose.
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