Chrono Trigger community playthrough


We're catching up too^_^. This week's been pretty rough.

Edit: I need you guyses help with a deep, moral problem I'm facing. I seriously love having Lucca in my party. It feels empty and useless without her. But as B points out, we may or may not end up fighting Lavos. Keeping a fire elemental in my party and spending magic tabs on her may end up being useless. But I can't bear carrying on without her! Advice please, more-knowledgeable-than-me-concerning-the-game friends!
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We have come to terms
Why would she be useless fighting Lavos? Ignore what the name implies, it's just a name :P

There's also ways to earn more Magic Tabs in the game (hint: Spekkio changes form every ten levels you gain!), so it's no worry at all.

As requested, though, there will be no target this weekend to give people time to catch up. If they need extra time, we could theoretically hold it until Friday, but that'd be as far as I think we could pause.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Chapter 6 - Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!
Did you enjoy your jaunt through the castle?

It was... weird. Pretty creepy at times. Easy as hell to beat, though.

[*]Flea, Slash, and Ozzie - thoughts?

Slash was dead easy, just kept hitting him with x slash and having Marle heal.

Flea... Flea was probably the trickiest to get my head around, I guess, but as soon as I figured her out and focused on keeping my health up to a good level, she turned into the same fight as Slash, in terms of my techniques.

Ozzie. Ozzie was just an asshat. But easy, all told.

[*]What do you think of the Laruba/Ioka cultural differences? Do they seem reasonable given the time period and circumstances?

I'm not sure they are reasonable. Assuming these were "cave-people" as it were, it makes no sense for them to be pacifist. Besides, the reptites clearly don't care, and want to kill everything, so you might as well go down swinging.

On a side note, Ayla can use words like "perish", but hasn't got a grip on prepositions and pronouns. I find this amusing. :D

[*]Do you have a favorite boss encounter at this point? (Flint, this does not include what was in the bucket :P)

Hmm. I'm not sure, tbh. Masa and Mune were a fun fight. Actually all of them were. I struck it lucky with Magus's weaknesses, and just owned him in about 6 or 7 rounds. But none of the bosses really stand out more than the others. Ozzie just kind of, I guess. I didn't like him, and the final fight was a disappointment. Though I suspect he's just a whiny little bitch anyway, no real power, maybe he lied his way up to be Magus's number two.


Chapter 6

Did you enjoy your jaunt through the castle?
It was all good, and easy, and it was fun to use Fire 2 on everything. And then one starts chasing Ozzie and get to that falling blade part... I'm pretty bad at timing things like that. And the music was fitting, but depressing most of the time.
Frog said:
Flea, Slash, and Ozzie - thoughts?
Why are they so dedicated to Magus?

The fights themselves were easy. Perhaps because I'm probably over levelled, what with spending an unnecessary amount of time on the hunting range.
Frog said:
What do you think of the Laruba/Ioka cultural differences? Do they seem reasonable given the time period and circumstances?
I think in the kind of world they live in, the Leruba would not have survived without Ayla and the Ioka. Assuming they survive. It's survival of the fittest, and they're... cowards, like me.
Frog said:
Do you have a favorite boss encounter at this point

I enjoyed the fight with the R Series robots, because revenge:awesome:. And Fire Whirl made it a pretty easy fight, despite being a man down.

Other notes:
I persevered and kicked Spekkio's butt again.
I'm a little confused on what our status concerning Magus currently is. He seems to have actually spared us and brought us here to get rid of Lavos. Probably to save his own ass, but still.


Great Old One
Awrite I'm working on chapter 5 now, but might as well just type up the three before that:

Chapter 2

Now that you've seen what happens to Crono at Guardia Castle, what do you think - is anything in the game familiar to you now, considering that Chrono Trigger is 20 years old? (extra points to Roger for seeing this coming)
I have a feeling what you're hinting at is the similarities to Final Fantasy VI, which to me was obvious when I first played these games ~6 years ago, as I started with CT and then went on to VI. (I haven't read the rest of the responses regarding all of this. I should. :P)

What was your verdict, and why?

From watching speedruns I know that if you do nothing, there's still a 50% chance to get "guilty" - it's the third or fourth guy who makes the verdict, the rest are pre set.

How do you feel about the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Arris Dome - it this something you see as reasonable, possibly even something you might yourself do in their situation?
I don't know - for me it's hard to say much as I live the ultimate über comfortable life. I'd probably guess them to be more religious. (?)

Do you have a favorite character so far, and why (whether you do or not!)?
I've always been a sucker for Frog, but I also like Lucca. Hell, I like all of them : D

Chapter 3

-Did you enjoy the minigame? :P
No more or less than I enjoy the bike minigame in VII... what I DO enjoy through, is the faking-3D effects at the start of it. Mucho utilising what the SNES could do. Very impressive.

-Describe your reaction to the scene immediately before this chapter's (primary) boss fight.
Ehhmm... who was that again? Oh - right. Ah, I hate how they beat up on poor !spoiler!. And it's like it's not just one wave, they just keep going XD

-Did you get lost in the Factory Ruins?
Not this time, strangely enough. I sort of did the two quests in the reverse order, but that doesn't matter.

...or, like some people (me...sigh), did you save your game and resume later, only to forget what you were doing and what you had and had not done, causing you to have to go back and redo the entire area?
You know, there were a few things I needed help with in the next chapter, but I'll cover that in the next one.

Chapter 4

How did you fare against Spekkio?
Used Chrono, Robo and Lucca, took him down without much trouble. Got some nice rewards. Also, lol, if you take Robo, and Chrono and Lucca gets their magic in turn... haha!! Poor Robo XD

I took Marle next to teach her magic, but I didn't fight Spekkio again.

This chapter had a bit more legwork as far as figuring out where to go and what to do, and it's up to the player to figure it out. How'd you do?
I ran into some problems. One, and I guess I was just lazy - I didn't know where to go after getting the first part of the Masamune, so I briefly looked up that you have to go to the forest. And then I hooplad' around the forest like two times before finding Frog's lair. Derp.

Then I had problems finding the portal in 600 AD, and THEN I had problems finding the one in 1000 AD (Medina (sp?) Village) as well. (The CLOSET? Oh okay.)

The rest was just 'keep going east'.

When you heard about the Hero, what was your reaction/what were your thoughts on the subject?
Didn't really pay that much attention, to be honest. Guess it's because 'Tata' didn't mean anything to me / I didn't remember that name from my previous playthrough many years ago.

What sort of party did you use throughout the chapter, and did you change party members at any point? If so, how frequently?
Good question! I like gameplay q's.

I use Robo/Crono/Lucca. Robo is a decent tank and can heal, plus I kept using him + Lucca's "Fire Punch" which was really effective. I gave Lucca a Speed and Magic tab, since she and Robo were at 6 speed and Crono at 12. (!) Not sure who I'll end up using later in the game - I've seen people use the party I'm using right now for end bosses, but then again I was relying on Marle's Haste for my own game, so... I dunno. Spekkio revealed Robo will have a Shadow element to his techs at some point... which sounds handy.

I guess I should level Marle as well though.


We have come to terms
When I refer to things familiar throughout CT, I'm actually asking if anyone is noticing the enormous effect this single game had on a lot of games that have come since then. It's one of the best-selling games ever made (well...the original was, hence the ~5 ports :P), and developers would be foolish not to take note of the things it did and emulate some of the concepts.

I'm really looking forward to the possibility of a sidequests chapter, as there is a certain point in the game where about 10 sidequests open up, varying in length from short to fairly long, which are fun, amusing, emotional, interesting, profitable, and definitely highlight this point.



Pro Adventurer
I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter because I already played ahead a little bit. I hope I didn't go too far. :monster:


Great Old One
Chapter 5

Now that we're a good way in, how are you enjoying the game thus far?
It's just as cool as I remember it :monster:

Speaking of enjoyment, this chapter has some of my favorite music pieces in the game. Do you have any favorites?
I love the BC 65,000,000 dancing theme :D Don't know why. It just speaks to me. And, of course, the Masamune/Frog theme is orsm.

Did you spend time in the Hunting Ground? If so, did you find the special enemy?
I tried, but it never showed up. I did get enough stuff to buy 3 weapons and a piece of armour though. I equipped it to Lucca. And then I visited Talbot and got her Talbot's helm, so now she's fairly well equipped. Crono has the armour I got on the way - can't remember its name but it's really decent.

What are your thoughts on the Reptites, particularly after meeting Azala?
Well, they're kind of the humans of the game? :lol:

How do you feel about the flashback sequence?
My feeeeels, as usual. And I love how it sets Magus up as a villain :monster:


We have come to terms
Right, so.

Does anyone still need time to catch up, or should we continue?


I have to do a little catching up (I think I just have one chapter to play right now) but I plan to do that one day after work this week, so I should be good!


Double Growth
Chapter 6 - Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!
Did you enjoy your jaunt through the castle?

Well, at first. The wandering people was a cool touch, it really did have the vibe of the lair of a wizard, and the boss fights were tough, but fun. But it was a bit long. And the room with Ozzie repeatedly dropping you was really starting to piss me off.

Flea, Slash, and Ozzie - thoughts?

Slash was cool (and lol, slush), and him grabbing that sword off the wall was yet another instance of really nice animations in this game.
Flea was the hardest of the fights, for me, I had to chew through the majority of my MidTonics and a few revives as well. Freaking status effects.
Ozzie can go to hell. I'm glad after all the bullshit it was easy to dispatch him so quickly.

What do you think of the Laruba/Ioka cultural differences? Do they seem reasonable given the time period and circumstances?

The parallel between the Laruba and the people of the future is interesting. Though the people of the future have greater reason to be that way. In Ayla's time, I think she's right that banding together could defeat enemies. At least nature itself isn't inhospitable at this point, but it's not like the Laruba have that point of comparison, either.

Do you have a favorite boss encounter at this point? (Flint, this does not include what was in the bucket :P)

Definitely Magus. Maybe it was just because I was really on top of that battle from the start, but it was fun. He kept setting his barrier to Shadow which was annoying since I didn't have Robo on my team. But the Masamune weaking his MDef and using SwordStream when he's weak to water. (Also, Marle/Frog's Water Ice is awesome in random encounters.)
Then, when he "Risk[ed] casting a spell," I had Marle lay Haste on everyone and Crono and Frog slammed him with X Strike in rapid succession until he fell.

All caught up! :monster:


I'm so behind it's not even funny, :monster:. Off course, trying to play it in bed before sleep probably isn't the best approach. I restarted it on my phone and occasionally play it in the train. I got past the first bosses (the snake biotches?) today, :monster:


We have come to terms
Chapter 7: The black wind howls
28th Jan - ??? 2015

Our tale continues with the party about to assault the dread Tyrano Lair. However, things are not always as they seem, as the group will soon learn...

Our target for this chapter is...right where we left off last time :P


  • How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?
  • What do you think will happen to Zeal?
  • Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?
  • Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?
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Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I tell you that the Lavos timeline is a fan theory and not official... so you quote me the Lavos timeline?

The timeline that doesn't provide any source or explanation for why it thinks Magus dies in its timeline?

Going by what the game has shown us and something that happens later. It's pretty clear what would've happened if Magus kept going.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Going by what the game has shown us and something that happens later. It's pretty clear what would've happened if Magus kept going.

The question is would it have happened in 600AD or would Magus have been chucked through time and then the thing happened.

btw we're totally doing Chrono Cross after this, right?



Only if we have to get all 44 characters.


We have come to terms
Only if we have to get all 44 characters.
show me someone who doesn't do this and I'll show you a blood sacrifice to kali



also, I feel bad for anyone who takes pierre in their first playthrough


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I need to catch up with responses to this thread. Unfortunately I've discovered I don't remember the game as well as I was hoping I did.


Pro Adventurer
I need to catch up with responses to this thread. Unfortunately I've discovered I don't remember the game as well as I was hoping I did.
I don't blame you; I played chapter 7 last week and I'm already struggling to remember it. :monster: Here goes, though:

Chapter 7: The black wind howls
How do you feel about the way things come to a head in the Tyrano Lair (especially regarding Azala)?
I suppose I was a bit surprised, but Squaresoft/Square Enix tend to put at least one "honorable in defeat" boss in all their RPGs. Dyne in FFVII came to mind - "look after Marlene" vs. "look after the planet".

What do you think will happen to Zeal?
Because you asked that question, I think it's going to be obliterated. :P I don't know what I think would have happened otherwise. I guess it's inevitable considering they have technology that isn't available in the present. Something must happen that causes the knowledge of that technology to be lost. I haven't quite figured out exactly what the Queen is hoping to achieve with Lavos, but I expect that's got something to do with their demise.

Speaking of Zeal, do you have any thoughts on its rather large cast of characters, particularly the Prophet?
Not really. I'm interested to know why Schala put so much faith in Crono's party. Just a hunch? Maybe she had decided the Prophet was not to be trusted, so when he warned of their arrival, she knew to help them.

Now that we've visited them all, do you have a favorite time period? Why?
This one (Antiquity), for the music! I like the events of the Middle Ages as well.
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