Teiocho has PM'ed me with an idea for an article that she originally wanted to write, but is currently unable to write herself. Here's what she suggested:
This seemed like a great idea to me, but I thought that before I invested a lot of time in it, I should make sure that what she had in mind didn't already exist somewhere else. I did a google search for "FFVII common misconceptions" and it led me to the Gamefaqs Forums, which provided the following tidbits:
A mini-series of articles or just one big long one about 'Common Fan Misconceptions' that still hang around till this day. I'm thinking things like Johnny being a childhood friend of Cloud and Tifa's, President Shinra being at the Honeybee Inn and who the voice talking to Cloud really is. Shademp has written a few articles sort of like this such as his 'What is the name of FFVII’s planet?' and 'Origins of the Shera.'
This seemed like a great idea to me, but I thought that before I invested a lot of time in it, I should make sure that what she had in mind didn't already exist somewhere else. I did a google search for "FFVII common misconceptions" and it led me to the Gamefaqs Forums, which provided the following tidbits:
You're chasing Sephiroth during disc 1 and the beginning of disc 2.
-No, you're chasing Jenova (minus her head) who has taken the shape of Sephiroth. This is why you fight Jenova-BIRTH, LIFE, and DEATH. When you meet Jenova in the cargo ship, for example, she leaves an arm behind, which mutates into a monster (Jenova-BIRTH). It is also Jenova that kills Aerith, right before another part of her mutates into Jenova-LIFE.I knew this but hadn't thought it through.
Jenova is the real villain
-No, it is pretty obvious that Sephiroth is the one in control. He's sitting in the crater the entire game, making all the Jenova cells that are scattered all over the planet come to him to reunite. This includes Cloud's Jenova cells (and therefor Cloud himself, obviously) and the main body which was being kept in the Shinra HQ. He also makes them bring him the Black Materia.
I remember we had a big debate at one point - was it Mr Ite versus everyone else? - on whether Jenova was the real villain and Sephiroth just a cipher, or vice versa. This argument clinches it for me: Sephiroth is making the clones, and jenova, come to him, rather than Jenova making them all come to her.
The voices in Cloud's head are Jenova/Sephiroth/Zack/Tifa
-No, they're the "real Cloud" (with Cloud's real memories) speaking to "Jenova Cloud" (with Zack's memories).
Is this true? I assumed the voices were Cloud's memories of conversations with Zack.
There's a "Common Misconceptions" link on the Citadel, but no information was ever added to it and it's not live.
So, what do you think? if you guys are willing to contribute any common misconceptions you know to this thread, I'll take the list and write an article.
Here's my two to start us off:
1. Rufus was in Junon when his father was killed.
2. Genesis is a sympathetic character.