Thanks to Tenshin's amazing work it is far easier to make observations from the content of the beta manual. I can't recall if I mentioned this earlier but this bit from page 24 of the manual remains a favorite section due to what it clears up.
バインド(移動不可) リレイズ(死亡時復活)
フラッシュ(画面やきつき) アレイズ(死亡時復活、HPMAX)
[Google Translate]
Status abnormalities and icons
Bind (unable to move) Re-raise (resurrection at the time of death)
Flash (screen flash) Raise (Resurrection on Death, HPMAX)
There is no evidence of the "Bind" status effect ever being used but it does add context to the unused
Bind Materia which has no functionality on the game disc. The Flash effect wouldn't be used until the 2006 era of the online multiplayer but we don't know if the icon for this "status effect" was ever used. Although the Flash Materia doesn't do anything in the offline game I'm still holding out hope that the memory for getting it to work exists somewhere on the game disc, waiting to be re-implemented. I distinctly recall unlocking the 2D status icons for Bind and Flash in the past but somehow I've lost those snapshots.
EDIT: Okay here they are in
this post.
Moving on to something completely different, it seems weird in hindsight that I didn't realize how many of the addresses I found for Dirge of Cerberus were actually Float variables. For example I kept using 4-byte (or sometimes 8-byte) Integers for Vincent's running speed, jump height etc and didn't question how oddly high and arbitrary the values seemed to be. Knowing now that these are Float variables, adjusting- and finding values is far more elegant.
The address and value for Vincent's running speed in the Japanese Original had long eluded me but now I know it's a Float variable with a value of 50. In developer interviews- and announcements it was said that Vincent's running speed was increased by 1.2 for later releases. This is correct: Vincent's running speed post-JORG is 60.
When Vincent's running speed is further increased in the Extra Missions "Vincent the Beast" and "Two-Handed" it is changed from 60 to 100. If you want to phase through electromagnetic barriers you'll want to change the speed to 1500 or higher.
Playing further with floats I found and adjusted values for aim-zoom, both with scope and without.
Zoom-in values for different scopes:
Sniper Scope [Single Player] - 8
Sniper Scope [Multiplayer] - 6
OS5 [Sniper Scope+] - 3
OS6 [Sniper Scope-] - 8
This matches in-game observations that the degree of zoom between offline Sniper Scope and the online Sniper Scope- (minus) are the same.
The lower the value, the deeper the zoom. Ergo at value 0 you'll be zooming into the very edges of the map, seeing either blackness or flickering textures. Will you see Vincent if you lower the depth of the zoom enough? No. Everything from where Vincent is standing and behind is a huge blind spot.
Increasing the zoom value stretches the perspective into infinity until everything is black...and increasing the value further (or going below 0) has visibility return...but everything is turned upside down (or more precisely, everything is rotated 180 degrees).
So that's humorous and analogous to real-life lens physics.
In adjacent addresses I could also adjust the no-scope aim to set it wherever I want, even without using the analog sticks. Convenient for if you want to explore areas from afar and even check their appearances before being properly loaded.