Demon's Souls


Harbinger O Great Justice
lol, its a crazy concept. When a Black Phantom invades your game, you jsut get a message telling you that your world has been invaded. But you don't know where the invader is and he doesn't know where you are, just that you're both in the same 'level'. You can hunt for him or try to hide and ambush him or just go about your business (which is what I tend to do). Sometimes they fall to their own death without you ever seeing them :monster: There's also no headset support or text chat, only a handful of emotes (like the bowing), which goes a long way to keeping you in the moment.

There's also a ring I believe that makes you harder to see for a Black Phantom.

How do you emote things?

There's a Miracle that makes you harder to see.


My little brother (who was visiting from Washinton when I started), just bought Demon's Souls, so he can play it on his roommate's PS3. Totally makes my day. I'm excited to see what kind of character he starts. :D

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

• Slayed the Red Dragon.
First tower, +7 Composite Shortbow, no problem.
• I haven't tested the path on the right, because
It involves falling. A LOT. The left path seems MUCH less long now that I'm confident with it.
• FUCK Flamelurker.
I got all the way down, and equipped a fire ring, as per suggestion from the notes on the ground. I got him down to about half health, when he knocked me back, and managed to kill me. The fight was ugly. Lots of running, targeting to attack, untargeting to run, and spamming Square for Late Moon Grass.

I checked a guide for suggestions to watch his hands learn his attacks, and that magic weapons do well. I went back, used a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes, and summoned a blue phantom. (No cling ring, so he was at ~1/4 health). Forgot to use Sticky White Stuff, and entered the mist.

Fired a bow shot off to begin the battle, my Blue Phantom took aggro, got a couple hits with his massive sword, and was killed. Took Flamelurker to about 1/2 health. I repeated my desperate tactic from before, and managed to slay him. I didn't feel as good about this kill, because it was a MESS, and I really only managed to half kill him.
• Gave Ed the soul, and forged the Lava Bow. I'm not sure how I feel about this bow, now that I've made it. It LOOKS fucking sweet though. I had to use the upgrades to raise my Dex to 16 to be able to use it. The +100 fire damage is nice, but not all enemies catch fire, and it's base damage is 25 lower than my bow WAS, and the Strength benefits aren't as good. I was one-shotting the Worms AND Crystal Lizards in 2-2 with my +7 composite short bow, and I'm going to go test it on them next to see how it fares. I'm hoping that I didn't just sacrifice a Demon Soul for a downgrade. :\
• Overall, stressful, but it's interesting how comfortable / familiar the levels get once you've gotten the hang of traversing them and have bested their Demon. 2-1 & 2-2 isn't nearly as frightening as it was the other day.

X :neo:


Double Growth
Yeah it is very good at giving you a sense of progress. But you're really doing well, you've already passed me in some places :P


X's Brother
So yes, X told me I should post since I'd started playing.

Started a wanderer, mostly on the basic that he starts with a scimitar and thats niffty, no complaints with the class thus far, got slightly better armor from the Dregling Merchant which has helped, still using mostly the curved sword, my alt is a spear right now. I tend to use both 1h with a shield, and after watching my brother, I exploit the bow for all its worth.
As such, I've killed the bosses in 1-1/2 and 2-1, killed the red dragon in 1-2 with the 1-1 boss being the only one I meleed, as its before you get the bow. Kinda feel like I'm looking stuff up online to much, I'm afraid of it ruining my game experience in some ways.
But at the same time there the unasked for pvp. Makes me feel like I'm not looking online to min/max enough.

My thought is that I would like to be able to play online passively, see/leave messages, bloodstains, I think thats fun, blue phantoms seem useful, but today I had my first experience with a black phantom, oh my god.


So! At the start of 2-2, had explored a bit, messed up a crystal lizard, and reset the level to get it right, so I was near the entrance when I got invaded. Thought, 'Ok I got this, I've pvped before in other games, not gonna take this lying down, I'll just wait for him, and try to blitz him down, have a little fun, learn something, he shouldn't be that good at this soul level'
Stood around a corner where I could twist my view to watch the approach, saw him block out the light, and knew he was coming. He ran right into my trap and I managed to jump him, get some good hits in, traded blows a bit was feeling ok. Then he switches to the Scraping Spear. (this already means he's further than me as its a demon soul weapon and you have to kill the 2-2 boss to get at those)
With it you can:
A) Attack while guarding, being that its a spear, which makes it hard already, as the curved swords don't have a guard break shove attack and...
B) the best part. It does fucking damage to your durability. Even if you guard.

So within a few hits he destroys my main weapon. I'm now freaking out, I don't know whats happening, and I start playing bad, trying to think. He proceeds to then break my shield, backup weapon, and all my armor, and kill me. So I now have no souls, am dead, and have to try to get back to my 5000 or souls I had on me with a broken weapon, no shield and essentially no armor. While I did managed to do, 13dmg at a time. Even after that I have to stop progressing and farm for a while, as my final bill just to repair it all was over 13,000 souls. I don't think I've ever been that angry at a game.
When I looked online and saw what the spear did, and what had happened, I couldn't believe it. I literally cannot imagine why they would put something that did that in a pvp game where you lose your money upon dying, and therefore can't repair anything.... and you need to be repair your gear to able to fight to ... get your money back... to repair your stuff.... *RAGE*

And really if you were likely to run into people actually on the same part of the learning curve as you were on, it would be alright, but thats hard to control and there's always those min/maxing assholes out there that make it so hard to just find regular ass people to play with. And they're the ones how stay around games, so given how long its been out, thats most of what's likely to be left *sigh*

*guh* venting!

But I'll probably just keep playing, as much as body form being partially detrimental annoys me, its a fun game, and at least if I get better I can maybe be a prick and do the same thing to some other poor soul.


Double Growth
Well black phantoms do have to be within 10 soul levels of you, but yeah, they could have better equipment. As I said before, there are few things more satisfying that killing a black phantom. And as the game progresses Souls start to become a lot more prevalent. I didn't believe it myself when people kept telling me, but they did.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Update again:

• Upgraded my shit. I found that I had another Halberd just sitting around with Thomas, and managed to turn it into a +5 Dragon Halberd in very little time (and I still have another Pure Dragonstone). I also have my +4 Crushing Mirdan Hammer which will slowly come to replace it as my Strength goes up. (Finding a Pure Greystone to make it a +5 seems like it's going to be a royal pain in the ass, since it's either going to involve making another weapon and showing it to someone, or just farming the Worms until they decide to hand it over).
• Got claw-smashed by the Dragon God, and found out I can't snipe him from the hallway. I'm going to wait around and see if I can plan something else, but I'm going to leave him be for now.
• Got killed by another Black Phantom, because I didn't realize that the Invasions deactivated Archstones. :awesome: I'm fully prepared to be fighting them now. I've got more upgraded weaponry, and the (rather) bothersome thing is that as long as I don't upgrade my Soul Level, and just sink the $ into my equipment, I'm better built to handle them.
• Started 3-1. Fuck this place's creepy.
I have yet to have been hit by a Mind Flayer. My Lava Bow will 2 shot them, and If I'm being cautious, my Dragon Halberd. I've been scared into fighting them cautiously because of the frightening as hell bloodstains everywhere: Arching back slightly and twitching, floating slowly upwards, gut-punched in mid-air, then drop to the ground dead. Yeah, fuck dying like that. Luckily I just have to listen for their little bells to hear if there are any prowling around.
I found the singing Merchant lady, holy shit her face is fucking scary. I know there's a mask, but her fact is still messed up. This place keeps getting more terrifying. Poisoning is mildly annoying, but luckily not TOO many enemies have it yet. There was some huge mass of something in the darkness that shot explosive Soul Arrows or something. Never got a good look at it. Thought that I'd be able to duck behind the columsn to avoid the crossbow machine, but didn't work, and I didn't manage to get out of the way in time, and died.
• Farmed 50,000 Souls to get the ring that gives you more souls per kill.
• I'm probably gonna go back through 2-2, and climb up the pitfall path, for all the treasure, etc that I hadn't picked up. Now that I'm a soul, and I don't really have anything to lose by falling, like I did before when I was alive again.

• Also -INB4 my little brother: /jealous at you for finding an exploit for Flamelurker and coming out unscathed (thanks to a message left behind).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Do you have to use a shield to deal with the Crossbow wall of death, or is there another way around it, since the *duck and cover behind the pillars* tactic didn't work?

X :neo:


Double Growth
You have to go around the other side of the level, there's a switch that turns it off up in a tower, iirc.
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